scala - trait

In this post, we will closely examine one of hte most important part of Scala and its trait system... In the post below, we are going to examine the following of the trait system.

  1. trait example
  2. trait vs rich interfaces
  3. trait in an example - Rectangle trait
  4. trait as stackable modification - IntQueue example
  5. trait linearization - Animal, Furry, HasLeg and FourLegged...
  6. general guidelines to use trait or not to use trait

First let 's see the example of using trait..

// scala_traits.scala 

// description: the scala trait description 

trait Philosophical { 
  def philosophize() { 
    println("I consume memory, therefore I am!")

class Frog extends Philosophical {
  override def toString = "green"

val frog = new Frog


and another example which has examples on 1. Rectangle Trait, 2. IntQueue, 3. Ordered 4. Trait as stackable modification 5. Order of linearization. 

// linearization_traits.scala

// linearization_traits.scala show how the linearization works in terms of the scala traits

// case 1 : Rectangular objects

class Point(val x : Int, val y : Int)

class Rectangle (val topLeft : Point , val bottomRight : Point) {
  def left = topLeft.x
  def right = bottomRight.x
  def top = topLeft.y
  def bottom = bottomRight.y
  def width = right - left
  def height = bottom - top

// and if you use traits

class Point(val x : Int, val y : Int)

trait Rectangular {
  def topLeft : Point
  def bottomRight : Point
  def left = topLeft.x
  def right = bottomRight.x
  def top = topLeft.y
  def bottom = bottomRight.y
  def width = right - left
  def height = bottom - top

class Rectangle(val topLeft : Point, val bottomRight : Point) extends Rectangular {

val rect = new Rectangle(new Point(1, 1), new Point(200, 200))


// trait in real use-case
// trait Ordered

class Rational(n :Int, d: Int) extends Ordered[Rational] {
  val number = n
  val denom = d
  def compare(that : Rational) = (this.number * that.denom) - (that.number * this.denom)
  override def toString : String = number.toString() + "/" + denom.toString()

val half = new Rational(1, 2)
val third = new Rational(1 ,3)

// after extending the trait, you basically get the relational operation for free.
half < third
half > third

// Trait are stackable
// the traits in scala are stackable, meaning that you can plug on Trait on top of another 
// and there is an internal mechanism inside the Scala runtime/compile to take care of 
//their relationship 

abstract class IntQueue { 
  def get() : Int
  def put(x : Int)

// let's write a implemenation class 
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class BasicIntQueue extends IntQueue {
  private val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
  def get() = buf.remove(0)
  def put(x :Int) { buf += x}

// and we want to define more behaviors (trinket) , expressed in Traits
// trait can inherits on another Trait, 
// you will see the difference when they stacked together when 'super' has  
// has different target depending on the order they are stacked

trait Doubling extends IntQueue {
  // AMAZING: you can OVERRIDE the extended trait with
  abstract override  def put(x: Int) { super.put(2 * x) }

class MyQueue extends BasicIntQueue with Doubling {}

val queue = new MyQueue 

// trait gives you easily to compose a mix-in
val queue = new BasicIntQueue with Doubling

// continue on the stackable modification 
trait Incrementing extends IntQueue { 
  abstract override def put(x  : Int)  { super.put(x + 1 )}

trait Filtering extends IntQueue { 
  abstract override def put(x : Int) { if (x > 0) super.put(x)}

val queue = new BasicIntQueue with Incrementing with Filtering

val queue = new BasicIntQueue with Filtering with Incrementing

// the order of linearization 
class Animal 
trait Furry extends Animal
trait HasLegs extends Animal
trait FourLegged extends HasLegs
trait Cat extends Animal with Furry with FourLegged

// animal's linearization is as follow: 
//   Animal -> AnyRef -> Any 
// deduction process is as follow. 
//  second to last part is the linearization of the first mixin, trait Furry 
//    Furry -> AnyRef -> Any
// and it should be preceded by the linearilization of FourLegged
//  FourLegged -> HasLeg ->  Furry -> AnyRef -> Any
// and first linearization is the class itself.
//   Cat -> FourLegged -> HasLeg ->  Furry -> AnyRef -> Any
