




维基媒体国际会议,全称是“International Wikimedia Conference”,但该全称在实际中绝少使用。英文名称“Wikimania”取自“Wiki-”(“维基”之意)与“-mania”(“痴迷”、“执狂”之意),目前并无广为接受的中文译名,但有译为“为维基狂”。2013年度维基媒体国际会议会将于2013年8月7日至11日在香港举行。

Wikimedia CH

Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge is a non-profit association aimed to support the free dissemination of knowledge in Switzerland, including projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, of which the free encyclopedia Wikipedia , the multimedia database Wikimedia Commons , the collection of educational texts Wikibooks , the news portal Wikinews , the collection of quotations Wikiquote  or the collection of books Wikisource .

【Wikimedia Foundation】

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit  charitable organization, headquartered in the United States of America and dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, a top-ten internet property.





Wikipedia  --  Free encyclopedia
Wiktionary  --  Dictionary and thesaurus
Wikinews  --  Free content news source
Wikibooks  --  Free textbooks and manuals
Wikiquote  --  Collection of quotations
Wikisource  --  Free source documents
Wikiversity  --  Free learning tools
Wikispecies  --  Directory of species
Commons  --  Shared media repository

以下转载自 http://www.wikimedia.org/

Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.

Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.

Welcome to Wikimedia.

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.
