8.5.4 创建PVLAN
表8-18 配置VLAN作为PVLAN的步骤
命令 |
用途 |
Step 1 |
Switch(config)# vlan vlan_ID |
键入要配置的VLAN的VLAN ID,进入VLAN配置模式 |
Step 2 |
Switch(config-vlan)# private-vlan {community | isolated | primary} |
Switch(config-vlan)# no private-vlan {community | isolated | primary} |
清除PVLAN配置。这个命令的配置要到退出VLAN配置模式后才会生效 |
Step 3 |
Switch(config-vlan)# end |
退出VLAN配置模式 |
Step 4 |
Switch# show vlan private-vlan [type] |
校验以上配置 |
以下示例显示如何配置VLAN 202作为一个主VLAN(primary VLAN),并校验配置。
Switch(config-vlan)# private-vlan primary
Switch# show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type Interfaces
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
以下示例显示如何配置VLAN 303作为公共VLAN(community VLAN),并校验配置。
Switch(config-vlan)# private-vlan community
Switch# show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type Interfaces
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
以下示例显示如何配置VLAN 440作为一个隔离VLAN(isolated VLAN),并校验配置。
Switch(config-vlan)# private-vlan isolated
Switch# show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type Interfaces
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
你可以使用“set pvlan primary_vlan_num {isolated_vlan_num | community_vlan_num}”命令绑定没有与隔离端口(isolated port)或者公共端口(community port)关联的隔离VLAN(isolated VLAN)或者公共VLAN(community VLAN)到主VLAN(private VLAN)中。也可以使用“set pvlan primary_vlan_num {isolated_vlan_num | community_vlan_num} mod/port”命令改变PVLAN中的隔离或者公共端口,而不用改变隔离或者公共VLAN。
你必须键入“set pvlan”命令来创建PVLAN,具体的步骤如表8-19所示。
表8-19 在CatoS系统交换机上创建PVLAN的步骤
命令 |
用途说明 |
Step 1 |
Console> (enable) set vlan vlan_num pvlan-type primary |
创建主VLAN |
Step 2 |
Console> (enable) set vlan vlan_num pvlan-type {isolated | community} |
设置隔离或者公共VLAN |
Step 3 |
Console> (enable)set pvlan primary_vlan_num {isolated_vlan_num | community_vlan_num}mod/ports |
绑定隔离或者公共VLAN到主VLAN中,并把隔离或者公共VLAN与PVLAN进行关联 |
Step 4 |
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping primary_vlan_num {isolated_vlan_num | community_vlan_num} mod/ports |
在混杂端口上映射隔离、公共VLAN到主VLAN |
Step 5 |
Console> (enable) show pvlan [vlan_num] Console> (enable) show pvlan mapping |
校验PVLAN配置 |
以下示例显示了如何使用VLAN 7作为主VLAN,VLAN 901作为隔离VLAN,VLAN 902和VLAN 903作为公共VLAN来创建一个PLAVN。VLAN 901使用模块4的端口3;VLAN 902使用模块4的端口4~6;VLAN 903使用模块4的端口7~9。路由器是连接到混杂端口3/1上的。
在开始编辑没有分配端口的VLAN 7、901、902、903前,使用“show vlan vlan_num”命令查看各VLAN中端口成员。如果在这些VLAN中,已分配了任何端口,使用“set vlan vlan_num {mod/port}”命令设置它们到其他适当的VLAN中。
以下示例显示了如何指定VLAN 7作为主LVAN。
Console> (enable) set vlan 7 pvlan-type primary
Vlan 7 configuration successful
Console> (enable)
以下示例显示如何指定VLAN 901作为隔离VLAN,VLAN 902和VLAN 903作为公共VLAN。
Console> (enable) set vlan 901 pvlan-type isolated
Vlan 901 configuration successful
Console> (enable) set vlan 902 pvlan-type community
Vlan 902 configuration successful
Console> (enable) set vlan 903 pvlan-type community
Vlan 903 configuration successful
Console> (enable)
以下示例显示如何绑定VLAN 901到主VLAN 7中,并指定端口4/3作为隔离端口。
Console> (enable) set pvlan 7 901 4/3
Successfully set the following ports to Private Vlan 7,901: 4/3
Console> (enable)
以下示例显示如何绑定VLAN 902到主VLAN 7中,并指定端口4/4~4/6作为隔离端口。
Console> (enable) set pvlan 7 902 4/4-6
Successfully set the following ports to Private Vlan 7,902:4/4-6
Console> (enable)
以下示例显示如何绑定VLAN 903到主VLAN 7中,并指定端口4/7~4/9作为隔离端口。
Console> (enable) set pvlan 7 903
Successfully set association between 7 and 903.
Console> (enable) set pvlan 7 903 4/7-9
Successfully set the following ports to Private Vlan 7,903:4/7-9
Console> (enable)
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping 7 901 3/1
Successfully set mapping between 7 and 901 on 3/1
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping 7 902 3/1
Successfully set mapping between 7 and 902 on 3/1
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping 7 903 3/1
Successfully set mapping between 7 and 903 on 3/1
Console> (enable) show vlan 7
VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------
7 VLAN0007 active 35 4/4-6
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BrdgNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ---- -------- ------ ------
7 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
---- ---------- --------
7 static disabled
---- ------- ------- ---------- -------
Primary Secondary Secondary-Type Ports
------- --------- ----------------- -----------------
7 901 Isolated 4/3
7 902 Community 4/4-6
7 903 Community 4/7-9
Console> (enable) show vlan 902
VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------
902 VLAN0007 active 38 4/4-6
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BrdgNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ---- -------- ------ ------
7 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
---- ---------- --------
7 static disabled
---- ------- ------- ---------- -------
Primary Secondary Secondary-Type Ports
------- --------- ----------------- -----------------
7 902 Isolated 4/4-6
Console> (enable) show pvlan
Primary Secondary Secondary-Type Ports
------- --------- -------------- ------------
7 901 isolated 4/3
7 902 community 4/4-6
7 903 community 4/7-9
Console> (enable) show pvlan mapping
Port Primary Secondary
----- -------- ----------
3/1 7 901-903
Console> (enable) show port
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
----- ------------------ ---------- ---------- ------ ----- ------------
...truncated output...
4/3 notconnect 7,901 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/4 notconnect 7,902 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/5 notconnect 7,902 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/6 notconnect 7,902 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/7 notconnect 7,903 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/8 notconnect 7,903 half 100 100BaseFX MM
4/9 notconnect 7,903 half 100 100BaseFX MM
... truncated output...