try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle
try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import pprint data = [{'a' : 'A', 'b' : 2, 'c' : 3.0}] print 'DATA:' pprint.pprint(data) data_string = pickle.dumps(data) print 'PICKLE: %r' % data_string默认情况下,pickle只包含ASCII字符。解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py DATA: [{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}] PICKLE: "(lp1\n(dp2\nS'a'\nS'A'\nsS'c'\nF3\nsS'b'\nI2\nsa."数据串行化后,可以写到一个文件,套接字或者管道等等。之后可以读取这个文件,将数据解除pickle,用同样的值构造一个新的对象:
try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import pprint data1 = [{'a' : 'A', 'b' : 2, 'c' : 3.0}] print 'BEFORE:' pprint.pprint(data1) data_string = pickle.dumps(data1) print 'PICKLE: %r' % data_string data2 = pickle.loads(data_string) print 'AFTER:' pprint.pprint(data2) print 'SAME?:', (data1 is data2) print 'EQUAL?:', (data1 == data2)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py BEFORE: [{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}] PICKLE: "(lp1\n(dp2\nS'a'\nS'A'\nsS'c'\nF3\nsS'b'\nI2\nsa." AFTER: [{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}] SAME?: False EQUAL?: True新构造的对象等于原来的对象,但并不是同一个对象。
try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import pprint from StringIO import StringIO class SimpleObject(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.name_backwards = name[::-1] return data = [] data.append(SimpleObject('pickle')) data.append(SimpleObject('cPickle')) data.append(SimpleObject('last')) #Simulate a file with StringIO out_s = StringIO() #Write to the stream for o in data: print 'WRITING: %s (%s)' % (o.name, o.name_backwards) pickle.dump(o, out_s) out_s.flush() #Set up a read-able stream in_s = StringIO(out_s.getvalue()) #Read the data while True: try: o = pickle.load(in_s) except EOFError: break else: print 'READ :%s (%s)' % (o.name, o.name_backwards)这个例子使用了两个StringIO缓冲区来模拟流。第一个缓冲区接收pickle的对象,将其值传入到第二个缓冲区,load()将读取这个缓冲区。解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py WRITING: pickle (elkcip) WRITING: cPickle (elkciPc) WRITING: last (tsal) READ :pickle (elkcip) READ :cPickle (elkciPc) READ :last (tsal)除了存储数据,pickle对于进程间通信也很方便。例如,os.fork()和os.pipe()可以用来建立工作进程,从一个管道读取作业指令,并把结果写至另一个管道。管理工作线程池以及发送作业和接收响应的核心代码可以重用,因为作业和响应对象不必基于一个特定的类。使用管道或套接字时,在转储各个对象之后不要忘记刷新输出,将数据通过连接推至另一端。
try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import sys class SimpleObject(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name l = list(name) l.reverse() self.name_backwards = ''.join(l) return if __name__ == '__main__': data = [] data.append(SimpleObject('pickle')) data.append(SimpleObject('cPickle')) data.append(SimpleObject('last')) filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename, 'wb') as out_s: for o in data: print 'WRITING: %s (%s)' % (o.name, o.name_backwards) pickle.dump(o, out_s)运行此脚本,我们将数据写入到一个文件中:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python pickle_to_file_1.py test.dat WRITING: pickle (elkcip) WRITING: cPickle (elkciPc) WRITING: last (tsal) leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ ll test.dat -rw-rw-r-- 1 leichaojian leichaojian 451 3月 9 10:06 test.dat当我们读取数据的时候,需要加载SimpleObject类的对象,否则会解析出错:
try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import pprint from StringIO import StringIO import sys from pickle_to_file_1 import SimpleObject filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename, 'rb') as in_s: while True: try: o = pickle.load(in_s) except EOFError: break else: print 'READ: %s (%s)' % (o.name, o.name_backwards)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py test.dat READ: pickle (elkcip) READ: cPickle (elkciPc) READ: last (tsal)
