强烈推荐一款原型设计工具-Balsamiq Mockups

经过朋友的推荐,发现了一款不错的原型设计工具Balsamiq Mockups。我今天用了不到2个小时将一个主数据管理的原型画出。效率比MicrosoftSoft Viso高好几倍。

1.简介(Simple Introduction):
Simple to use, very efficient to build software prototype. Compared with viso,Balsamiq Mockups is very cute:)

2.我喜欢的功能: the functions I like
布局:可以快速画出软件总体布局。 In serval seconds, can draw the layout.
菜单:可以自定义菜单. just drag and input some text, menu is done.
表单:自定义数据显示列表.Input your own customized data,the data table is done.
下拉框:下拉框的选项可以立即输入。just input several options,combo list is complete.

3. 建议: suggestions
If the software has chinese version and would provide cheaper price,it has a more wide market In China.

I like the software very much.

这款软件价格是 79美元.
在线演示地址(Online Demo):http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups
试用网址(Trial Website):http://www.balsamiq.com/demos/mockups/Mockups.html
