

 * @desc  HTTP 请求类, 支持 CURL 和 Socket, 默认使用 CURL , 当手动指定  
 *              useCurl 或者 curl 扩展没有安装时, 会使用 Socket
 *              目前支持 get 和 post 两种请求方式
 * @example 
1. 基本 get 请求: 

    $http = new Http();         // 实例化对象
    $result =  $http->get('');
2. 基本 post 请求: 

    $http = new Http();         // 实例化对象
    $result = $http->post('', array('title'=>$title, 'body'=>$body) );
3. 模拟登录 ( post 和 get 同时使用, 利用 cookie 存储状态 ) : 

    $http = new Http();         // 实例化对象
    $http->setCookiepath(substr(md5($username), 0, 10));        // 设置 cookie, 如果是多个用户请求的话
    // 提交 post 数据
    $loginData = $http->post('', array('username'=>$username, 'loginPass'=>$password) );
    $result =  $http->get('');
4. 利用 initialize 函数设置多个 config 信息

    $httpConfig['method']     = 'GET';
    $httpConfig['target']     = '';
    $httpConfig['referrer']   = '';
    $httpConfig['user_agent'] = 'My Crawler';
    $httpConfig['timeout']    = '30';
    $httpConfig['params']     = array('var1' => 'testvalue', 'var2' => 'somevalue');
    $http = new Http();
    $result = $http->result;

5. 复杂的设置: 
    $http = new Http();
    $http->useCurl(false);      // 不使用 curl
    $http->setMethod('POST');       // 使用 POST method
    // 设置 POST 数据
    $http->addParam('user_name' , 'yourusername');
    $http->addParam('password'  , 'yourpassword');
    // Referrer
    // 开始执行请求
    $result = $http->getResult();

6. 获取开启了 basic auth 的请求
    $http = new Http();
    // Set HTTP basic authentication realms
    $http->setAuth('yourusername', 'yourpassword');
    // 获取某个被保护的应用的 feed
    $result = $http->result;

 * @from
 * @since Version 0.1
 * @original author      Md Emran Hasan <[email protected]>
 * @modify by       Charlie Jade

