深度学习 - Deep Learning Tutorials


深度学习是机器学习的一个新领域,它的出现使机器学习朝着它的原始目标——人工智能,更近了一步。相关信息可以查看 Brief introduction to Machine Learning for AI 和 Introduction to Deep Learning algorithms.


  • The monograph or review paper Learning Deep Architectures for AI (Foundations & Trends in Machine Learning, 2009).

  • The ICML 2009 Workshop on Learning Feature Hierarchies webpage has a list of references.

  • The LISA public wiki has a reading list and a bibliography.

  • Geoff Hinton has readings from 2009’s NIPS tutorial.

本文会向你展示关于深度学习最重要的一些算法,同时告诉你如何使用 Theano 来实践这些算法。Theano是一个python库,使得实现深度学习算法更加容易,同时也提供了一些选项来让这些算法在GPU上运行。

学习这些算法,你需要对python有所了解,尤其要对numpy比较熟悉。由于算法实现是基于Theano,所以需要先通过“Theano基本指南”来学习Theano。在完成了这些之后,可以进一步阅读“Getting Started”章节,这里介绍了一些相关概念、符号和数据集,以及使用随机梯度下降来优化模型的方法,这些都会在接下来的算法中会涉及。


  1. Logistic Regression - using Theano for something simple

  2. Multilayer perceptron - introduction to layers

  3. Deep Convolutional Network - a simplified version of LeNet5


  • Auto Encoders,Denoising Autoencoders - description of autoencoders

  • Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoders - easy steps into unsupervised pre-training for deep nets

  • Restricted Boltzmann Machines - single layer generative RBM model

  • Deep Belief Networks - unsupervised generative pre-training of stacked RBMs followed by supervised fine-tuning


  • HMC Sampling - hybrid (aka Hamiltonian) Monte-Carlo sampling with scan()

如果要创建the Contractive auto-encoders, 下面是相关的代码:

  • Contractive auto-encoders code - There is some basic doc in the code.

如果要创建Recurrent neural network with word embeddings and context window,下面是教程:

  • Semantic Parsing of Speech using Recurrent Net

如果要创建LSTM network for sentiment analysis,下面是教程:

  • LSTM network

如果要创建Energy-based recurrent neural network (RNN-RBM),下面是教程:

  • Modeling and generating sequences of polyphonic music

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