1. C++模板类静态成员
template < typename T> struct testClass { static int _data; }; template< > int testClass< char>::_data = 1; template< > int testClass< long>::_data = 2; int main( void ) { cout < < boolalpha < < (1==testClass< char>::_data) < < endl; cout < < boolalpha < < (2==testClass< long>::_data) < < endl; }
2. C++模板类偏特化
template < class I, class O> struct testClass { testClass() { cout < < "I, O" < < endl; } }; template < class T> struct testClass< T*, T*> { testClass() { cout < < "T*, T*" < < endl; } }; template < class T> struct testClass< const T*, T*> { testClass() { cout < < "const T*, T*" < < endl; } }; int main( void ) { testClass< int, char> obj1; testClass< int*, int*> obj2; testClass< const int*, int*> obj3;
template < class T> struct testClass { void swap( testClass< T>& ) { cout < < "swap()" < < endl; } }; template < class T> inline void swap( testClass< T>& x, testClass< T>& y ) { x.swap( y ); } int main( void ) { testClass< int> obj1; testClass< int> obj2; swap( obj1, obj2 ); }
4. 类成员函数模板
struct testClass { template < class T> void mfun( const T& t ) { cout < < t < < endl; } template < class T> operator T() { return T(); } }; int main( void ) { testClass obj; obj.mfun( 1 ); int i = obj; cout < < i < < endl; }
5. 缺省C++模板参数推导
template < class T> struct test { T a; }; template < class I, class O=test< I> > struct testClass { I b; O c; }; void main() { }
6. 非类型C++模板参数
template < class T, int n> struct testClass { T _t; testClass() : _t(n) { } }; int main( void ) { testClass< int,1> obj1; testClass< int,2> obj2; }
7. 空模板参数
template < class T> struct testClass;
template < class T> bool operator==( const testClass< T>&,
const testClass< T>& )
return false;
template < class T> struct testClass
friend bool operator== < >
( const testClass&, const testClass& );
void main()
8. template template 类
struct Widget1 { template< typename T> T foo(){} }; template< template< class T>class X> struct Widget2 { }; void main() { cout< < 3 < < '\n'; }
/** it is a non-type parameter. You can have several kinds of template parameters Type Parameters: Types Templates (only classes, no functions) Non-type Parameters: Pointers References Integral constant expressions **/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <int SIZE> void f(const int (&array)[SIZE]) { cout << sizeof(array) << endl; } int main() { int array[5] = {3,4,9,1,5}; cout << sizeof(array) << endl; f(array); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <int N>struct Factorial { enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value }; }; template <>struct Factorial<0> { enum { value = 1 }; }; int x = Factorial<4>::value; // == 24 int y = Factorial<0>::value; // == 1}