atl thunk源码

// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the	
// Active Template Library product.

#ifndef __ATLSTDTHUNK_H__
#define __ATLSTDTHUNK_H__

#pragma once

#pragma push_macro("malloc")
#undef malloc
#pragma push_macro("realloc")
#undef realloc
#pragma push_macro("free")
#undef free
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
#pragma push_macro("HeapAlloc")
#undef HeapAlloc
#pragma push_macro("HeapFree")
#undef HeapFree
#pragma push_macro("GetProcessHeap")
#undef GetProcessHeap


namespace ATL

// Thunks for __stdcall member functions

#if defined(_M_IX86)
PVOID __stdcall __AllocStdCallThunk(VOID);
VOID  __stdcall __FreeStdCallThunk(PVOID);

#pragma pack(push,1)
struct _stdcallthunk
	DWORD   m_mov;          // mov dword ptr [esp+0x4], pThis (esp+0x4 is hWnd)
	DWORD   m_this;         //
	BYTE    m_jmp;          // jmp WndProc
	DWORD   m_relproc;      // relative jmp
	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
		m_mov = 0x042444C7;  //C7 44 24 0C
		m_this = PtrToUlong(pThis);
		m_jmp = 0xe9;
		m_relproc = DWORD((INT_PTR)proc - ((INT_PTR)this+sizeof(_stdcallthunk)));
		// write block from data cache and
		//  flush from instruction cache
		FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	//some thunks will dynamically allocate the memory for the code
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
	void* operator new(size_t)
        return __AllocStdCallThunk();
    void operator delete(void* pThunk)
#pragma pack(pop)