import pickle class Node(object): """A simple digraph""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.connections = [] def add_edge(self, node): """Create an edge between this node and the other""" self.connections.append(node) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.connections) def preorder_traversal(root, seen=None, parent=None): """Generator function to yield the edges in a graph.""" if seen is None: seen = set() yield (parent, root) if root in seen: return seen.add(root) for node in root: for parent, subnode in preorder_traversal(node, seen, root): yield (parent, subnode) def show_edges(root): for parent, child in preorder_traversal(root): if not parent: continue print '%5s -> %2s (%s)' % (parent.name, child.name, id(child)) # set up the nodes root = Node('root') a = Node('a') b = Node('b') c = Node('c') #Add edges between them root.add_edge(a) root.add_edge(b) a.add_edge(b) b.add_edge(a) b.add_edge(c) a.add_edge(a) print 'ORIGINAL GRAPH:' show_edges(root) #pickle and unpickle the graph to create #a new set of nodes dumped = pickle.dumps(root) reloaded = pickle.loads(dumped) print '\nRELOADED GRAPH:' show_edges(reloaded)重新加载的节点并不是同一个对象,不过节点之间的关系得到了维护,而且如果对象有多个引用,那么只会重新加载它的一个副本。解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py ORIGINAL GRAPH: root -> a (140676705940048) a -> b (140676705940112) b -> a (140676705940048) b -> c (140676705940176) a -> a (140676705940048) root -> b (140676705940112) RELOADED GRAPH: root -> a (140676705940304) a -> b (140676705940368) b -> a (140676705940304) b -> c (140676705940496) a -> a (140676705940304) root -> b (140676705940368)
import shelve from contextlib import closing with closing(shelve.open('test_shelf.db')) as s: s['key1'] = {'int': 10, 'float': 9.5, 'string': 'Sample data'} with closing(shelve.open('test_shelf.db')) as s: existing = s['key1'] print existing解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py {'int': 10, 'float': 9.5, 'string': 'Sample data'}
import shelve import pprint from contextlib import closing with closing(shelve.open('test_shelf.db', writeback=True)) as s: print 'Initial data:' pprint.pprint(s['key1']) s['key1']['new_value'] = 'this was not here before' print '\nModified:' pprint.pprint(s['key1']) with closing(shelve.open('test_shelf.db', writeback=True)) as s: print '\nPreserved:' pprint.pprint(s['key1'])解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Initial data: {'float': 9.5, 'int': 10, 'string': 'Sample data'} Modified: {'float': 9.5, 'int': 10, 'new_value': 'this was not here before', 'string': 'Sample data'} Preserved: {'float': 9.5, 'int': 10, 'new_value': 'this was not here before', 'string': 'Sample data'}尽管这会减少程序员犯错的机会,并且能使对象持久存储更透明,但是并非所有情况都有必要使用写回模式。打开shelf时缓存会消耗额外的内存,它关闭时会暂停将各个缓存对象写回到数据库,这会使应用的速度减慢。所有缓存的对象都要写回数据库,因为无法区分它们是否修改。如果应用读取的数据多于写的数据,写回会影响性能而且没有太大意义。
dumbdbm模块是没有其他实现可用时DBM API的一个可移植的后背实现。使用dumbdbm不要求依赖任何外部库,不过它比大多数其他实现速度都慢。
会按顺序查找以下各个模块来选择新数据库的存储格式:dbhash, gdbm, db, dumbdbm.
import anydbm db = anydbm.open('/tmp/example.db', 'n') db['key'] = 'value' db['today'] = 'Sunday' db['author'] = 'Doug' db.close()运行完以后,我们可以通过以下指令来查看数据库的类型:
>>> import whichdb >>> print whichdb.whichdb('/tmp/example.db') dbhash
import anydbm db = anydbm.open('/tmp/example.db', 'r') try: print 'keys():', db.keys() for k, v in db.iteritems(): print 'iterating:', k, v finally: db.close()解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py keys(): ['author', 'key', 'today'] iterating: author Doug iterating: key value iterating: today Sunday
import anydbm db = anydbm.open('/tmp/example.db', 'w') try: db[1] = 'one' except TypeError, err: print '%s: %s' % (err.__class__.__name__, err) finally: db.close() db = anydbm.open('/tmp/example.db', 'w') try: db['one'] = 1 except TypeError, err: print '%s: %s' % (err.__class__.__name__, err) finally: db.close()解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py TypeError: Integer keys only allowed for Recno and Queue DB's TypeError: Data values must be of type string or None.
