现在没有哪个电子产品可以和Apple的产品媲美,因它Apple是偶像+实力派。即使已拥有了iPhone,但还是有不少Fans排队去买3G iPhone的新产品。下图,是美国新泽西州的排队购机现场。
1. Google将推出支持iPhone的应用程序,而微软还是一如既往地保持沉默(WM和iPhone真是冤家路窄,估计Microsoft要在手机领域复制PC上面的成功,将非常困难)。Goolge将推自己的基于Linux的手机系统,对iPhone的支持体现了其一贯的开放理念。
2. IPhone Calls On Software Developers(iPhone招募开发者)
Apple has said it will take a 30% cut of the sales for iPhone applications, leaving 70% for developers.
3. iPhone对商业应用的支持
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) Plus and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, Fusion Edition, can both be downloaded for free at the Apple (NASDAQ: APPL) App Store from today, on the iPhone and iPod Touch. They are also available at http://www.itunes.com/appstore/.
Meanwhile, Salesforce.com has made its customer relationship management, or CRM, (define) applications and Force.com platform available as Salesforce Mobile applications on the iPhone. They, too, can be downloaded from Apple's App Store.
"The iPhone has very good support for Web services, for which we have strong support across all our applications, in particular Oracle Business Applications for the Web, so we've been able to deliver SOA-based business applications for the iPhone," Oracle group vice president for business application development Lenley Hensarling told InternetNews.com.
Oracle集团副总裁对iPhone对于Web Services和SOA构架的支持给出了高度评价,显然iPhone已成为Oracle商业应用系统移动解决方案的一部分。
当然,Oracle已行动,SAP也不会落后。3月份SAP委托IBM做了SAP CRM客户端黑莓解决方案,可以预计不久SAP就会提出支持iPhone的需求。因为IBM本身,也在研究Lotus通讯套件对iPhone的支持,作为IBM重要合作伙伴的SAP不会对此无动于衷。
Downloads of the SDK totaled more than 100,000 a week later.
一周以前,iPhone的SDK(software development kit,软件开发包)已被下载10万次。