#elif defined(_M_AMD64)
PVOID __AllocStdCallThunk(VOID);
VOID  __FreeStdCallThunk(PVOID);
#pragma pack(push,2)
struct _stdcallthunk
    USHORT  RcxMov;         // mov rcx, pThis
    ULONG64 RcxImm;         // 
    USHORT  RaxMov;         // mov rax, target
    ULONG64 RaxImm;         //
    USHORT  RaxJmp;         // jmp target
    BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void *pThis)
        RcxMov = 0xb948;          // mov rcx, pThis
        RcxImm = (ULONG64)pThis;  // 
        RaxMov = 0xb848;          // mov rax, target
        RaxImm = (ULONG64)proc;   //
        RaxJmp = 0xe0ff;          // jmp rax
        FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	//some thunks will dynamically allocate the memory for the code
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
	void* operator new(size_t)
        return __AllocStdCallThunk();
    void operator delete(void* pThunk)
#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined (_M_ALPHA)
// For ALPHA we will stick the this pointer into a0, which is where
// the HWND is.  However, we don't actually need the HWND so this is OK.
#pragma pack(push,4)
struct _stdcallthunk //this should come out to 20 bytes
	DWORD ldah_at;      //  ldah    at, HIWORD(func)
	DWORD ldah_a0;      //  ldah    a0, HIWORD(this)
	DWORD lda_at;       //  lda     at, LOWORD(func)(at)
	DWORD lda_a0;       //  lda     a0, LOWORD(this)(a0)
	DWORD jmp;          //  jmp     zero,(at),0
	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
		ldah_at = (0x279f0000 | HIWORD(proc)) + (LOWORD(proc)>>15);
		ldah_a0 = (0x261f0000 | HIWORD(pThis)) + (LOWORD(pThis)>>15);
		lda_at = 0x239c0000 | LOWORD(proc);
		lda_a0 = 0x22100000 | LOWORD(pThis);
		jmp = 0x6bfc0000;
		// write block from data cache and
		//  flush from instruction cache
		FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined(_SH3_)
#pragma pack(push,4)
struct _stdcallthunk // this should come out to 16 bytes
	WORD	m_mov_r0;		// mov.l	pFunc,r0
	WORD	m_mov_r1;		// mov.l	pThis,r1
	WORD	m_jmp;			// jmp		@r0
	WORD	m_nop;			// nop
	DWORD	m_pFunc;
	DWORD	m_pThis;
	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
		m_mov_r0 = 0xd001;
		m_mov_r1 = 0xd402;
		m_jmp = 0x402b;
		m_nop = 0x0009;
		m_pFunc = (DWORD)proc;
		m_pThis = (DWORD)pThis;
		// write block from data cache and
		//  flush from instruction cache
		FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined(_MIPS_)
#pragma pack(push,4)
struct _stdcallthunk
	WORD	m_pFuncHi;
	WORD	m_lui_t0;		// lui		t0,PFUNC_HIGH
	WORD	m_pFuncLo;
	WORD	m_ori_t0;		// ori		t0,t0,PFUNC_LOW
	WORD	m_pThisHi;
	WORD	m_lui_a0;		// lui		a0,PTHIS_HIGH
	DWORD	m_jr_t0;		// jr		t0
	WORD	m_pThisLo;
	WORD	m_ori_a0;		// ori		a0,PTHIS_LOW
	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
		m_pFuncHi = HIWORD(proc);
		m_lui_t0  = 0x3c08;
		m_pFuncLo = LOWORD(proc);
		m_ori_t0  = 0x3508;
		m_pThisHi = HIWORD(pThis);
		m_lui_a0  = 0x3c04;
		m_jr_t0   = 0x01000008;
		m_pThisLo = LOWORD(pThis);
		m_ori_a0  = 0x3484;
		// write block from data cache and
		//  flush from instruction cache
		FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined(_ARM_)
#pragma pack(push,4)
struct _stdcallthunk // this should come out to 16 bytes
	DWORD	m_mov_r0;		// mov	r0, pThis
	DWORD	m_mov_pc;		// mov	pc, pFunc
	DWORD	m_pThis;
	DWORD	m_pFunc;
	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
		m_mov_r0 = 0xE59F0000;
		m_mov_pc = 0xE59FF000;
		m_pThis = (DWORD)pThis;
		m_pFunc = (DWORD)proc;
		// write block from data cache and
		//  flush from instruction cache
		FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof(_stdcallthunk));
		return TRUE;
	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return this;
#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined(_M_IA64)
#pragma pack(push,8)
extern "C" void _StdCallThunkProcProc(void);
struct _FuncDesc
    void* pfn;
    void* gp;
struct _stdcallthunk
    _FuncDesc m_funcdesc;
    void* m_pFunc;
    void* m_pThis;
    BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* pThis)
        m_funcdesc.pfn = ((_FuncDesc*)(&_StdCallThunkProcProc))->pfn;  // Pointer to actual beginning of StdCallThunkProc = &m_pFunc;
        m_pFunc = reinterpret_cast< void* >( proc );
        m_pThis = pThis;
        ::FlushInstructionCache( GetCurrentProcess(), this, sizeof( _stdcallthunk ) );
		return TRUE;
    void* GetCodeAddress()
        return( &m_funcdesc );
#pragma pack(pop)
//IA64 thunks do not currently use the atlhunk.cpp allocator.
#error Only ARM, ALPHA, SH3, MIPS, IA64, AMD64 and X86 supported

#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined (_M_AMD64)
#pragma pack(push,8)
class CDynamicStdCallThunk
	_stdcallthunk *pThunk;

		pThunk = NULL;

		if (pThunk)
			delete pThunk;

	BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void *pThis)
		if (pThunk == NULL) 
			pThunk = new _stdcallthunk;
			if (pThunk == NULL)
				return FALSE;
		return pThunk->Init(proc, pThis);

	void* GetCodeAddress()
		return pThunk->GetCodeAddress();

#pragma pack(pop)
typedef CDynamicStdCallThunk CStdCallThunk;
typedef _stdcallthunk CStdCallThunk;
#endif  // _M_IX86 || _M_AMD64

}   // namespace ATL

#pragma pop_macro("GetProcessHeap")
#pragma pop_macro("HeapAlloc")
#pragma pop_macro("HeapFree")
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma pop_macro("free")
#pragma pop_macro("realloc")
#pragma pop_macro("malloc")

#endif // __ATLSTDTHUNK_H__




Copyright (c) 1989  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    This module contains the support routines for managing a pool of ATL thunk

    An ATL thunk contains object code that is built on the fly.  Normally
    ATL allocates these structures from standard usermode heap.  On platforms
    supporting "no-execute" operation, however, heap is protected no-execute so
    this isn't an option.

