
首先让我们定义一个很有用的'polymorphic' form。我相信你将会使用它了吧!

<?php /**
 * PolymorphicForm.php in 'models' directory */ class PolymorphicForm extends CFormModel { private $data = array(); public function __get($key) { return (isset($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key] : null); } public function __set($key, $value) { $this->data[$key] = $value; } } ?>

继续模型,让我们定义在一个表'Example'中定义这些字段:keyExample,Field_one,Field_two。 你知道如何做,不是吗?…


... // an over simplified 'list' action  public function actionList () { $form = new PolymorphicForm; $this->render("list", array( "models" => Example::model()->findAll(), "form" => $form, )); } ...


<script language="javascript"> function byebye () { // need a confirmation before submiting if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) $("#myForm").submit (); } $(document).ready(function(){ // powerful jquery ! Clicking on the checkbox 'checkAll' change the state of all checkbox  $('.checkAll').click(function () { $("input[type='checkbox']:not([disabled='disabled'])").attr('checked', this.checked); }); });
<?php echo CHtml::beginForm("index.php?r=Example/delete", "post", array("id"=>"myForm")); ?> <table>
    <th><?php echo "Blabla" ?></th>
    <th><?php echo "Blabla bis"; ?></th>
    <th> All <?php echo CHtml::activeCheckBox($form, "checkAll", array ("class" => "checkAll")); ?> <button type="button" onClick="byebye()" > Delete </button>
  <?php foreach($models as $n=>$rec): ?> <tr>
    <?php echo CHtml::encode($rec->Field_one); ?> </td>
    <?php echo CHtml::encode($rec->Field_two); ?> </td>
    <?php echo CHtml::activeCheckBox($form, "checkRecord_$rec->keyExample"); ?> </td>
  <?php endforeach; ?> </table>
<?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>


... /**
* Deletes a range of model
* If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the "list" page. */ public function actionDelete() { // I want a post  if(Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { // parse $_POST variables foreach($_POST["PolymorphicForm"] as $key => $val) { // is one a these checkbox ? if (strstr ($key, "checkRecord")) { // checkbox in state checked ? if ($val == 1) { // get the key of the record $ar = explode ("_", $key); // deleting record  $model = Example::model()->findByPk ($ar[1])->delete (); } } } $this->redirect(array("list")); } else throw new CHttpException(400,"Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again."); } ...
