Online study Lesson 6-10

Online study Lesson 6-10

Lesson 6
drugstore  ['drʌgˌstəur] n. 药房,  杂货店
aspirin ['æspərin] n. 阿斯匹林
allowance [ә'lauәns] n. 津贴, 零用钱, 限额, 折扣, 允许
pension ['penʃən]n.养老金, 退休金, 抚恤金, 年金 vt.发退休金

I don't have  a car. Could you give me a ride?
I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
Yes, I'll  appreciate it  very  much. Could you stop at  the drugstore on  the way? 
I need to  buy some aspirin.

Mary wants to have a weekly allowance.

Would you like to be a city worker?
Would you like to be a fire fighter?

Why do people work for city governments?
Because city workers get a good pension when they retire.

She   works  five  days a   week, Monday  through  Friday.  
Her  job  is  to   type  reports of fire.

Lesson 7

gasoline   ['gæsəˌli:n]  n.汽油
Seattle [si'ætl] n. 西雅图
tuition   [tju:'iʃən]  n.学费, 教诲, 教学
do        did
eat       ate
give      gave
go         went
have    had
make  made
meet   met
see       saw
sell       sold
sit         sat
spend spent
take     took

Peter worked at a gasoline station.

They saw interesting  places near  their  home  in Seattle.

Peter is  going to  the  university  next  year. He needs money for the  university tuition.

Lesson 8
committee [kə'miti] n.委员会
gymnasium [dʒim'neiziəm] n.体育馆, 健身房
lemonade [,lemә'neid] n. 柠檬水 【医】 柠檬水

Were you at the dance last night?   It was a nice dance, wasn't it?
The students needed to decorate the gymnasium.
The students painted posters for the dance.

They  spent some of the money on decorations  and they hired a band to play music.
They were on the decorating and clean up committees.

Lesson 9
thin    ------>thinner
fat      ------>fatter
good -------> better
bad    -------> worse
many -------> more
much -------> more

Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever.  What's your secret?

Susan is healthier than Henry.

Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.

Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.

Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight.

as useful as
as practical as
more intelligent    intelligent [in'telədʒənt] adj.聪明的, 智能的
more talented        talented ['tæləntid]  adj. 有才能的,  有天赋的

it's no use worrying about the exam now.