    The code here manages a separate "heap" of thunk structures that are
    allocated from execute-enabled page allocations.


    Forrest Foltz (forrestf) 16-May-2002


    User mode only.

Revision History:

#include <windows.h>
#include "atlstdthunk.h"
extern "C"
typedef struct _CLIENT_ID {
    HANDLE UniqueProcess;
    HANDLE UniqueThread;

struct _PEB;
typedef struct _PEB * PPEB;

typedef struct _TEB {
    NT_TIB NtTib;
    PVOID EnvironmentPointer;
    CLIENT_ID ClientId;
    PVOID ActiveRpcHandle;
    PVOID ThreadLocalStoragePointer;
    PPEB ProcessEnvironmentBlock;
    /* .... Don't need any thing below this*/
_inline struct _TEB * Atl_NtCurrentTeb( void ) { __asm mov eax, fs:[0x18] }

#if !defined(_X86_)
#error Unsupported platform

#if !defined(PAGE_SIZE)
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096

#define DECLSPEC_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)


// Local function prototypes and typedefs

__InitializeThunkPool (

     PSLIST_HEADER ListHead,


// An ATL thunk structure, used to manage free thunks in the pool

typedef union _ATL_THUNK_ENTRY {
    SLIST_ENTRY SListEntry;
	struct ATL::_stdcallthunk Thunk;

// Pointer to the process-wide ATL thunk slist.


// Special value for __AtlThunkPool indicating that the standard
// heap should be used for thunk allocation.



__AllocStdCallThunk_cmn (


Routine Description:

    This function is called by ATL to allocate a thunk structure from
    executable memory.



Return Value:

    Returns a pointer to a thunk structure on success.  Raises an exception
    on failure.


    PATL_THUNK_ENTRY lastThunkEntry;
    PATL_THUNK_ENTRY thunkEntry;
    PVOID thunkPage;

    // Perform initialization if this is the first time through.

    if (__AtlThunkPool == NULL) {
        if (__InitializeThunkPool() == FALSE) {
            goto outOfMemory;

    if (ATLTHUNK_USE_HEAP()) {

        // On a non-NX capable platform, use the standard heap.

        thunkEntry = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
        if (thunkEntry == NULL) {
            goto outOfMemory;

        return thunkEntry;

    // Attempt to pop a thunk structure from the list and return it

    thunkEntry = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)__AtlInterlockedPopEntrySList(__AtlThunkPool);
    if (thunkEntry != NULL) {
        return &thunkEntry->Thunk;

    // The thunk list was empty.  Allocate a new page of executable
    // memory.

    thunkPage = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)VirtualAlloc(NULL,
    if (thunkPage == NULL) {
        goto outOfMemory;

    // See if another thread has replenished the pool while we were off
    // allocating memory.  This does not close the window but makes it much
    // smaller.
    // The volatile reference moves the overhead of making the page present
    // outside of the window.

    *(DWORD volatile *)thunkPage;
    thunkEntry = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)__AtlInterlockedPopEntrySList(__AtlThunkPool);
    if (thunkEntry != NULL) {

        // The pool has been replenished.  Free the page and use the thunk
        // entry that we just received.

        return thunkEntry;

    // Create an array of thunk structures on the page and insert all but
    // the last into the free thunk list.
    // The last is kept out of the list and represents the thunk allocation.

    thunkEntry = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)thunkPage;
    lastThunkEntry = thunkEntry + ATL_THUNKS_PER_PAGE - 1;
    do {
        thunkEntry += 1;
    } while (thunkEntry < lastThunkEntry);

    return thunkEntry;


    return NULL;

__FreeStdCallThunk_cmn (
    IN PVOID Thunk


Routine Description:

    This function is called by ATL to release a thunk structure back to the
    process-wide free thunk pool.


    Thunk - supplies a pointer to a thunk structure that was allocated with

Return Value:



    PATL_THUNK_ENTRY thunkEntry;

    if (ATLTHUNK_USE_HEAP()) {

        // On a non-NX capable platform, use the standard heap.


