linux 性能优化笔记。。。 (1 G内存服务器)

近期服务器性能极不稳定,打开首页速度时快时慢(目前只有一个用户,属于企业内部应用,重点是数据量非常大, 1K~ 100K 之间)


1. 访问速度不稳定。时快时慢。

下面是 今天的 (2012-05-25) 的日志:  可以看到,  前两个操作,耗费的时间非常久。。。

    00:50:33 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 270450ms (Views: 1512.9ms | ActiveRecord: 13358.6ms)
    01:42:15 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 246410ms (Views: 1429.3ms | ActiveRecord: 10685.1ms)
    01:43:35 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 72ms (Views: 71.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
    01:43:42 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 1852ms (Views: 1326.3ms | ActiveRecord: 165.6ms)
    01:53:41 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 3749ms (Views: 1334.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2063.1ms)
    01:54:23 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 7.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
    01:54:25 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 284ms (Views: 43.3ms | ActiveRecord: 225.3ms)
    01:54:31 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 246ms (Views: 42.4ms | ActiveRecord: 200.2ms)
    01:54:31 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 477ms (Views: 313.1ms | ActiveRecord: 160.1ms)

另外从昨天的日志(05-24)进行一下分析,可以看到  ip :  打开首页,最慢的用了 9,704秒。(2个多小时,详细见附件:  log_0524  )  (使用命令:cat log_from_configfun/manually_2012-05-24.log | grep -E 'Completed|GET|POST'  > log_0524  )

    867 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 19:11:54 +0000 2012
    868 19:12:13 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 39137ms (Views: 5839.8ms | ActiveRecord: 4412.1ms)
    869 Started GET "/babble_portal/device_groups" for at Thu May 24 19:12:25 +0000 2012
    870 19:13:45 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 93696ms (Views: 38701.7ms | ActiveRecord: 40828.7ms)
    871 Started GET "/babble_portal/device_groups" for at Thu May 24 19:14:42 +0000 2012
    872 21:57:41 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 9704339ms (Views: 1176.9ms | ActiveRecord: 76436.0ms)
    873 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 21:57:43 +0000 2012
    874 21:58:20 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 9954427ms (Views: 174.3ms | ActiveRecord: 68178.3ms)
    875 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 21:58:21 +0000 2012
    876 21:58:21 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 38122ms (Views: 1435.4ms | ActiveRecord: 35950.5ms)
    877 21:58:45 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 23981ms (Views: 2407.9ms | ActiveRecord: 20904.1ms)

而对于 打开首页的速度,我也做了一个分析:(  见附件:  landing_page_log,  使用的命令是:  cat log_from_configfun/manually_2012-05-24.log | grep -E 'Completed|GET.*portal\/"'  | grep GET -A 1 > landing_page_log )   可以看出,绿色的部分表示程序运行正常,而红色的部分表示程序运行极慢。。。

     49 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:46:38 +0000 2012
     50 18:46:39 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 975ms (Views: 677.1ms | ActiveRecord: 105.7ms)
     51 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:47:04 +0000 2012
     52 18:47:05 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 981ms (Views: 685.0ms | ActiveRecord: 98.0ms)
     53 --
     54 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:48:45 +0000 2012
     55 18:48:47 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 1109ms (Views: 670.0ms | ActiveRecord: 89.7ms)
     56 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:48:51 +0000 2012
     57 18:48:51 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 944ms (Views: 656.4ms | ActiveRecord: 99.7ms)
     58 --
     59 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:54:40 +0000 2012
     60 18:54:42 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 1847ms (Views: 1647.4ms | ActiveRecord: 116.9ms)
     61 --
     62 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:55:10 +0000 2012
     63 18:55:12 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 1330ms (Views: 1142.7ms | ActiveRecord: 102.4ms)
     64 --
     65 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 18:56:34 +0000 2012
     66 18:56:35 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 1095ms (Views: 779.4ms | ActiveRecord: 100.7ms)
     67 --
     68 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 19:11:54 +0000 2012
     69 19:12:13 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 39137ms (Views: 5839.8ms | ActiveRecord: 4412.1ms)
     70 --
     71 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 21:57:43 +0000 2012
     72 21:58:20 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 9954427ms (Views: 174.3ms | ActiveRecord: 68178.3ms)
     73 Started GET "/babble_portal/" for at Thu May 24 21:58:21 +0000 2012
     74 21:58:21 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 38122ms (Views: 1435.4ms | ActiveRecord: 35950.5ms)

所以我现在考虑的方向是,是不是configfun 服务器当时  ( 21:58分,  19:12分)正在忙于运行其他程序?

