
所用版本:EST 2.1, Festival 2.1,  Festvox2.4(该版本兼容Festival2.1,官方发布的Festvox2.1版本可能存在兼容问题)

The process is fairly long, recording and labelling take a few hours each, and after that there

may still be extensive hand correction. It also requires a fair amount of disk space so make sure

you have at least 500 Meg free. The basic list of steps is as follows.

Create templates.

Generate prompts.

Record nonsense words.

Autolabel recorded words.

Generate diphone index Generate pitchmarks and LPC co-efficients.

Test Package for distribution.

0. Before continuing make sure that you have Speech tools, Festival, FestVox and EMU Label

correctly installed. Also make sure the following environment variable are set.

export ESTDIR=/home/...../speech_tools

export FESTVOXDIR=/home/...../FestVox

export PATH = $PATH:/home/...../Festival/bin

1. Make a directory and change to it. By convention the directory is named Insitution_language_name_type e.g.

mkdir ~/ru_us_matt_diphone

cd ~/ru_us_matt)diphone

2. FestVox provides a tool to build the basic directory structure. It takes institution, language and

name as arguments. E.g.

$FESTVOXDIR/src/diphones/setup_diphone ru us matt

The setup script also needs to copy in some language specific files. For US English the following

packages will need to be part of Festival.





3. The nonsense word list must be generated.

festival -b festvox/diphlist.scm festvox/us_schema.scm '(diphone-gen-schema "us" "etc/usdiph.list")'

4. The prompts must be synthesised so that Festival can prompt the user before recording the diphones.

festival -b festvox/diphlist.scm festvox/us_schema.scm '(diphone-gen-waves "prompt-wav" "prompt-lab" "etc/usdiph.list")'



bin/prompt_them etc/usdiph.list

注意,如果启动festival需要使用命令 padsp festival的话,这里的命令也必须写成

padsp bin/prompt_them etc/usdiph.list


终端会提示将要录下的音节,比如pau t aa t ae t aa pau,然后会输出合成的语音,接下来提示开始录音两秒,然后对着麦克风说完这个音节串即可。

6.所有录音完成之后就可以使用自动标注(auto label)的脚本程序对录音片段自动标注了:

bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wav

7.如果需要手动修改标注,那么官方文档提供的工具emulabel已经过时了,现在可以使用wavesurfer这个工具,如果是ubuntu系统可以直接在源里安装(sudo apt-get install wavesurfer)。如果要修改pitchmark则还需要Wavesurfer Pitchmark Plugin

插件,目前可以在http://mh21.de/pmedit/index.html下载(如果直接打开链接会404,那就从google搜索页中打开吧)。把他下载到~/.wavesurfer/1.8/plugins里面即可。根据邮件列表中一个朋友的描述,将wav/lab/mcep/pm/目录中的文件全部拷贝到一个单独的目录中(此时我的mcep/pm/目录是空的,见后)。然后使用wavesurfer打开一个录音文件。此时提示使用什么配置,选择transcription。点击右键->create pane ->Pitchmarks

注意,此时可能因为缺少pitchmark文件(pm/)所以面板显示一片空白。Festvox提供pitchmarklabel files互转的脚本make_pm_pmlabmake_pmlab_pm。使用make_pmlab_pm脚本将lab/下的label文件转换为pm文件然后拷贝到上面说到的同一个目录下即可:

bin/make_pmlab_pm lab/*.lab


mkdir dic

bin/make_diph_index etc/usdiph.list dic/mattdiph.est


9.下一步是pitchmark的提取, and then moving it to the nearest peak.

不过首先需要拷贝etc/usdiph.list etc/txt.done.data,这是将要执行的两个脚本中的小bug

cp etc/usdiph.list etc/txt.done.data

bin/make_pm_wave wav/*.wav

bin/make_pm_fix pm/*.pm


10. You can optionally match the power, first the files must be analysed and a mean factor extracted

bin/find_powerfactors lab/*.lab (终于遇到个可以执行的命令了……)

And finally you can use this to build the pitch-synchronous LPC coefficients

bin/make_lpc wav/*.wav


padsp festival festvox/ru_us_matt_diphone.scm '(voice_ru_us_matt_diphone)'

12. A group file must be built that contains only the bits needed from the larger wave files.

festival (us_make_group_file “group/mattlpc.group” nil)

13.切换至Festival的英语声音目录(如果是其他语言,可在voices目录下创建新目录。注意,voices文件夹下的us指的是unit selection,与美式英语没有任何关系)

cd /your/festival/directory/lib/voices/english/


ln -s /path/to/your/voice/ru_us_matt_diphone





  1. Creating a Voice for Festival Speech Synthesis System

  2. Mailing list of the EMU Speech Database System

  3. Build Synthesis Voice 2.1