    } else {

        // Simply push the free thunk structure back onto the pool
        thunkEntry = (PATL_THUNK_ENTRY)Thunk;

__InitializeThunkPool (


Routine Description:

    This function is called on the first invocation of __AllocStdCallThunk().
    It retrieves a pointer to the process-wide thunk pool SLIST_HEADER, if
    one already exists, otherwise this routine supplies an initialized



Return Value:

    Returns TRUE if initialization succeeded, FALSE otherwise.


    #define PEB_POINTER_OFFSET 0x34

    PSLIST_HEADER *atlThunkPoolPtr;
    PSLIST_HEADER atlThunkPool;

    // On Win64, a per-process ATL thunk "heap" (anchored in the PEB) is always
    // mantained as an SLIST.
    // On X86, such a heap is conditional.  If the OS is < 5.1 (Windows XP) then
    // thunks are allocated/freed from/to the heap, otherwise they are mantained
    // as they would be on Win64.
    // Two reasons for this:
    // - We can't guarantee that the SLIST slot in the PEB is available downlevel
    // - Downlevel OSs may not offer the SLIST functionality

    HMODULE kernel32Module;
    BOOL result;

    result = IsProcessorFeaturePresent( 12 /*PF_NX_ENABLED*/ );
    if (result == FALSE) {

        // NX execution is not happening on this machine.
        // Indicate that the regular heap should be used by setting
        // __AtlThunkPool to a special value.

        __AtlThunkPool = ATLTHUNK_USE_HEAP_VALUE;
        return TRUE;

    // We are running on Windows NT5.1 or later.  Get the kernel32 pointers to
    // InterlockedPushEntrySList and InterlockedPopEntrySList.  They can't be
    // simply imported as this library may run in environments without those
    // routines.

    kernel32Module = LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" );
    if (kernel32Module != NULL) {

        __AtlInterlockedPushEntrySList = (PINTERLOCKED_PUSH_ENTRY_SLIST)
            GetProcAddress( kernel32Module, "InterlockedPushEntrySList" );

        __AtlInterlockedPopEntrySList = (PINTERLOCKED_POP_ENTRY_SLIST)
            GetProcAddress( kernel32Module, "InterlockedPopEntrySList" );

    if (__AtlInterlockedPushEntrySList == NULL ||
        __AtlInterlockedPopEntrySList == NULL) {

        // If either address could not be retrieved then fail the
        // initialization.

        return FALSE;

    atlThunkPoolPtr =
        (PSLIST_HEADER *)((PCHAR)(Atl_NtCurrentTeb()->ProcessEnvironmentBlock) + PEB_POINTER_OFFSET);

    atlThunkPool = *atlThunkPoolPtr;
    if (atlThunkPool == NULL) {

        // The pool list has not yet been initialized.  Try to use ours.
        // Normally we would simply call InitializeSListHead() to initialize
        // the SLIST_HEADER.  However, this creates linkage that conflicts with
        // modules (such as duser) which also link to ntslist.lib.
        // So to avoid that, the SLIST_HEADER is initialized manually.  This
        // code is platform-specific.
        atlThunkPool = (PSLIST_HEADER)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(),
                                                 sizeof(SLIST_HEADER) );
        if (atlThunkPool == NULL) {
            return FALSE;

        atlThunkPool->Alignment = 0;

        if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (PVOID *)atlThunkPoolPtr,
                                               NULL ) != NULL) {

            // Another thread was initializing as well, and won the race.
            // Free our slist header and use the one that is now there.

            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(),
                      atlThunkPool );

        atlThunkPool = *atlThunkPoolPtr;

    __AtlThunkPool = atlThunkPool;
    return TRUE;

// Now create the actual routines, one pair within an ATL namespace and one
// without.

__stdcall __AllocStdCallThunk (
    return __AllocStdCallThunk_cmn();

__stdcall __FreeStdCallThunk (
    IN PVOID Thunk

namespace ATL {

__stdcall __AllocStdCallThunk (
    return __AllocStdCallThunk_cmn();

__stdcall __FreeStdCallThunk (
    IN PVOID Thunk

}   // namespace ATL