2. 仔细看了服务器的日志,没有发现任何出错的问题


没有看到任何 FATAL, WARN 这样级别的日志。



我查询了其他日志(delayed_job ,rake )也没有看到相关的。

我准备看一下 /var/log里面的文件,看能不能找到线索

3.  初步找到问题所在


经过对/var/log 目录的排查,我发现了3个相关的程序:

   1.  tomcat 的crontab。 它每分钟都运行一次。

    May 24 21:56:55 configfun crond[30679]: (tomcat) CMD (/var/blur/bin/ > /dev/null 2>>/dev/nul
    May 24 21:56:55 configfun crond[30658]: (tomcat) error: Job execution of per-minute job scheduled for 19:18 de
    May 24 21:56:55 configfun crond[30658]: CRON (tomcat) ERROR: cannot set security context
    May 24 21:57:01 configfun crond[30724]: (tomcat) CMD (/var/blur/bin/ > /dev/null 2>>/dev/nul
    May 24 21:58:01 configfun crond[30815]: (tomcat) CMD (/var/blur/bin/ > /dev/null 2>>/dev/nul
    May 24 21:59:03 configfun crond[30875]: (tomcat) CMD (/var/blur/bin/ > /dev/null   

(tomcat) CMD (/var/blur/bin/ > /dev/null 2>>/dev/null)

大概看了一下,不会PERL, 但是发现应该是用来备份TOMCAT的日志。。。
1. 不过系统中没有tomcat 或者jetty在运行啊 ( ps -ef | grep tomcat ,没结果)
2. 估计它对性能影响不大。

附件 ( ) 就是这个脚本。 同时,相关的日志是:  /var/log/cron   (见附件:cron, 877k)

  2.  /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/contrib/check_logfiles

  通过查看 /var/log/secure 发现的,如下:

    May 24 18:47:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 18:49:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 18:52:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 18:54:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 18:57:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 18:59:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:02:55 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:04:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:07:53 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:09:55 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:13:03 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 19:15:00 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 21:56:46 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 21:57:54 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con
    May 24 21:57:54 configfun sudo:   nagios : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/con

相关的附件:   secure 692k

  3.  由于 系统内存太少, apache 进程被关掉了。

  这个我觉得可能是 9k 秒才打开首页的原因。见附件:  messages 216k

    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: DMA: 15*4kB 11*8kB 3*16kB 2*32kB 2*64kB 1*128kB 0*256kB 1*512kB 1*1024kB 1*2048k
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: DMA32: empty
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Normal: empty
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: HighMem: empty
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: 1340 pagecache pages
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Swap cache: add 18501044, delete 18500782, find 19025765/21574350, race 2+74
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Free swap  = 0kB
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Total swap = 1052248kB
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Free swap:            0kB 
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: 264192 pages of RAM
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: 8353 reserved pages
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: 12936 pages shared
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: 262 pages swap cached
    May 24 21:57:47 configfun kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 4553, UID 48, (httpd).