class Http
    /**  目标请求 @var string */
    var $target;
    /**  目标 URL 的 host @var string */
    var $host;
    /**  请求目标的端口 @var integer */
    var $port;
    /** 请求目标的 path @var string */
    var $path;
    /** 请求目标的 schema  @var string */
    var $schema;
    /** 请求的 method (GET 或者 POST)  @var string */
    var $method;
    /** 请求的数据  @var array */
    var $params;
    /**  请求时候的 cookie 数据  @var array */
    var $cookies;
    /**  请求返回的 cookie 数据 @var array  */
    var $_cookies;
    /** 请求超时时间, 默认是 25 @var integer */
    var $timeout;
    /** 是否使用 cURL , 默认为 TRUE @var boolean */
    var $useCurl;
    /**   referrer 信息 @var string */
    var $referrer;
    /** 请求客户端 User agent  @var string */
    var $userAgent;
    /**  Contains the cookie path (to be used with cURL) @var string */
    var $cookiePath;
    /**  是否使用 Cookie @var boolean  */
    var $useCookie;
    /** 是否为下一次请求保存 Cookie @var boolean */
    var $saveCookie;
    /** HTTP Basic Auth 用户名 (for authentication) @var string */
    var $username;
    /** HTTP Basic Auth 密码 (for authentication) @var string */
    var $password;
    /** 请求的结果集 @var string */
    var $result;
    /** 最后一个请求的 headers 信息  @var array */
    var $headers;
    /** Contains the last call's http status code @var string  */
    var $status;
    /** 是否跟随 http redirect 跳转  @var boolean */
    var $redirect;
    /** 最大 http redirect 调整数 @var integer */
    var $maxRedirect;
    /** 当前请求有多少个 URL  @var integer */
    var $curRedirect;
    /** 错误代码 @var string */
    var $error;
    /** Store the next token  @var string */
    var $nextToken;
    /** 是否存储 bug 信息 @var boolean  */
    var $debug;
    /** Stores the debug messages  @var array @todo will keep debug messages */
    var $debugMsg;
    /**  Constructor for initializing the class with default values. @return void   */
    public function __construct()
        // 先初始化
     * 初始化配置信息
     * Initialize preferences
     * This function will take an associative array of config values and 
     * will initialize the class variables using them. 
     * Example use:
     * <pre>
     * $httpConfig['method']     = 'GET';
     * $httpConfig['target']     = '';
     * $httpConfig['referrer']   = '';
     * $httpConfig['user_agent'] = 'My Crawler';
     * $httpConfig['timeout']    = '30';
     * $httpConfig['params']     = array('var1' => 'testvalue', 'var2' => 'somevalue');
     * $http = new Http();
     * $http->initialize($httpConfig);
     * </pre>
     * @param array Config values as associative array
     * @return void
    public function initialize($config = array())
        foreach ($config as $key => $val)
            if (isset($this->$key))
                $method = 'set' . ucfirst(str_replace('_', '', $key));
                if (method_exists($this, $method))
                    $this->$key = $val;
     * 初始化所有
     * Clears all the properties of the class and sets the object to
     * the beginning state. Very handy if you are doing subsequent calls 
     * with different data.
     * @return void
    public function clear()
        // Set the request defaults
        $this->host         = '';
        $this->port         = 0;
        $this->path         = '';
        $this->target       = '';
        $this->method       = 'GET';
        $this->schema       = 'http';
        $this->params       = array();
        $this->headers      = array();
        $this->cookies      = array();
        $this->_cookies     = array();
        // Set the config details        
        $this->debug        = FALSE;
        $this->error        = '';
        $this->status       = 0;
        $this->timeout      = '25';
        $this->useCurl      = TRUE;
        $this->referrer     = '';
        $this->username     = '';
        $this->password     = '';
        $this->redirect     = TRUE;
        // Set the cookie and agent defaults
        $this->nextToken    = '';
        $this->useCookie    = FALSE;
        $this->saveCookie   = FALSE;
        $this->maxRedirect  = 3;
        $this->cookiePath   = 'cookie.txt';
        $this->userAgent    = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7';
    /** 设置目标 @return void */
    public function setTarget($url)
        $this->target = $url;
    /** 设置 http 请求方法  @param string HTTP method to use (GET or POST)  @return void */
    public function setMethod($method)
         $this->method = $method;
    /** 设置 referrer URL @param string URL of referrer page @return void */
    public function setReferrer($referrer)
         $this->referrer = $referrer;
    /**  设置 User agent  @param string Full user agent string @return void */
    public function setUseragent($agent)
        $this->userAgent = $agent;
    /** 设置请求 timeout  @param integer Timeout delay in seconds @return void */
    public function setTimeout($seconds)
        $this->timeout = $seconds;
    /** 设置  cookie path (只支持cURL ) @param string File location of cookiejar @return void */
    public function setCookiepath($path)
        $this->cookiePath = $path;
    /** 设置请求参数 parameters @param array GET or POST 的请求数据 @return void  */
    public function setParams($dataArray)
        $this->params = array_merge($this->params, $dataArray);
    /** 设置 basic http auth 域验证 @param string 用户名  @param string 密码  @return void */
    public function setAuth($username, $password)
        $this->username = $username;
        $this->password = $password;
    /** 设置最大跳转数 @param integer Maximum number of redirects @return void */
    public function setMaxredirect($value)
        $this->maxRedirect = $value;
    /** 添加多一个新的请求数据 @param string Name of the parameter @param string Value of the paramete  @return void  */
    public function addParam($name, $value)
        $this->params[$name] = $value;
    /** 添加 cookie 请求数据  @param string Name of cookie  @param string Value of cookie */
    public function addCookie($name, $value)
        $this->cookies[$name] = $value;
    /** 是否使用 curl, 默认 true, false 为使用 socket  */
    public function useCurl($value = TRUE)
        if (is_bool($value))
        $this->useCurl = $value;
    /** 是否使用 cookie , 默认为 false  @param boolean Whether to use cookies or not  @return void  */
    public function useCookie($value = FALSE)
        $this->useCookie = $value;
    /** 是否使用 cookie , 以供下一次请求使用 @param boolean Whether to save persistent cookies or not @return void  */
    public function saveCookie($value = FALSE)
        $this->saveCookie = $value;
    /** 是否跟随 302 跳转 @param boolean Whether to follow HTTP redirects or not  */
    public function followRedirects($value = TRUE)
        $this->redirect = $value;
    /** 获取结果集  @return string output of execution */
    public function getResult()
        return $this->result;
    /** 获取最后一个返回的 headers 数组 */
    public function getHeaders()
        return $this->headers;

