// JavaScript Document //带三角bar,点击三角区域下面内容展开 //$(function(){ //$("div[tit=openorclose]").toggle(function(){ //$(this).parent().next().slideDown(500); //slideUp fadeOut //$(this).attr("class","list_title_arrow_up") //},function(){ //$(this).parent().next().slideUp(500); //slideDown fadeIn //$(this).attr("class","list_title_arrow_down") //}); //}); var ver = navigator.appVersion //浏览器版本 //带三角bar,点击整个bar区域下面内容展开 $(function () { $("div[tit=tit_bar]").toggle(function () { $(this).next().slideDown(500); //slideUp fadeOut $(this).children("div[tit=openorclose]").attr("class", "list_title_arrow_up") }, function () { $(this).next().slideUp(500); //slideDown fadeIn $(this).children("div[tit=openorclose]").attr("class", "list_title_arrow_down") }); }); $(function () { $("div[tit=left_father]").toggle(function () { $(this).next().slideDown(500); //slideUp fadeOut }, function () { $(this).next().slideUp(500); //slideDown fadeIn }); }); //login_btn 2012年4月9日新增 $(document).ready(function () { $("input.btn").fadeTo("fast", 1.0); 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} $(function () { document.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; } document.onselectstart = function () { return false; } $(window).resize(function () { $("#imgBck").width($(window).width()).height($(window).height()) }) }) //一级菜单btn图标 透明度 $(document).ready(function () { $("#focus img,#bot_meun img").fadeTo("fast", 1.0); $("#focus img,#bot_meun img:not(#bot_img)").hover(function () { $(this).fadeTo("fast", 0.5); }, function () { $(this).fadeTo("fast", 1.0); }); }); //基于全局的表单样式控制 $(function () { $(".tab_from input[type='text'],.tab_from input[type='file']").addClass("inputtext"); $(".tab_from input[type='text'],.tab_from input[type='file']").hover(function () { $(this).addClass("inputhover"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("inputhover"); }); }); //////////////////////////////////菜单按钮点击 开始//////////////////////////////// var canClick = true; $(function () { var timer; $(document).mouseup(function () { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); }) var _width = $(window).width(); //长按图标显示删除按钮,点击空白处隐藏 2012-10-15~16 by孙路 //begin var timeFlag = false; //长按标识 var mouse = { "x": 0, "y": 0 }; $("#focus img,#bot_meun img").mousedown(function (e) { timeFlag = true; mouse = { "x": e.pageX, "y": e.pageY }; timer = setTimeout((function () { if (timeFlag && $(".tempLi").length == 0) { $(".icon_box").prepend("<img class='del' src='icon/icon_icodel.png' style='position:absolute;z-index:1;margin-left:85px;' />") canClick = false; $(".del").click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); $(this).parents(".icon_box").remove(); }) $(document).delegate("html", "click", function (e) { e = e || window.event; // 事件 var obj = e.target || e.srcElement; try { if (obj.tagName != "IMG" || $(obj).attr("id") == "imgBck") { $(".del").remove(); canClick = true; } } catch (e) { } }); } }), 1000) }) .mousemove(function (e) {//移动10px就不触发 if ((e.pageX > mouse.x + 10 || e.pageX < mouse.x - 10) || (e.pageY > mouse.y + 10 || e.pageY < mouse.y - 10)) timeFlag = false; }) .mouseup(function () { timeFlag = false; }); //end //层级菜单(目前只支持三层) 开始 2013-01-17 by 孙路 $("#focus > ul > li > div > ul > div > div > img").click(function () { if (canClick) { var $this = $(this) if ($("#mid_menu2_box_" + $this.attr("id")).length == 0 && icon[$this.attr("id")] != null) { var next = []; 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