可以看出,进程被删掉的时间,跟 passenger的日志很吻合( 21:57:xx)

另外,今天下午,我写了一个小脚本,每隔1分20秒,就抓取一次babble首页,  响应的速度很好,服务器端的日志都在1秒以内。

    07:23:39 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 878ms (Views: 596.6ms | ActiveRecord: 107.6ms)
    07:25:03 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 837ms (Views: 595.4ms | ActiveRecord: 90.2ms)
    07:26:27 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 844ms (Views: 671.8ms | ActiveRecord: 105.1ms)
    07:27:51 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 823ms (Views: 547.6ms | ActiveRecord: 104.4ms)
    07:29:15 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 802ms (Views: 539.5ms | ActiveRecord: 94.2ms)
    07:30:39 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 872ms (Views: 596.1ms | ActiveRecord: 101.2ms)
    07:32:04 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 933ms (Views: 664.1ms | ActiveRecord: 99.6ms)
    07:33:28 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 854ms (Views: 679.0ms | ActiveRecord: 103.8ms)
    07:34:52 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 799ms (Views: 639.7ms | ActiveRecord: 89.4ms)
    07:36:16 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 817ms (Views: 552.5ms | ActiveRecord: 88.8ms)
    07:37:40 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 857ms (Views: 577.7ms | ActiveRecord: 101.2ms)
    07:39:04 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 878ms (Views: 595.0ms | ActiveRecord: 100.6ms)
    07:40:29 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 937ms (Views: 663.3ms | ActiveRecord: 97.4ms)
    07:41:53 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 788ms (Views: 626.4ms | ActiveRecord: 93.4ms)
    07:43:17 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 844ms (Views: 564.9ms | ActiveRecord: 94.4ms)
    07:44:28 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 860ms (Views: 583.1ms | ActiveRecord: 109.1ms)
    07:44:42 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 789ms (Views: 534.1ms | ActiveRecord: 93.6ms)
    07:46:06 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 969ms (Views: 696.8ms | ActiveRecord: 95.7ms)
    07:47:31 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 839ms (Views: 674.5ms | ActiveRecord: 95.3ms)
    07:48:56 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 858ms (Views: 691.3ms | ActiveRecord: 98.6ms)
    07:50:20 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 847ms (Views: 581.7ms | ActiveRecord: 94.6ms)
    07:51:45 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 835ms (Views: 561.5ms | ActiveRecord: 96.5ms)
    07:53:09 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 865ms (Views: 603.2ms | ActiveRecord: 105.3ms)
    07:54:33 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 953ms (Views: 687.8ms | ActiveRecord: 101.7ms)
    07:55:58 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 892ms (Views: 720.2ms | ActiveRecord: 103.2ms)
    07:57:22 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 781ms (Views: 523.7ms | ActiveRecord: 87.9ms)
    07:58:46 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 857ms (Views: 596.3ms | ActiveRecord: 102.2ms)
    08:00:11 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 890ms (Views: 596.2ms | ActiveRecord: 113.1ms)
    08:01:36 INFO: Completed 200 OK in 859ms (Views: 589.9ms | ActiveRecord: 98.9ms)

所以,我觉得是不是configfun的内存太小 ( 1 G 内存) ,运行的程序太多,导致的它性能不稳定?
能否申请给它增加 内存?

4. 不过,在增加内存(从硬件着手解决问题)之前,还是要分析一下,看看这1G的现有内存是如何被程序占用的。 
根据 ,先使用 $ ps aux

重点查看 VSZ 和 RSS

RSS: Resident set size, the non-swapped physical memory that a task has used (in kiloBytes).   物理内存

VSZ:  virtual memory usage of entire process. vm_lib + vm_exe + vm_data + vm_stack    使用的总内存吧?

$ ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz   (针对  RSS, VSZ 倒序排序, 参考:


kcv478   15152  0.0  9.3 183640 97556 ?        S    01:23   0:01 Rails: /rails_apps/babble_portal/releases/manuall
kcv478   10880  0.0  6.1 148424 64632 ?        S    00:01   0:00 delayed_job                   
kcv478    4607  0.0  6.0 148412 63196 ?        S    May10   7:03 delayed_job                   
kcv478   20865  0.0  6.0 148260 63168 ?        S    May07   7:00 delayed_job                   
kcv478   10025  0.0  6.0 148432 63160 ?        S    May09   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478   31266  0.0  6.0 148412 63160 ?        S    May11   6:59 delayed_job                   
kcv478   21174  0.0  6.0 148372 63124 ?        S    May04   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478    8578  0.0  6.0 148340 63080 ?        S    Apr28   7:43 delayed_job                   
kcv478   25447  0.0  5.9 147764 62648 ?        S    May07   7:05 delayed_job                   
kcv478   15089  0.0  5.9 141180 62220 ?        S    Apr27   7:46 delayed_job                   
root     10287  0.0  0.8  38064  8820 ?        S    May27   0:00 Passenger spawn server                          
ntp       1705  0.0  0.5  19620  5316 ?        SLs  Apr17   3:36 ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ -g
root      1924  0.0  0.4 256936  4708 ?        SN   Apr17   0:28 /usr/bin/python -tt /usr/sbin/yum-updatesd
root     14197  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:06   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
root     14862  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:18   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
root     16184  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:39   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
apache   10297  0.0  0.2 210820  2596 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
mysql     1768  0.0  0.2 306612  2140 ?        Sl   Apr17  12:16 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/m
apache   10301  0.0  0.2 210820  2128 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10299  0.0  0.1 210820  2092 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10300  0.0  0.1 210820  2092 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10302  0.0  0.1 210820  2084 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10304  0.0  0.1 210820  2072 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10298  0.0  0.1 210820  2068 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10303  0.0  0.1 210820  2068 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
kcv478   14260  0.0  0.1  88736  1712 ?        S    01:07   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/0
kcv478   14864  0.0  0.1  88736  1688 ?        S    01:18   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/1
kcv478   16195  0.0  0.1  88736  1684 ?        S    01:39   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/2
root     30621  0.0  0.1 210688  1584 ?        Ss   May11   5:49 /usr/sbin/httpd
kcv478   14261  0.0  0.1  64316  1584 pts/0    Ss+  01:07   0:00 -bash
kcv478   16197  0.0  0.1  64316  1584 pts/2    Ss   01:39   0:00 -bash
kcv478   14865  0.0  0.1  64316  1576 pts/1    Ss+  01:18   0:00 -bash
root     10285  0.0  0.1  91856  1368 ?        Sl   May27   0:00 PassengerHelperAgent
nobody   10290  0.0  0.1  49844  1240 ?        Sl   May27   0:00 PassengerLoggingAgent
root      1679  0.0  0.1 158436  1104 ?        Sl   Apr17   6:02 /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -Lf /dev/null -p /var/run/sn
kcv478   17354  0.0  0.0  63824   888 pts/2    R+   01:57   0:00 ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz
root      1774  0.0  0.0  67864   868 ?        Ss   Apr17   6:06 sendmail: accepting connections
root      1926  0.0  0.0  11040   804 ?        SN   Apr17   0:14 /usr/libexec/gam_server
avahi     1893  0.0  0.0  22508   732 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 avahi-daemon: running [configfun.local]
nscd      1663  0.0  0.0 195100   724 ?        Ssl  Apr17  24:08 /usr/sbin/nscd
smmsp     1782  0.0  0.0  56032   632 ?        Ss   Apr17   5:40 sendmail: Queue runner@01:00:00 for /var/spool/cl
root     10282  0.0  0.0  15296   632 ?        Ssl  May27   0:00 PassengerWatchdog
dbus      1463  0.0  0.0  21360   620 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:03 dbus-daemon --system
root      1717  0.0  0.0  64060   544 ?        S    Apr17   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/m
root      1862  0.0  0.0  72940   480 ?        Ss   Apr17   5:56 crond
root      1769  0.0  0.0  58900   476 ?        S    Apr17   0:00 logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i -t mysqld
root      1915  0.0  0.0   3804   444 ?        Ss+  Apr17   0:00 /sbin/agetty xvc0 9600 vt100-nav
root      1297  0.0  0.0  92864   440 ?        S<sl Apr17  30:04 auditd
root      1646  0.0  0.0 121988   432 ?        Ssl  Apr17  12:02 automount
68        1511  0.0  0.0  30480   368 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 hald
nagios    1744  0.0  0.0  38304   344 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:03 nrpe -c /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d
root      1877  0.0  0.0  17068   340 ?        Ss   Apr17   5:52 /usr/sbin/atd
root      1319  0.0  0.0   5912   316 ?        Ss   Apr17   6:10 syslogd -m 0
root      1691  0.0  0.0  61640   312 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root      1299  0.0  0.0  81804   272 ?        S<sl Apr17  36:40 /sbin/audispd
root      1377  0.0  0.0  10764   268 ?        Ss   Apr17   6:07 irqbalance
root      1912  0.0  0.0  18420   260 ?        S    Apr17   5:23 /usr/sbin/smartd -q never
root      1498  0.0  0.0  21044   196 ?        Ssl  Apr17   6:09 pcscd
root      1322  0.0  0.0   3808   196 ?        Ss   Apr17   5:55 klogd -x
avahi     1894  0.0  0.0  21484   120 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
root         1  0.0  0.0  10352    84 ?        Ss   Apr17   5:38 init [3]                                       
root      1512  0.0  0.0  21700     8 ?        S    Apr17   0:00 hald-runner
root      1449  0.0  0.0  55184     4 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 rpc.idmapd
root       372  0.0  0.0  12608     4 ?        S<s  Apr17   0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
root      1427  0.0  0.0  10164     4 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 rpc.statd
root      1549  0.0  0.0   8520     4 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 /usr/bin/hidd --server
rpc       1387  0.0  0.0   8056     4 ?        Ss   Apr17   0:00 portmap
root         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   Apr17   0:04 [migration/0]