作用: 实现一个嵌入式关系数据库,并提供SQL支持
-- Schema for to-do application examples. -- Projects are high-level activities made up of tasks create table project ( name text primary key, description text, deadline date ); create table task ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, priority integer default 1, details text, status text, deadline date, completed_on date, project text not null references project(name) );我们可以通过sqlite3.connect来创建数据库,通过executescript来执行脚本:
import os import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' schema_filename = 'todo_schema.sql' db_is_new = not os.path.exists(db_filename) with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: if db_is_new: print 'Creating schema' with open(schema_filename, 'rt') as f: schema = f.read() conn.executescript(schema) print 'Inserting initial data' conn.executescript(""" insert into project (name, description, deadline) values ('pymotw', 'Python MOdule of the Week', '2010-11-01'); insert into task (details, status, deadline, project) values ('write about select', 'done', '2010-10-03', 'pymotw'); insert into task (details, status, deadline, project) values ('write about random', 'waiting', '2010-10-03', 'pymotw'); insert into task (details, status, deadline, project) values ('write about sqlite3', 'active', '2010-10-03', 'pymotw'); """) else: print 'Database exists, assume schema does, too.'解释器运行如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Creating schema Inserting initial data leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ sqlite3 todo.db 'select * from task' 1|1|write about select|done|2010-10-03||pymotw 2|1|write about random|waiting|2010-10-03||pymotw 3|1|write about sqlite3|active|2010-10-03||pymotw
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" select id, priority, details, status, deadline from task where project='pymotw' """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): task_id, priority, details, status, deadline = row print '%2d {%d} %-20s [%-8s] (%s)' % (task_id, priority, details, status, deadline) cursor.execute(""" select name, description, deadline from project where name='pymotw' """) name, description, deadline = cursor.fetchone() print 'Project details for %s (%s) due %s' % (description, name, deadline) cursor.execute(""" select id, priority, details, status, deadline from task where project='pymotw' order by deadline """) print '\nNext 2 tasks:' for row in cursor.fetchmany(2): task_id, priority, details, status, deadline = row print '%2d {%d} %-25s [%-8s] (%s)' % (task_id, priority, details, status, deadline)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py 1 {1} write about select [done ] (2010-10-03) 2 {1} write about random [waiting ] (2010-10-03) 3 {1} write about sqlite3 [active ] (2010-10-03) Project details for Python MOdule of the Week (pymotw) due 2010-11-01 Next 2 tasks: 1 {1} write about select [done ] (2010-10-03) 2 {1} write about random [waiting ] (2010-10-03)
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""select * from task where project='pymotw'""") print 'Task table has these columns:' for colinfo in cursor.description: print colinfo
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" select id, priority, details, status, deadline from task where project='pymotw' """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row['id'], row, type(row)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py 1 (1, 1, u'write about select', u'done', u'2010-10-03') <type 'sqlite3.Row'> 2 (2, 1, u'write about random', u'waiting', u'2010-10-03') <type 'sqlite3.Row'> 3 (3, 1, u'write about sqlite3', u'active', u'2010-10-03') <type 'sqlite3.Row'>
import sqlite3 import sys db_filename = 'todo.db' project_name = sys.argv[1] with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() query = """select id, priority, details, status, deadline from task where project = ?""" cursor.execute(query, (project_name,)) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row, type(row)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py pymotw (1, 1, u'write about select', u'done', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'> (2, 1, u'write about random', u'waiting', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'> (3, 1, u'write about sqlite3', u'active', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'>
import sqlite3 import sys db_filename = 'todo.db' project_name = sys.argv[1] with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() query = """select id, priority, details, status, deadline from task where project = :project_name order by deadline, priority""" cursor.execute(query, {'project_name': project_name}) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row, type(row)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py pymotw (1, 1, u'write about select', u'done', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'> (2, 1, u'write about random', u'waiting', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'> (3, 1, u'write about sqlite3', u'active', u'2010-10-03') <type 'tuple'>
