public class exampleBOImpl implements exampleBO { private ExampleDAO exampleDAO; //取出所有符合条件的数据 @Override public List<UserInfo> selectExampleListByPage(Example example, PageBean pb) throws BusinessException { return this.exampleDAO.selectExampleListByPage(example, pb); } //计算当前数据的总是 @Override public int selectExampleListCount(Example example) throws BusinessException { return this.exampleDAO.getExampleListCount(example); } }
public class ExampleDAOImpl extends SqlSessionDaoSupport implements ExampleDAO{ private String mapper = "com.XXXXXX.example."; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Example> selectExampleListByPage(Example example, PageBean pb) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("example", example); if(null != pb){ map.put("start", pb.getStartRow() - 1); map.put("pageSize", pb.getPageSize()); } return getSqlSession().selectList(mapper + "selectExampleListByPage", map); } @Override public int selectExampleListCount(Example Example) { return (Integer) getSqlSession().selectOne(mapper + "selectExampleListCount", Example); } }
@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/example") @SessionAttributes("employee") public class ExampleController { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExampleController.class); @Autowired private ExampleBO exampleBO; @RequestMapping("/list.htm") public ModelAndView listExample(@ModelAttribute("example") ExampleBean example,Integer pageNo) throws BusinessException { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // 分页 构建pageBean PageBean pb = null; pb = new PageBean(pageNo, exampleBO.getExampleListCount(example),10,7); map.put("paging", pb); // 列表显示所有住户信息 List<Example> allExampleList = this.exampleBO.getExampleList(example, pb,); map.put("example", example); map.put("allExampleList", allExampleList); return new ModelAndView("/example/list", map); } }
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class PageBean { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PageBean.class); // 当前页码 private int currentPage = 1; // 总数量 private int totalCount = 0; // 总页数 private int totalPage = 1; // 开始页 private int startPage = 1; // 结束页 private int endPage = 1; // 每页大小 private int pageSize = 10; // 每次显示多少页 private int showPages = 7; // 第一页 private boolean first = false; // 最后页 private boolean last = false; // 上一页 private boolean pre = false; // 下一页 private boolean next = false; // 开始行 从1开始计算 private int startRow = 1; // 结束行 private int endRow = 1; // url private int url; public PageBean(Integer currentPage, Integer totalCount) { if (totalCount == null) { this.totalCount = 0; } else { this.totalCount = totalCount; } if (currentPage == null || currentPage <= 0) { this.currentPage = 1; } else { this.currentPage = currentPage; } this.init(); } public PageBean(Integer currentPage, Integer totalCount, Integer pageSize, Integer showPages) { if (totalCount == null) { this.totalCount = 0; } else { this.totalCount = totalCount; } if (currentPage == null || currentPage <= 0) { this.currentPage = 1; } else { this.currentPage = currentPage; } if (pageSize == null || pageSize == 0) { this.pageSize = 10; } else { this.pageSize = pageSize; } if (showPages == null || showPages == 0) { this.showPages = 10; } else { this.showPages = showPages; } // 初始化 this.init(); } private void init() { if (this.totalCount != 0) { if ((this.totalCount / this.pageSize) != 0 && (this.totalCount % this.pageSize == 0)) { this.totalPage = this.totalCount / this.pageSize; } else { this.totalPage = this.totalCount / this.pageSize + 1; } if ((this.currentPage / this.showPages) != 0 && (this.currentPage % this.showPages == 0)) { this.startPage = (this.currentPage / this.showPages - 1) * this.showPages + 1; } else { this.startPage = (this.currentPage / this.showPages) * this.showPages + 1; } if ((this.startPage + this.showPages) <= this.totalPage) { this.endPage = (this.startPage + this.showPages - 1); } else { this.endPage = this.totalPage; } // 校验?? if (this.endPage < this.startPage) { this.startPage = (this.endPage / this.showPages) * this.showPages + 1; } if (this.endPage <= this.currentPage) { this.currentPage = this.endPage; } if (this.currentPage == 1) { this.first = false; this.pre = false; } else { this.first = true; this.pre = true; } if (this.currentPage == this.totalPage) { this.last = false; this.next = false; } else { this.last = true; this.next = true; } this.startRow = (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pageSize + 1; this.endRow = this.startRow + this.pageSize - 1; } log.debug("currentPage::" + this.currentPage); log.debug("totalCount::" + this.totalCount); } }
<select id="selectExampleListByPage" parameterType="Map" resultMap="exampleResult"> select * from example_table <if test="example.name!=null and example.name!=''"> and name = #{example.name} </if> <if test="start != null and pageSize != null"> limit #{start},#{pageSize} </if> </select> <select id="selectExampleListCount" parameterType="example" resultType="int"> select count(*) from example_table </select>
<jsp:include page="../paging/paging.jsp" />