Web Python Tutorial:Apache Configuration

Taken from  http://webpython.codepoint.net/


If you installed mod_python from a Linux package you probably already have this line in your httpd.conf:

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

Otherwise add it. There are two options to configure the Publisher handler. Those are the SetHandler and the AddHandler directives

SetHandler directive

This will be used in this tutorial. If you want to follow it exactly use it yourself and avoid plenty of confusion. In this configuration all files in a directory will be handled by the Publisher.

<Directory /path/to/publisher/directory>
   SetHandler mod_python
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug On

The lines above must be included in the Apache httpd.conf file or in the .htaccess file. The <Directory> directive must not be used inside the .htacces file. Instead use only the three internal lines.

The first line, SetHandler mod_python, tells Apache that all the files in that directory will be handled by mod_python, regardless of the file extension.

The second line, PythonHandler mod_python.publisher, is a mod_python directive. The mod_python handler to be used here is the Publisher.

The third line, PythonDebug On, sets mod_python to send error messages to the standard output, quite convenient for debugging. Should be deleted when in production.

This configuration will be used in the next pages. It enables a traversal algorithm a bit more convenient than the configuration shown next. That is, it allows the index page of the site to be executed when no page is declared in the URL as in http://mysite.tld. Also there is no need to write the .py extension.


If there is the need to serve static files from the same directory add this:

<Files ~ "\.(gif|html|jpg|png)$">
   SetHandler default-handler

AddHandler directive

The second option to configure the Publisher handler is changing the SetHandler directive to:

AddHandler mod_python .py

With this directive all other file types will be handled by their default handlers without the need to set them. But it will be necessary to use the .pyextension in the URIs.

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