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ cat tasks.csv deadline, project, priority, details 2010-10-02,pymotw,2,"finish reviewing markup" 2010-10-03,pymotw,2,"revise chapter intros" 2010-10-03,pymotw,1,"subtitle"而示例代码如下:
import csv import sqlite3 import sys db_filename = 'todo.db' data_filename = sys.argv[1] SQL = """insert into task (details, priority, status, deadline, project) values (:details, :priority, 'active', :deadline, :project)""" with open(data_filename, 'rt') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() print csv_reader cursor.executemany(SQL, csv_reader)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py tasks.csv<csv.DictReader instance at 0x7f94525ff8c0> leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ sqlite3 'todo.db' 'select * from task' 1|1|write about select|done|2010-10-03||pymotw 2|1|write about random|waiting|2010-10-03||pymotw 3|1|write about sqlite3|active|2010-10-03||pymotw 4|2|finish reviewing markup|active|2010-10-02||pymotw 5|2|revise chapter intros|active|2010-10-03||pymotw 6|1|subtitle|active|2010-10-03||pymotw
import sqlite3 import sys db_filename = 'todo.db' sql = "select id, details, deadline from task" def show_deadline(conn): conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) row = cursor.fetchone() for col in ['id', 'details', 'deadline']: print '%-8s %-30r %s' % (col, row[col], type(row[col])) return print 'Without type detection:' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: show_deadline(conn) print 'With type detection:' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) as conn: show_deadline(conn)sqlite3为日期和时间戳提供了转换器,它使用datetime模块的date和datetime表示Python中的值:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Without type detection: id 1 <type 'int'> details u'write about select' <type 'unicode'> deadline u'2010-10-03' <type 'unicode'> With type detection: id 1 <type 'int'> details u'write about select' <type 'unicode'> deadline datetime.date(2010, 10, 3) <type 'datetime.date'>定义一个新类型需要注册两个函数。适配器取Python对象作为输入,返回一个可以存储在数据库中的字节串。转换器从数据库接收串,返回一个Python对象。要使用register_adapter()定义适配器函数,使用register_converter()定义转换器函数。
import sqlite3 try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle db_filename = 'todo.db' def adapter_func(obj): """Convert from in-memory to storage representation.""" print 'adapter_func(%s)\n' % obj return pickle.dumps(obj) def converter_func(data): """Convert from storage to in-memory representation.""" print 'converter_func(%r)\n' % data return pickle.loads(data) class MyObj(object): def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = arg def __str__(self): return 'MyObj(%r)' % self.arg # Register the functions for manipulating the type sqlite3.register_adapter(MyObj, adapter_func) sqlite3.register_converter('MyObj', converter_func) #Create some objects to save. Use a list of tuples so the sequence can be passed directly to executemany() to_save = [(MyObj('this is a value to save'),), (MyObj(42),), ] with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) as conn: # Create a table with column of type "MyObj" SQL = """create table if not exists obj ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, data MyObj )""" conn.execute(SQL) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany("insert into obj (data) values (?)", to_save) cursor.execute("select id, data from obj") for obj_id, obj in cursor.fetchall(): print 'Retrieved', obj_id, obj, type(obj) print解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py adapter_func(MyObj('this is a value to save')) adapter_func(MyObj(42)) converter_func("ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np1\n(c__main__\nMyObj\np2\nc__builtin__\nobject\np3\nNtRp4\n(dp5\nS'arg'\np6\nS'this is a value to save'\np7\nsb.") converter_func("ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np1\n(c__main__\nMyObj\np2\nc__builtin__\nobject\np3\nNtRp4\n(dp5\nS'arg'\np6\nI42\nsb.") Retrieved 1 MyObj('this is a value to save') <class '__main__.MyObj'> Retrieved 2 MyObj(42) <class '__main__.MyObj'>
可以在查询自身的select子句包含类型指示符,采用以下形式: as "name[type]"
