

use  Roy  -- 數據庫
-- 2005實現數據庫表字段屬性統計(2000里的系統表sysproperties描述表不存在,2005里用sys.extended_properties視圖替代)
[ 表名 ] = c.Name,
[ 表说明 ] = isnull (f. [ value ] , '' ),
[ 列名 ] = a.Name,
[ 列序號 ] = a.Column_id,
[ 標識 ] = case   when  is_identity = 1   then   ' '   else   ''   end ,
[ 主鍵 ] = case   when   exists ( select   1   from  sys.objects x  join  sys.indexes y  on  x.Type = N ' PK '   and  x.Name = y.Name 
join  sysindexkeys z  on  z.ID = a. Object_id   and  z.indid = y.index_id  and  z.Colid = a.Column_id)
then   ' '   else   ''   end ,
[ 類型 ] = b.Name,
[ 字節數 ] = case   when  a. [ max_length ] =- 1   and  b.Name != ' xml '   then   ' max/2G '  
when  b.Name = ' xml '   then   ' 2^31-1字節/2G '
else   rtrim (a. [ max_length ] end ,
[ 長度 ] = case   when   ColumnProperty (a. object_id ,a.Name, ' Precision ' ) =- 1   then   ' 2^31-1 '
else   rtrim ( ColumnProperty (a. object_id ,a.Name, ' Precision ' ))  end ,
[ 小數 ] = isnull ( ColumnProperty (a. object_id ,a.Name, ' Scale ' ), ),
[ 是否為空 ] = case   when  a.is_nullable = 1   then   ' '   else   ''   end ,
[ 列说明 ] = isnull (e. [ value ] , '' ),
[ 默認值 ] = isnull (d. text , '' )    
    sys.columns a
left   join
    sys.types b 
on  a.user_type_id = b.user_type_id
inner   join
    sys.objects c 
on  a. object_id = c. object_id   and  c.Type = ' U '
left   join
    syscomments d 
on  a.default_object_id = d.ID
left   join
    sys.extended_properties e 
on  e.major_id = c. object_id   and  e.minor_id = a.Column_id  and  e.class = 1  
left   join
    sys.extended_properties f 
on  f.major_id = c. object_id   and  f.minor_id =   and  f.class = 1

原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/roy_88/article/details/1914264
