'cmath' file not found

box2d 的 b2Vec2 类型和 cocos2d 的 CGPoint,CGSize, CGRect,我想拿出来自己用,

于是新建了一个 Terminal 工程。

因为 CGPoint 和 苹果自带的 CoreGraphics里面自带的~

而 box2d 里面的 b2Vec2 类型我也经常用到,

包含 b2Vec2 类型定义的头文件 b2Math.h 里面同时也包含了不少 有用的,线程的方法,



‘cmatch’ file no found, 'iostream' not recognized等等,

包含在 b2Math.h 的

#include <cmath>

#include <cfloat>

#include <cstddef>

#include <cassert>

#include <limits>



C++ #include help?

Originally Posted by BlackBlade View Post
cmath related errors are simply this, "cmath" file not found, and iostream is not recognized, i then went through the whole list of include functions(not sure what to call them) and the closest thing on there is IOsurface or IOsurface.h
Did you create a C++ project and not Objective-C or Cocoa? I you pick a Cocoa application you will get this error.

Originally Posted by subsonix View Post
Did you create a C++ project and not Objective-C or Cocoa? I you pick a Cocoa application you will get this error.
i am an idiot, i figured it out, i never made a file in the project i simply used main.m
just tried making a c++ file and it worked

thanks a lot, now i won't fail! thanks again

根据帖子里面所提到的相关信息,在我将 main.m 改成 main.mm 文件以后,编译成功通过~
