CFP of SEASS 2007



The First IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive Software Systems

SEASS 2007

Promoting Adaptive Capability to Software Systems

in conjunction with 31st COMPSAC, Beijing, July 24-27, 2007


IEEE COMPSAC conference proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS). All CPS Publications are captured in the online IEEE Digital Library, and professionally indexed through INSPEC and EI Index (Elsevier's Engineering Information Index).


It is widely acknowledged that the focus of software engineering research is expanding beyond the functionality of software and systems to encompass more non-functional quality based criteria, such as performance, security, reliability, predictability, and so on. These quality attributes related requirements have a significant influence on engineering software systems: software systems should be designed not only to fulfil functional requirements, but also to satisfy the non-functional requirements of quality attributes. This issue is further complicated by the demands that software systems increasingly operate in changing environments, which exacerbates the complexity of managing the quality attributes of software systems.

It is hard, if not impossible, to optimize a software system along the software development lifecycle to satisfy all goals of quality attributes. Thus, software systems and their development process require some form of adaptability so that they can adapt themselves to accommodate changes in environments, such as resource variability, shifting user priorities and system faults. The resulting adaptation capability benefits the agility of IT environments when the business goals and requirements evolve.

There is considerable intellectual overlap between software engineering research and adaptive software systems. Software engineering provides us with disciplines and tools to advance the design and implementation of next-generation adaptive software systems in a wide range of new fields; and adaptation of software systems impose new research challenges for software engineering research to explore beyond the state of art.

In this SEASS workshop, we want to bring together academic researchers and industry parishioners to explore towards three fronts:

We will consider a broad range of techniques that expand current work on component technologies and web services in support of both architectural and behavioural adaptation. Architectural adaptation is focusing on changing the structure of a software system at the architectural level, e.g. adding or removing an instance of components or services. Behavioural adaptation means changing the execution of a component or a service. A primary example of behaviour adaptation is changing the configuration of the application server, e.g. the thread pool size and cache size.
The ultimate goal of developing adaptive and flexible software systems is to support the agility in business service provisioning within and across organizations while ensuring the quality of service. It is important to understand how to capture and represent adaptability at the business level and how to translate these business adaptability into product and process adaptability.
We recognize the current strong trends towards pervasive and decentralized environments, including: peer-to-peer platforms, grid computing, sensor networks, distributed and autonomous services, and pervasive and mobile applications. These raise new challenges in terms of domain-specific adaptation approaches, e.g. adaptive and reflective approach in sensor networks.


This workshop provides a forum for the growing community of researchers and software engineers interested in adaptive software systems, including methods, techniques and tools for building adaptability along the development lifecycle. The capability of adaptation is achieved in a broad sense of analysing non functional quantitative aspects of such applications.

The topics of the workshop include:

Software architecture support for developing adaptation, including applying and enhancing existing disciplines in component-based software engineering and SOA.
Separation of concern. Methods and approaches of encapsulating adaptation from business logic implementation.
Applying emerging technologies to adaptive software systems.
Identification and analysis for adaptation goals, policy definition and enforcement from goals at business level, mapping and transformation between business goals and policies, policy driven adaptation management.
Methods and techniques for monitoring, configuring and deploying adaptive software systems
Patterns, best practices and experience report in adaptation development for domain specific systems, e.g. senor network, peer-to-peer platforms, grid environment.
Adaptive development process
Adaptive service engineering


Abstract submission February 20th, 2007
Paper submission March 15th, 2007
Notification April 5th, 2007
Camera-Ready copy and Pre-registration due
April 30th, 2007


Papers must be submitted electronically via the SEASS submission page. Please follow the instructions posted on the web site. The format of submitted papers should follow the guidelines for IEEE conference proceedings. All papers will be carefully reviewed by at least three reviewers. Papers will be accepted as full papers up to 6 pages, and posters up to 2 pages. Accepted papers (full paper and posters) will be printed as a separate volume by IEEE Computer Society Press to be made available to all conference registrants on site. All workshop papers will as well be electronically available through IEEE Xplore Digital Database.

Acceptance of a paper is on the condition that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper or poster must register as a full participant of the workshop and present the paper at the workshop. Please note that the camera-ready copy and registration are both due on April 30th, 2007


Yan Liu, Empirical Software Engineering Program, National ICT Australia, [email protected]
Liming Zhu, Empirical Software Engineering Program, National ICT Australia, [email protected]

Qing Wang,Chinese Academy of Science , [email protected]

Ian Gorton, Computational and Information Sciences, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, [email protected]

Shiping Chen, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia, [email protected]

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (confirmed, other invitations pending)

Alan Colman, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Geoff Coulson, Lancaster University, UK
Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
Celina Gibbs, University of Victoria, Canada
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Yanbo Han, Chinese Academy of Science, China
John Grundy, University of Auckland, New Zealand
John Hosking, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Carlos Juiz, University of Balearic Islands, Spain
Dean Kuo, University of Manchester, UK
Derong Shen, Northeastern University, China
Mark Staples, National ICT Australia, Australia
Vladimir Tosic, National ICT Australia, Australia
Ye Xin, Dalian University of Technology, China
Ge Yu, Northeastern University, China
Feng Yuan, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Jing Zhang, Motorola Research, USA
Jianjun Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


For general enquires of this workshop, please contact Yan Liu, [email protected] or Liming Zhu, [email protected]
