Microsoft Visual SourceSafe OLE Automation

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe OLE Automation
Ken Felder
Microsoft Corporation

October 1995


The Visual SourceSafe Object Model

Visual SourceSafe Events (the IVSSEvents Interface)

Error Handling

This specification describes the OLE Automation interfaces to Microsoft? Visual SourceSafe? version 5.0. Future versions of Visual SourceSafe will attempt to make as few changes as possible to these interfaces. Versions earlier than Visual SourceSafe 5.0 do not support these interfaces in any way.

A Microsoft Visual Basic? application can get a Visual SourceSafe object and begin executing commands (such as "Get this file" or "Tell me whether this file is currently checked out"). It can also register itself to receive events from Visual SourceSafe. ("Let me know if someone checks this file out.") The two can be used together: for instance, if you programmatically tell Visual SourceSafe to check a file out, an event is triggered, letting Visual SourceSafe add-ins (and your own) know that the file is about to be checked out. Hence, the following code would cause a system hang by creating an endless loop of events.

Sub BeforeCheckout (File as VSSItem, Local as String) File.Checkout End SubAvoiding this kind of loop is the responsibility of the user and only requires a little common sense.

Hooking Up to Drive Visual SourceSafe

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