6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec13

Multithreaded programming. Socketsand asynchronous I/O

Multithreaded programming

• OS implements scheduler – determines which threads execute

• Scheduling may execute threads in arbitrary order

• Without proper synchronization, code can executenon-deterministically

• Suppose we have two threads: 1 reads a variable, 2 modifiesthat variable

• Scheduler may execute 1, then 2, or 2 then 1

• Non-determinism creates a race condition – where thebehavior/result depends on the order of execution


Race conditions in assembly

Consider the following program race.c:

unsigned int cnt =0;

void ∗count (void ∗arg){/∗thread body∗/

int i;

for ( i = 0 ; i < 100000000; i ++)


return NULL;


int main(void){

pthread_t tids[4];

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, count, NULL);

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

printf("cnt=%u\n", cnt);

return 0;


What is the value of cnt?

[Bryant and O’Halloran. Computer Systems: A Programmer’sPerspective. Prentice Hall, 2003.]

Ideally, should increment cnt 4 × 100000000 times, so cnt =400000000. However, running our code gives:

athena% ./race.o


athena% ./race.o


athena% ./race.o


So, what happened?

• C not designed for multithreading

• No notion of atomic operations in C

• Increment cnt++; maps to three assembly operations:

1. load cnt into a register

2. increment value in register

3. save new register value as new cnt

• So what happens if thread interrupted in the middle?

• Race condition!


Let’s fix our code:

pthread_mutex_t mutex;

unsigned int cnt = 0;

void ∗count (void ∗arg){/∗thread body∗/

int i;

for(i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){



pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex ) ;


return NULL;


int main ( void ) {

pthread_t tids[4];

int i;

pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, count, NULL);

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

pthread_mutex_dest roy (&mutex ) ;

printf("cnt=%u\n", cnt);

return 0;



Race conditions

• Note that new code functions correctly, but is much slower

• C statements not atomic–threads may be interrupted atassembly level, in the middle of a C statement

• Atomic operations like mutex locking must be specified asatomic using special assembly instructions

• Ensure that all statements accessing/modifying sharedvariables are synchronized



• Semaphore – special nonnegative integer variable s,initially 1, which implements two atomic operations:

P(s)– wait until s > 0, decrement s and return

V(s)– increment s by 1, unblocking a waiting thread

• Mutex – locking calls P(s) and unlocking calls V(s)

• Implemented in <semaphore.h>, part of library rt, notpthread

Semaphore特别适合生产者 –消费者模型,生产者可以一直调用V(s)来生产数据,消费者则由P(s)控制,只有当计数大于0即有“产品”时,才可以运行进行消费。

Using semaphores

• Initialize semaphore to value:

int sem_init(sem_t ∗sem,int pshared, unsigned int value);

• Destroy semaphore:

int sem_destroy(sem_t ∗sem);

• Wait to lock, blocking:

int sem_wait(sem_t ∗sem);

• Try to lock, returning immediately (0 if now locked, −1otherwise):

int sem_trywait(sem_t ∗sem);

• Increment semaphore, unblocking a waiting thread:

int sem_post(sem_t ∗sem);

Producer and consumer revisited

• Use a semaphore to track available slots in shared buffer

• Use a semaphore to track items in shared buffer

• Use a semaphore/mutex to make buffer operations synchronous

6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec13_第1张图片


Thread safety

• Function is thread safe if it always behaves correctly whencalled from multiple concurrent threads

• Unsafe functions fal in several categories:

• accesses/modifies unsynchronized shared variables

functionsthat maintain state using static variables – like rand(),strtok()

functionsthat return pointers to static memory – like gethostbyname()

functionsthat call unsafe functions may be unsafe


Reentrant functions

• Reentrant function – does not reference any shared datawhen used by multiple threads

• All reentrant functions are thread-safe (are all thread-safefunctions reentrant?)

• Reentrant versions of many unsafe C standard library

functions exist:

Unsafe function Reentrant version










Thread safety

To make your code thread-safe:

• Use synchronization objects around shared variables

• Use reentrant functions

• Use synchronization around functions returning pointers toshared memory (lock-and-copy):

1. lock mutex for function

2. call unsafe function

3. dynamically allocate memory for result; (deep) copy result into newmemory

4. unlock mutex


• Defeating deadlock extremely difficult in general

• When using only mutexes, can use the “mutex lock orderingrule” to avoid deadlock scenarios:

A program is deadlock-free if, foreach pair of mutexes (s, t) in the program, each thread that usesboth s and t simultaneously locks them in the same order.


