use shelve
import sys,shelve width=77 def store_person(db): """ Query user for data and store it in the shelf object """ pid=input('Enter unique ID number:') if pid in db: print('The id exist') print_person(db[pid]) lookup_main(db,pid) else: db[pid]=input_person() def lookup_person(db): """ Query user for ID and desired field. and fetch the corresponding data from the shelf object """ if len(db.keys())==0: print('The database is empty! Please store some data.') print('You can try store command.') return while True: pid=input('Enter ID number:') if pid in db: lookup_person_attr(db,pid) lookup_main(db,pid) return print('No this key,Please try again') def lookup_person_attr(db,pid): """ look up a person attributes by pid """ while True: cmd=enter_lookup_attr_cmd() if cmd=='?': print_attr_help() else: fields=cmd.split(',') if len(fields)==1: if fields[0]=='all': print_person(db[pid]) return message=[] for field in fields: if field in db[pid]: message.append(print_person_info(db[pid],field)) else: message.append('No '+field+' attribute') beauti_print('Person '+pid+'\'s Information',*message) return def modify_person(dp,pid): """ modify a person """ person=dp[pid] print_person(person) while True: cmd=enter_modify_attr_cmd() if cmd=='name' or cmd=='age' or cmd=='phone': input_person_info(person,cmd) break elif cmd=='all': input_person() break elif cmd=='?': print_attr_help() else: cmds=cmd.split(",") for cmd in cmds: input_person_info(person,cmd) break dp[pid]=person print_person(person) def input_person(): """ accept user input in a person object """ person={} input_person_info(person,'name') input_person_info(person,'age') input_person_info(person,'phone') return person def print_person(p): """ print a person information """ message=[] message.append(print_person_info(p,'name')) message.append(print_person_info(p,'age')) message.append(print_person_info(p,'phone')) beauti_print('Person Information',*message) def input_person_info(p,field): p[field]=input('Enter '+field+':') def print_person_info(p,field): return field.capitalize()+': '+p[field] def del_person(db): """ delete user for ID """ pid=input('Enter ID number:') message=[] if pid in db: del db[pid] message.append('Delete success') else: message.append('No this id!') beauti_print('About Delete',*message) def print_attr_help(): message=[] message.append('You can try enter name,age,phone') message.append('all : Prints person all information') message.append('?(h) : Prints this message') beauti_print('About Person',*message,flag='=') def print_lookup_help(): message=[] message.append('del(d) : Delete information about a person by ID number') message.append('modify(m): Modify information about a person by ID number') message.append('back(b) : Back to upper list') message.append('?(h) : Prints this message') beauti_print('The available commands are',*message,flag='+') def print_help(): message=[] message.append('store(s) : Store information about a person') message.append('del(d) : Delete information about a person by ID number') message.append('lookup(l): Looks up a person from ID number') message.append('quit(q) : Save changes and exit') message.append('?(h) : Prints this message') beauti_print('The available commands are',*message) def beauti_print(head,*message,flag='*'): flag=flag if len(flag)>1: flag='*' mess_format=flag+' '+'%-'+str(width-5)+'s'+flag left_width=(width-len(head)-2)//2 right_width=width-len(head)-left_width-2 print(flag*left_width,head,flag*right_width) for mess in message: print(mess_format % mess) print(flag*width) def enter_modify_attr_cmd(): return base_command('What would you like to modify(? for help):') def enter_lookup_attr_cmd(): return base_command('What would you like to know(? for help):') def enter_lookup_cmd(): return base_command('what would you like to do about this person(? for help):') def enter_command(): return base_command('Enter command(? for help):') def base_command(message): while True: cmd=input(message) cmd=cmd.strip().lower() if cmd!='': return cmd def lookup_main(db,pid): while True: cmd=enter_lookup_cmd() if cmd=='del' or cmd=='d': del db[pid] print('Delete success!') break elif cmd=='modify' or cmd=='m': modify_person(db,pid) break elif cmd=='back' or cmd=='b': break elif cmd=='?' or cmd=='h': print_lookup_help() def top_main(db): try: while True: cmd=enter_command() if cmd=='store' or cmd=='s': store_person(db) elif cmd=='lookup' or cmd=='l': lookup_person(db) elif cmd=='del' or cmd=='d': del_person(db) elif cmd=='?' or cmd=='h': print_help() elif cmd=='quit' or cmd=='q': return finally: db.close() def main():'E:/tunie/usePython/003oop/database.dat') top_main(database) if __name__=='__main__': main()