dovecot sieve 遇上转发的邮件自动回复无效的解决

现象: 当邮件是经过转发收到的则sieve的vacation自动回复功能失效,比如在mark@d1.com上做了转发,凡是发往这个地址的邮件都转发到mark@domain.tld上。


dovecot lda日志:

lda(mark@domain.tld): Info: sieve: msgid=<>: discarding vacation response for message implicitly delivered to <mark@domain.tld>



This situation occurs when the message's To,CC,etc. headers do not contain the recipient address (from the envelope). This can be caused by a mailing list (to which it must not respond), but also by some translation in your mail setup. The former case is intended behavior, the latter is problematic. If your final recipient address does not match what is in the message's headers due to some translation step in the mail setup (e.g. aliasing), you have a problem.



The automatic replies aren't sent if any of the following is true:

Auto-Submitted: header exists with any value except "no"
Precedence: header exists with value "junk", "bulk" or "list"
The envelope sender
begins with "MAILER-DAEMON" (case-insensitive)
begins with "LISTSERV" (case-insensitive)
begins with "majordomo" (case-insensitive)
begins with "owner-" (case-sensitive)
contains the string "-request" anywhere within it (case-sensitive)
The envelope sender and envelope recipient are the same
The envelope recipient is not found in the message To:, Cc: or Bcc: fields.


根据上面链接中信息以及参考 man 8 pipe ,修改 postfix的master.cf配置如下:


flags=DRhuXO user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f ${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop} -m ${extension} -a ${original_recipient}

给dovecot LDA传递 -a参数变量,问题解决。