    /** 获取请求的状态码  */
    public function getStatus()
        return $this->status;
    /** 获取最后运行错误   */
    public function getError()
        return $this->error;
    /** 执行一条 http get 请求  */
    public function get($url, $data=array()){
        return $this->execute($url, '', 'get', $data);
    /** 执行一条 http post 请求  */
    public function post($url, $data=array()){
        return $this->execute($url, '', 'post', $data);
     * 使用当前的配置, 发送一条 HTTP 请求  
     * @param string URL of the target page (optional)
     * @param string URL of the referrer page (optional)
     * @param string 请求方法 (GET or POST) (optional)
     * @param array 请求数据, key 和 value 对应的数组 (optional)
     * @return string 请求的结果集
    public function execute($target = '', $referrer = '', $method = '', $data = array())
        // Populate the properties
        $this->target = ($target) ? $target : $this->target;
        $this->method = ($method) ? $method : $this->method;
        $this->referrer = ($referrer) ? $referrer : $this->referrer;
        // Add the new params
        if (is_array($data) && count($data) > 0) 
            $this->params = array_merge($this->params, $data);
        // Process data, if presented
        if(is_array($this->params) && count($this->params) > 0)
            // Get a blank slate
            $tempString = array();
            // Convert data array into a query string (ie animal=dog&sport=baseball)
            foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) 
                    $tempString[] = $key . "=" . urlencode($value);
            $queryString = join('&', $tempString);
        // 如果 cURL 没有安装就使用 fscokopen 执行请求
        $this->useCurl = $this->useCurl && in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions());
        // GET method configuration
        if($this->method == 'GET')
                $this->target = $this->target . "?" . $queryString;
        // Parse target URL
        $urlParsed = parse_url($this->target);
        // Handle SSL connection request
        if ($urlParsed['scheme'] == 'https')
            $this->host = 'ssl://' . $urlParsed['host'];
            $this->port = ($this->port != 0) ? $this->port : 443;
            $this->host = $urlParsed['host'];
            $this->port = ($this->port != 0) ? $this->port : 80;
        // Finalize the target path
        $this->path   = (isset($urlParsed['path']) ? $urlParsed['path'] : '/') . (isset($urlParsed['query']) ? '?' . $urlParsed['query'] : '');
        $this->schema = $urlParsed['scheme'];
        // Pass the requred cookies
        // Process cookies, if requested
        if(is_array($this->cookies) && count($this->cookies) > 0)
            // Get a blank slate
            $tempString   = array();
            // Convert cookiesa array into a query string (ie animal=dog&sport=baseball)
            foreach ($this->cookies as $key => $value) 
                if(strlen(trim($value)) > 0)
                    $tempString[] = $key . "=" . urlencode($value);
            $cookieString = join('&', $tempString);
        // Do we need to use cURL
        if ($this->useCurl)
            // Initialize PHP cURL handle
            $ch = curl_init();
            // GET method configuration
            if($this->method == 'GET')
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE); 
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, FALSE); 
            // POST method configuration
                    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $queryString);
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); 
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, FALSE); 
            // Basic Authentication configuration
            if ($this->username && $this->password)
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ':' . $this->password);
            // Custom cookie configuration
            if($this->useCookie && isset($cookieString))
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookieString);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,         array('Accept-Language: zh-cn','Connection: Keep-Alive','Cache-Control: no-cache')); 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY,         FALSE);                // Return body

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,      $this->cookiePath);    // cookie 文件
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,      $this->cookiePath);    // cookie 文件

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,        $this->timeout);       // Timeout
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,      $this->userAgent);     // Webbot name
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            $this->target);        // Target site
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,        $this->referrer);      // Referer value
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,        FALSE);                // Minimize logs
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);                // No certificate
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, $this->redirect);      // Follow redirects
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS,      $this->maxRedirect);   // Limit redirections to four
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);                 // 是否以 string 格式返回
            // Get the target contents
            $content = curl_exec($ch);
            // Get the request info 
            $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch);
            $header_size = $curl_info["header_size"];

