本文所描述的所有函数为XForms 1.1所提供的xpath函数,这些函数只能在GForms的xpath编辑器中可用,这样才能在运行时识别并执行。
不可在XMLUtil、标准XML DOM中使用这些函数。
node-set instance(string?)
An XForms Model can contain more than one instance. This functionallows access to instance data, within the same XForms Model, but outside theinstance data containing the context node.
If the argument is omitted or is equal to the empty string, thenthe root element node (also called the document element node) is returned forthe default instance in the model that contains the current context node.
Otherwise, the argument is converted to a string as if by a callto the string function. This string is treated as an IDREF, which is matchedagainst instance elements in the containing document. If a match is located, andthe matching instance data is associated with the same XForms Model as thecurrent context node, this function returns a node-set containing just the rootelement node (also called the document element node) of the referenced instancedata. In all other cases, an empty node-set is returned.
For instance data corresponding to this XML:
<xforms:instancexmlns="" id="orderform">
The following expression selects the firstName node. Note that the instance function returns an elementnode, effectively replacing the leftmost location step from the path:
string if(boolean, string, string)
Function if evaluates the first parameter as boolean, returning the secondparameter when true, otherwise the third parameter.
This function accepts a string identifying a property name. If theproperty name is not recognized, empty string is returned. The propertydefinitions for this function are as follows:
Property |
Return Value |
version |
1.1 |
conformance-level |
full, basic or a string beginning with full or basic |
Any other NCName |
Reserved. Their use results in an exception (see 7.5 The XForms Function Library for the exception type) |
QNameButNotNCName |
An implementation-specific property value, such as a locale or timezone for the user agent. If the implementation does not support the property, then empty string is returned. |
returns 1.1
may return full
number avg(node-set)
Function avg returns the arithmetic average of the result of converting thestring-values of each node in the argument node-set to a number. The sum iscomputed with sum(), and divided with div by the value computed with count(). If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of the nodesevaluate to NaN, the return value is NaN.
Function min returns the minimum value of the result of converting thestring-values of each node in argument node-set to a number."Minimum" is determined with the < operator. If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of thenodes evaluate to NaN, the return value is NaN.
Function max returns the maximum value of the result of converting thestring-values of each node in argument node-set to a number."Maximum" is determined with the < operator. If the parameter is an empty node-set, or if any of thenodes evaluate to NaN, the return value is NaN.
number count-non-empty(node-set)
Function count-non-empty returns the number ofnon-empty nodes in argument node-set. A node isconsidered non-empty if it is convertible into a string with a greater-thanzero length.
number index(string)
Function index takes a string argument that is the IDREF of a repeat and returns the current 1-based position of the repeat index forthe identifiedrepeat—see 9.3.1 The repeat Element for details on repeat and its associated repeat index. If the specified argument doesnot identify a repeat, the function returns NaN.
The IDREF obtained from the function parameter may not uniquelyidentify the desired repeat if the repeat element bearing the matching ID resides in a repeating constructsuch as element repeat. The general method described in 4.7 Resolving ID References in XForms is used to determine the desired run-time repeat object.
<xforms:label>Add to ShoppingCart</xforms:label>
<xforms:insertev:event="DOMActivate" position="after"
number power(number, number)
Raises the first argument to the power of the second argument,returning the result. If the calculation does not result in a real number, then NaNis returned.
power(2, 3)
returns 8
power(-1, 0.5)
returns NaN.
if (prin>0 anddur>0 and rate>0, prin*rate/(1-power(1+rate, -dur)), 0)
returns a compounded interest payment value given a non-zeroprincipal (prin), duration (dur) and periodic interest rate(rate).
number random(boolean?)
This function generates and returns a uniformly distributed randomor pseudorandom number in the range from 0.0 up to but excluding 1.0. Thisfunction accepts an author-optional boolean parameter that is false by default. If true, the random number generatorfor this function is first seeded with a source of randomness before generatingthe return value. A typical implementation may seed the random number generatorwith the current system time in milliseconds when random(true) is invoked, and it may apply a linear congruential formula togenerate return values on successive invocations of the function.
could return 0.14159265358979
number compare(string, string)
This function returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the valueof the first argument is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than thevalue of second argument based on lexicographic comparison using Unicode codepoint values [Unicode Collation Algorithm].
returns -1
boolean boolean-from-string(string)
Function boolean-from-string returns true if the required parameter string is "true" or "1", or false if parameter string is "false", or "0". This is useful whenreferencing a Schema xsd:boolean datatype in an XPath expression. If the parameter string matchesnone of the above strings, according to a case-insensitive comparison, thereturn value is false.
格式类型 |
标准格式 |
GForms格式 |
xsd:date |
yyyy-MM-ddz |
yyyy-MM-dd |
xsd:dateTime |
yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssz |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
string now()
按标准应该返回:2014-03-14T01:04:17Z,但在GForms中将根据config_xx.xslt中的dateTime配置进行返回:2014-03-14 01:04:17以方便本地化编程处理。
string local-date()
返回格式 2006-10-13
按标准应该返回: 2006-10-13T16:04:17-07:00
但在GForms中如果是中国地区则会返回: 2006-10-13 16:04:17。
number days-from-date(string)
将把输入的时间转换为UTC格式,然后计算与 1970-01-01时间之间的天数。
把输入的天数转换为时间字符串,天数将从 1970-01-01之后开始计算,如果输入的天数非法,则返回空字符串。
返回 2002-01-01
返回 1969-12-31
string digest(string, Algorithm, encoding?)
digest('abc', 'SHA-1','hex')
将返回: a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d.
match( node, '^[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)*@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+$')
object event(propertyName)
如果后端发生内部错误,则得到的信息为一个字符串值:Internal Server Error
boolean is-valid(nodeSet)
特殊字符 |
特殊含义 |
实体编码 |
> |
开始标记 |
> |
< |
结束标记 |
< |
" |
引号 |
" |
' |
撇号 |
' |
& |
"&"符 |
& |
1. XForms提供的XPath函数详解请参考XForms标准:
2. XPath2.0标准:
3. xpath使用手册