5.  开始优化

5.1 15152 这个PID 排在第一位,不知道它是干啥的。总之看起来跟我的RAILS启动方式无关(passenger + apache ), 路径确实是目前部署的应用的所在路径,所以直接把它停止。
$ kill -9 15152

之后, 人肉测试一下,没有影响到当前的应用。
top - 02:24:07 up 40 days,  9:58,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.05, 0.01
Tasks: 121 total,   2 running, 119 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,100.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1048576k total,   979032k used,    69544k free,     8008k buffers
Swap:  1052248k total,   363172k used,   689076k free,   134872k cached

ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz


[kcv478@configfun ~]$ ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz
kcv478   19037  1.0  9.5 186196 100076 ?       S    02:23   0:03 Rails: /rails_apps/babble_portal/releases/manuall
kcv478   19034  1.3  6.4 152392 67504 ?        S    02:23   0:04 Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /rails_apps/babble_
kcv478   10880  0.0  6.1 148424 64632 ?        S    00:01   0:00 delayed_job                   
kcv478    4607  0.0  6.0 148412 63196 ?        S    May10   7:03 delayed_job                   
kcv478   25447  0.0  6.0 148292 63172 ?        S    May07   7:06 delayed_job                   
kcv478   20865  0.0  6.0 148260 63168 ?        S    May07   7:00 delayed_job                   
kcv478   10025  0.0  6.0 148432 63160 ?        S    May09   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478   31266  0.0  6.0 148412 63160 ?        S    May11   6:59 delayed_job                   
kcv478   21174  0.0  6.0 148372 63124 ?        S    May04   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478    8578  0.0  6.0 148340 63080 ?        S    Apr28   7:43 delayed_job                   
kcv478   15089  0.0  5.9 141180 62220 ?        S    Apr27   7:46 delayed_job                   
root     10287  0.0  0.8  38072  8868 ?        S    May27   0:00 Passenger spawn server   



5.2   9 个delayed_job 进程

我先看看目前的DELAYED——JOB的正常的 PID:
(15152, 10880) 一共是两个进程,(其中一个15152 已经被我提前删掉了)
把它们都kill 之后, 

top - 02:33:44 up 40 days, 10:08,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.06, 0.01
Tasks: 119 total,   1 running, 118 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1048576k total,   859788k used,   188788k free,     9292k buffers
Swap:  1052248k total,   363164k used,   689084k free,   129688k cached