            // 赋值结果集
            $this->result = substr($content, $header_size);
            $reader = explode("\r\n\r\n", trim(substr($content, 0, $header_size))); 
            $this->status = $curl_info['http_code'];
            // Parse the headers
            $this->_parseHeaders( explode("\r\n\r\n", trim(substr($content, 0, $header_size))) );
            // Store the error (is any)
            // Close PHP cURL handle
            // Get a file pointer
            $filePointer = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errorNumber, $errorString, $this->timeout);
            // We have an error if pointer is not there
            if (!$filePointer)
                $this->_setError('Failed opening http socket connection: ' . $errorString . ' (' . $errorNumber . ')');
                return FALSE;

            // Set http headers with host, user-agent and content type
            $requestHeader  = $this->method . " " . $this->path . "  HTTP/1.1\r\n";
            $requestHeader .= "Host: " . $urlParsed['host'] . "\r\n";
            $requestHeader .= "User-Agent: " . $this->userAgent . "\r\n";
            $requestHeader .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
            // Specify the custom cookies
            if ($this->useCookie && $cookieString != '')
                $requestHeader.= "Cookie: " . $cookieString . "\r\n";

            // POST method configuration
            if ($this->method == "POST")
                $requestHeader.= "Content-Length: " . strlen($queryString) . "\r\n";
            // Specify the referrer
            if ($this->referrer != '')
                $requestHeader.= "Referer: " . $this->referrer . "\r\n";
            // Specify http authentication (basic)
            if ($this->username && $this->password)
                $requestHeader.= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password) . "\r\n";
            $requestHeader.= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
            // POST method configuration
            if ($this->method == "POST")
                $requestHeader .= $queryString;

            // We're ready to launch
            fwrite($filePointer, $requestHeader);
            // Clean the slate
            $responseHeader = '';
            $responseContent = '';

            // 3...2...1...Launch !
                $responseHeader .= fread($filePointer, 1);
            while (!preg_match('/\\r\\n\\r\\n$/', $responseHeader));
            // Parse the headers
            // Do we have a 301/302 redirect ?
            if (($this->status == '301' || $this->status == '302') && $this->redirect == TRUE)
                if ($this->curRedirect < $this->maxRedirect)
                    // Let's find out the new redirect URL
                    $newUrlParsed = parse_url($this->headers['location']);
                    if ($newUrlParsed['host'])
                        $newTarget = $this->headers['location'];    
                        $newTarget = $this->schema . '://' . $this->host . '/' . $this->headers['location'];
                    // Reset some of the properties
                    $this->port   = 0;
                    $this->status = 0;
                    $this->params = array();
                    $this->method = 'GET';
                    $this->referrer = $this->target;
                    // Increase the redirect counter
                    // Let's go, go, go !
                    $this->result = $this->execute($newTarget);
                    $this->_setError('Too many redirects.');
                    return FALSE;
                // lets get the rest of the contents (non-chunked)
                if ($this->headers['transfer-encoding'] != 'chunked')
                    while (!feof($filePointer))
                        $responseContent .= fgets($filePointer, 128);
                    // Get the contents (chunked)
                    while ($chunkLength = hexdec(fgets($filePointer)))
                        $responseContentChunk = '';
                        $readLength = 0;
                        while ($readLength < $chunkLength)
                            $responseContentChunk .= fread($filePointer, $chunkLength - $readLength);
                            $readLength = strlen($responseContentChunk);

                        $responseContent .= $responseContentChunk;
                // Store the target contents
                $this->result = chop($responseContent);
        // There it is! We have it!! Return to base !!!
        return $this->result;
    /** 解析 header 信息*/
    private function _parseHeaders($responseHeader)
        // Break up the headers
        $headers = $responseHeader;
        // Clear the header array
        // Get resposne status
        if($this->status == 0)
            // Oooops !
            if(!eregi($match = "^http/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]*(.*)\$", $headers[0], $matches))
                $this->_setError('Unexpected HTTP response status');
                return FALSE;
            // Gotcha!
            $this->status = $matches[1];
        // Prepare all the other headers
        foreach ($headers as $header)
            // Get name and value
            $headerName  = strtolower($this->_tokenize($header, ':'));
            $headerValue = trim(chop($this->_tokenize("\r\n")));
            // If its already there, then add as an array. Otherwise, just keep there
                if(gettype($this->headers[$headerName]) == "string")
                    $this->headers[$headerName] = array($this->headers[$headerName]);
                $this->headers[$headerName][] = $headerValue;
                $this->headers[$headerName] = $headerValue;
        // Save cookies if asked 
        if ($this->saveCookie && isset($this->headers['set-cookie']))
    /** 去除所有 header 信息 */
    private function _clearHeaders()
        $this->headers = array();
    /** 解析 COOKIE */
    private function _parseCookie()
        // Get the cookie header as array
        if(gettype($this->headers['set-cookie']) == "array")
            $cookieHeaders = $this->headers['set-cookie'];
            $cookieHeaders = array($this->headers['set-cookie']);

