boost-log-库 使用经历




If asynchronous logging is used in a multi-module application, one should decide carefully when to unload dynamically loaded modules that write logs. The library has many places where it may end up using resources that reside in the dynamically loaded module. Examples of such resources are virtual tables, string literals and functions. If any of these resources are still used by the library when the module in which they reside gets unloaded, the application will most likely crash. Strictly speaking, this problem exists with any sink type (and is not limited to sinks in the first place), but asynchronous sinks introduce an additional problem. One cannot tell which resources are used by the asynchronous sink because it works in a dedicated thread and uses buffered log records. There is no general solution for this issue. Users are advised to either avoid dynamic module unloading during the application's work time, or to avoid asynchronous logging. As an additional way to cope with the problem, one may try to shutdown all asynchronous sinks before unloading any modules, and after unloading re-create them. However, avoiding dynamic unloading is the only way to solve the problem completely.






boost::log::register_simple_formatter_factory<boost::log::trivial::severity_level, char>("Severity");
boost::log::register_simple_filter_factory<boost::log::trivial::severity_level, char>("Severity");
register_simple_formatter_factory 重新定义关于Severity的输出(out) (如果自定日志等级,需定义输入)
register_simple_filter_factory 定义关于Serverity的过滤(filter)(如果自定日志等级,需定义输入,值比较方法)

    如果使用自己新的日志登记,最好直接参考traivaila.hpp 和 traivail.cpp的实现。具体怎么实现,在boost-log.pdf的帮助文档中,有详细的描述。标题:

Extending the library

    Extending library settings support

        Adding support for user-defined types to the formatter parser

        Adding support for user-defined types to the filter parser



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