Utilities Zynq in a PL only configuration

Is it possible to utilize Zynq in a PL-only configuration? 

You don’t need to have the ARM instantiated in your design but nevertheless the ARM is always present to take care of the configuration task. The Boot ROM code will always get executed at POR and the hard PS will boot. Remember, Zynq is a standalone processor and does not require PL configuration as is needed for MicroBlaze.

Here is what you need to do if you are using PL only:

  1. Create an FSBL for the board (FSBL is needed for loading the bitstream). If you already have an SDK project for this board for any reference design (just make sure the reference design has the SD interface included. Chances are the ref design already has all peripherals included), Open the SDK project and make sure there is an FSBL SDK software project. If not create one.

  2. Edit your fsbl.h file, add the following line and make sure SDK rebuilds the FSBL project (saving the file might not rebuild the fsbl.elf file, so run rebuild).


           This #define will tell FSBL that PS is not instantiated in your design

     3.  Use the above FSBL.ELF and your Bitstream to generate the Boot.BIN file using the Bootgen utility in SDK.