        // Loop through the cookies
        for ($cookie = 0; $cookie < count($cookieHeaders); $cookie++)
            $cookieName  = trim($this->_tokenize($cookieHeaders[$cookie], "="));
            $cookieValue = $this->_tokenize(";");
            $urlParsed   = parse_url($this->target);
            $domain      = $urlParsed['host'];
            $secure      = '0';
            $path        = "/";
            $expires     = "";
            while(($name = trim(urldecode($this->_tokenize("=")))) != "")
                $value = urldecode($this->_tokenize(";"));
                    case "path"     : $path     = $value; break;
                    case "domain"   : $domain   = $value; break;
                    case "secure"   : $secure   = ($value != '') ? '1' : '0'; break;
            $this->_setCookie($cookieName, $cookieValue, $expires, $path , $domain, $secure);
    /** 设置 cookie , 为下一次请求做准备 */
    private function _setCookie($name, $value, $expires = "" , $path = "/" , $domain = "" , $secure = 0)
        if(strlen($name) == 0)
            return($this->_setError("No valid cookie name was specified."));

        if(strlen($path) == 0 || strcmp($path[0], "/"))
            return($this->_setError("$path is not a valid path for setting cookie $name."));
        if($domain == "" || !strpos($domain, ".", $domain[0] == "." ? 1 : 0))
            return($this->_setError("$domain is not a valid domain for setting cookie $name."));
        $domain = strtolower($domain);
        if(!strcmp($domain[0], "."))
            $domain = substr($domain, 1);
        $name  = $this->_encodeCookie($name, true);
        $value = $this->_encodeCookie($value, false);
        $secure = intval($secure);
        $this->_cookies[] = array( "name"      =>  $name,
                                   "value"     =>  $value,
                                   "domain"    =>  $domain,
                                   "path"      =>  $path,
                                   "expires"   =>  $expires,
                                   "secure"    =>  $secure
    /** cookie  数据集编码  */
    private function _encodeCookie($value, $name)
        return($name ? str_replace("=", "%25", $value) : str_replace(";", "%3B", $value));
    /** 把正确的 cookie 传输给当前请求 */
    private function _passCookies()
        if (is_array($this->_cookies) && count($this->_cookies) > 0)
            $urlParsed = parse_url($this->target);
            $tempCookies = array();
            foreach($this->_cookies as $cookie)
                if ($this->_domainMatch($urlParsed['host'], $cookie['domain']) && (0 === strpos($urlParsed['path'], $cookie['path']))
                    && (empty($cookie['secure']) || $urlParsed['protocol'] == 'https')) 
                    $tempCookies[$cookie['name']][strlen($cookie['path'])] = $cookie['value'];
            // cookies with longer paths go first
            foreach ($tempCookies as $name => $values) 
                foreach ($values as $value) 
                    $this->addCookie($name, $value);
    /** 匹配域名 */
    private function _domainMatch($requestHost, $cookieDomain)
        if ('.' != $cookieDomain{0}) 
            return $requestHost == $cookieDomain;
        elseif (substr_count($cookieDomain, '.') < 2) 
            return false;
            return substr('.'. $requestHost, - strlen($cookieDomain)) == $cookieDomain;
    /** 给当前操作做记号用的 */
    private function _tokenize($string, $separator = '')
        if(!strcmp($separator, ''))
            $separator = $string;
            $string = $this->nextToken;
        for($character = 0; $character < strlen($separator); $character++)
            if(gettype($position = strpos($string, $separator[$character])) == "integer")
                $found = (isset($found) ? min($found, $position) : $position);
            $this->nextToken = substr($string, $found + 1);
            return(substr($string, 0, $found));
            $this->nextToken = '';
    /** 设置错误信息 */
    private function _setError($error)
        if ($error != '')
            $this->error = $error;
            return $error;
    $httpConfig['method']     = 'GET';
    $httpConfig['target']     = '';
    $httpConfig['referrer']   = '';
    $httpConfig['timeout']    = '30';
    $http = new Http();
    echo $result = $http->result;

