a dozen of technologies need to be study .Just now GWT ,the web server side,that is to say jetty or tomcat build with maven ant some versions control tools also neet to know .
but above all the java api or that is to say java basic knowleges are the most important ones.
especially head to job seeking now!
try also on c++ direction .
a) const, implicit conversion, return value optimization, multiple inheritance, virtual pointer and virtual table,virtual inheritance, sizeof, four kinds of cast, operator overloaded(such as ++post and ++prefix,operator +),the difference between overload and override,declaration of pointer to a class member of class function, the exception handler (catch an excetion is a copy of it),the different behavior of throw(throw the caught object or throw the newed object). the difference between new operator and operator new
B) Socket programming. thread synchronization, the multiplex of io operation(select,poll and epoll), the ipc mechanism,the tips for enhance the efficiency of server. the Boost library for the socket programming. the relationshop between process and thread. the resource management in thread and process.
C) STL, Boost ,algorithm
implementation of container such as linked list,deque,vector,map,hash map and set.
all kins of sorting algorithm(quick sorting,select sorting,bubble sorting,heap soroting, radix sorting,merge sorting
D) pattern design
explain the nvi,singleton, propose a good framework where the extension and separation are considered
E)SQL query
Select ,and , in ,not in,full join,left join,right join,and so on.