非常好,系统物理内存变成了:  859788k used,   188788k free,

再看看 ps aux ,不错,变成了8个delayed_job了。它们都是没用的。

[kcv478@configfun ~]$ ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz
kcv478   19037  0.5  9.5 186196 100076 ?       S    02:23   0:03 Rails: /rails_apps/babble_portal/releases/manuall
kcv478    4607  0.0  6.0 148412 63196 ?        S    May10   7:03 delayed_job                   
kcv478   25447  0.0  6.0 148292 63172 ?        S    May07   7:06 delayed_job                   
kcv478   20865  0.0  6.0 148260 63168 ?        S    May07   7:00 delayed_job                   
kcv478   10025  0.0  6.0 148432 63160 ?        S    May09   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478   21174  0.0  6.0 148372 63124 ?        S    May04   7:10 delayed_job                   
kcv478   31266  0.0  6.0 148288 63124 ?        S    May11   6:59 delayed_job                   
kcv478    8578  0.0  6.0 148340 63080 ?        S    Apr28   7:43 delayed_job                   
kcv478   15089  0.0  5.9 141180 62220 ?        S    Apr27   7:46 delayed_job                   
root     10287  0.0  0.8  38064  8900 ?        S    May27   0:00 Passenger spawn server   

5.3 把剩下8个没用的 delayed_job 进程停止掉。

现在 top 一下,帅呆了。。。释放了 680 MB内存。。。

top - 02:42:44 up 40 days, 10:17,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 111 total,   2 running, 109 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1048576k total,   366628k used,   681948k free,    12708k buffers
Swap:  1052248k total,    57936k used,   994312k free,   129896k cached

看看 ps 的结果:

[kcv478@configfun ~]$ ps aux --sort -rss,-vsz
kcv478   19037  0.2  9.5 186196 100076 ?       S    02:23   0:03 Rails: /rails_apps/babble_portal/releases/manuall
root     10287  0.0  0.8  38064  8900 ?        S    May27   0:00 Passenger spawn server                          
ntp       1705  0.0  0.5  19620  5316 ?        SLs  Apr17   3:36 ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ -g
root      1924  0.0  0.4 256936  4708 ?        SN   Apr17   0:28 /usr/bin/python -tt /usr/sbin/yum-updatesd
root     14197  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:06   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
root     14862  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:18   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
root     16184  0.0  0.3  88596  3236 ?        Ss   01:39   0:00 sshd: kcv478 [priv]
apache   10297  0.0  0.2 210820  3100 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   19039  0.0  0.2 210820  2684 ?        S    02:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10301  0.0  0.2 210820  2620 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10302  0.0  0.2 210820  2600 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10304  0.0  0.2 210820  2576 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10298  0.0  0.2 210820  2568 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
mysql     1768  0.0  0.2 306612  2140 ?        Sl   Apr17  12:16 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/m
apache   10300  0.0  0.2 210820  2140 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10299  0.0  0.2 210820  2100 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10303  0.0  0.1 210820  2092 ?        S    May27   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
kcv478   14260  0.0  0.1  88736  1712 ?        S    01:07   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/0
kcv478   16195  0.0  0.1  88736  1692 ?        S    01:39   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/2
kcv478   14864  0.0  0.1  88736  1688 ?        S    01:18   0:00 sshd: kcv478@pts/1
root     30621  0.0  0.1 210688  1624 ?        Ss   May11   5:49 /usr/sbin/httpd
root     10285  0.0  0.1  92196  1588 ?        Sl   May27   0:01 PassengerHelperAgent
kcv478   14261  0.0  0.1  64316  1588 pts/0    Ss+  01:07   0:00 -bash
kcv478   16197  0.0  0.1  64316  1588 pts/2    Ss   01:39   0:00 -bash
kcv478   14865  0.0  0.1  64316  1584 pts/1    Ss+  01:18   0:00 -bash
nobody   10290  0.0  0.1  49844  1240 ?        Sl   May27   0:00 PassengerLoggingAgent

很好,现在运行的进程, RSS基本都在 10MB以下。  先这样吧  :)

本以为会是一个很麻烦的过程(卸载不必要的程序啊,调试啊,等等)现在看起来,原因就在于没有及时的把原来跑着的delayed_job停止。 把它们删掉之后就问题解决了。。:-)。如此简单。