• Socket – abstraction toenable communication across a network in a manner similar to fileI/O

• Uses header <sys/socket.h>(extension of C standard library)

• Network I/O, due to latency,usually implemented asynchronously, using multithreading

• Sockets use client/servermodel of establishing connections


Creating asocket

• Create a socket, getting thefile descriptor for that socket:

intsocket(int domain, int type, int protocol );

• domain– use constant AF_INET, so we’re using the internet; might alsouse AF_INET6 for IPv6 addresses

• type– use constant SOCK_STREAM for connection-based protocols likeTCP/IP; use SOCK_DGRAM for connectionless datagram protocols likeUDP (we’ll concentrate on the


• protocol– specify 0 to use default protocol for the socket type (e.g. TCP)

• returnsnonnegative integer for file descriptor, or −1 if couldn’tcreate socket

• Don’t forget to close thefile descriptor when you’re done!


Connecting to aserver

• Using created socket, weconnect to server using:

int connect(int fd , structsockaddr ∗addr, int addr_len);

• fd – the socket’s filedescriptor

• addr – the address and portof the server to connect to; for

internet addresses, cast data oftype struct

sockaddr_in, which has thefollowing members:

• sin_family – addressfamily; always AF_INET

• sin_port – port in networkbyte order (use htons() to

convert to network byte order)

• sin_addr.s_addr – IPaddress in network byte order (use

htonl() to convert to networkbyte order)

• addr_len – size ofsockaddr_in structure

• returns 0 if successful

Associate serversocket with a port

• Using created socket, we bindto the port using:

intbind(int fd , struct sockaddr ∗addr, int addr_len);

• fd,addr, addr_len – same as for connect()

• notethat address should be IP address of desired interface (e.g. eth0)on local machine

• ensurethat port for server is not taken (or you may get “address alreadyin use” errors)

• return0 if socket successfully bound to port

Listening forclients

• Using the bound socket, startlistening:

intlisten ( int fd , int backlog);

• fd– bound socket file descriptor

• backlog– length of queue for pending TCP/IP connections; normally set toa large number, like 1024

• returns0 if successful

Accepting aclient’s connection

• Wait for a client’sconnection request (may already be queued):

intaccept(int fd , struct sockaddr ∗addr, int ∗addr_len);

• fd– socket’s file descriptor

• addr– pointer to structure to be filled with client address info (canbe NULL)

• addr_len– pointer to int that specifies length of structure pointed to byaddr; on output, specifies the length of the stored address (storedaddress may be truncated if bigger than supplied structure)

• returns(nonnegative) file descriptor for connected client socket ifsuccessful

Reading andwriting with sockets

• Send data using the followingfunctions:

intwrite ( int fd , const void ∗buf, size_t len );

intsend(int fd , const void ∗buf, size_t len, int flags );

• Receive data using thefollowing functions:

intread(int fd , void ∗buf, size_t len );

intrecv(int fd , void ∗buf, size_t len, int flags );

• fd– socket’s file descriptor

• buf– buffer of data to read or write

• len– length of buffer in bytes

• flags– special flags; we’ll just use 0

• allthese return the number of bytes read/written (if successful)


Asynchronous I/O

• Up to now, all I/O has beensynchronous – functions do not return until operation has beenperformed

• Multithreading allows us toread/write a file or socket without blocking our main program code(just put I/O functions in a separate thread)

• Multiplexed I/O – useselect() or poll() with multiple file descriptors

I/O multiplexingwith select()

• To check if multiplefiles/sockets have data to read/write/etc: (include <sys/select.h>)

intselect ( int nfds, fd_set ∗readfds, fd_set ∗writefds, fd_set ∗errorfds, struct timeval ∗timeout);

• nfds– specifies the total range of file descriptors to be tested (0up to nfds−1)

• readfds,writefds, errorfds – if not NULL, pointer to set of filedescriptors to be tested for being ready to read, write, or havingan error; on output, set will contain a list of only those filedescriptors that are ready

• timeout– if no file descriptors are ready immediately, maximum time towait for a file descriptor to be ready

• returnsthe total number of set file descriptor bits in all the sets

• Note that select() is ablocking function

• fd_set – a mask for filedescriptors; bits are set (“1”) if in the set, or unset (“0”)otherwise

• Use the following functionsto set up the structure:

FD_ZERO(&fdset) – initialize the set to have bits unset for all file descriptors

FD_SET(fd,&fdset) – set the bit for file descriptor fd in the set

FD_CLR(fd,&fdset) – clear the bit for file descriptor fd in the set

FD_ISSET(fd,&fdset) – returns nonzero if bit for file descriptor fd isset in the set


I/O multiplexingusing poll()

• Similar to select(), butspecifies file descriptors differently: (include <poll.h>)

intpoll (struct pollfd fds [], nfds_t nfds, int timeout);

• fds– an array of pollfd structures, whose members fd, events, andrevents, are the file descriptor, events to check (OR-edcombination of flags like POLLIN, POLLOUT, POLLERR, POLLHUP), andresult of polling with that file descriptor for those events,respectively

• nfds– number of structures in the array

• timeout– number of milliseconds to wait; use 0 to return immediately, or−1 to block indefinitely