import sqlite3 try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle db_filename = 'todo.db' def adapter_func(obj): """Convert from in-memory to storage representation.""" print 'adapter_func(%s)\n' % obj return pickle.dumps(obj) def converter_func(data): """Convert from storage to in-memory representation.""" print 'converter_func(%r)\n' % data return pickle.loads(data) class MyObj(object): def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = arg def __str__(self): return 'MyObj(%r)' % self.arg # Register the functions for manipulating the type sqlite3.register_adapter(MyObj, adapter_func) sqlite3.register_converter("MyObj", converter_func) # Create some object to save. Use a list of tuples so we can pass this sequence directly to executemany(). to_save = [(MyObj('this is a value to save'),), (MyObj(42),), ] with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) as conn: # Create a table with column of type "text" SQL = """create table if not exists obj2 ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, data text )""" conn.execute(SQL) cursor = conn.cursor() #Insert the objects into the database cursor.executemany("insert into obj2 (data) values (?)", to_save) cursor.execute('select id, data as "pickle [MyObj]" from obj2') for obj_id, obj in cursor.fetchall(): print 'Retrieved', obj_id, obj, type(obj) print这里:pickle [MyObj]指定了其类型。解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py adapter_func(MyObj('this is a value to save')) adapter_func(MyObj(42)) converter_func("ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np1\n(c__main__\nMyObj\np2\nc__builtin__\nobject\np3\nNtRp4\n(dp5\nS'arg'\np6\nS'this is a value to save'\np7\nsb.") converter_func("ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np1\n(c__main__\nMyObj\np2\nc__builtin__\nobject\np3\nNtRp4\n(dp5\nS'arg'\np6\nI42\nsb.") Retrieved 1 MyObj('this is a value to save') <class '__main__.MyObj'> Retrieved 2 MyObj(42) <class '__main__.MyObj'>
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' def show_projects(conn): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select name, description from project') for name, desc in cursor.fetchall(): print ' ', name return with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn1: print 'Before changes:' show_projects(conn1) #Insert in one cursor cursor1 = conn1.cursor() SQL = """insert into project (name, description, deadline) values ('virtualenvwrapper', 'Virtualenv Extensions', '2011-01-01')""" cursor1.execute(SQL) print '\nAfter changes in conn1:' show_projects(conn1) #Select from another connection, without committing first print '\nBefore commit:' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn2: show_projects(conn2) #Commit then select from another connection conn1.commit() print '\nAfter commit:' with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn3: show_projects(conn3)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Before changes: pymotw After changes in conn1: pymotw virtualenvwrapper Before commit: pymotw After commit: pymotw virtualenvwrapper
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' def show_projects(conn): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select name, description from project') for name, desc in cursor.fetchall(): print ' ', name return with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: print 'Before changes:' show_projects(conn) try: #Insert cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""delete from project where name='virtualenvwrapper'""") #Show the settings print '\nAfter delete:' show_projects(conn) raise RuntimeError('simulated error') except Exception, err: # Discard the change print 'ERROR:', err conn.rollback() else: # Save the changes conn.commit() #Show the results print '\nAfter rollback:' show_projects(conn)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Before changes: pymotw virtualenvwrapper After delete: pymotw ERROR: simulated error After rollback: pymotw virtualenvwrapper
import logging import sqlite3 import sys import threading import time logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s (%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s', ) db_filename = 'todo.db' isolation_level = sys.argv[1] def writer(): my_name = threading.currentThread().name with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('update task set priority = priority + 1') logging.debug('waiting to synchronize') ready.wait() #synchronize threads logging.debug('PAUSING') time.sleep(1) conn.commit() logging.debug('CHANGES COMMITTED') return def reader(): my_name = threading.currentThread().name with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() logging.debug('waiting to synchronize') ready.wait() #synchronize threads logging.debug('wait over') cursor.execute('select * from task') logging.debug('SELECT EXECUTED') results = cursor.fetchall() logging.debug('results fetched') return if __name__ == '__main__': ready = threading.Event() threads = [ threading.Thread(name='Reader 1', target = reader), threading.Thread(name='Reader 2', target = reader), threading.Thread(name='Writer 1', target = writer), threading.Thread(name='Writer 2', target = writer), ] [t.start() for t in threads] time.sleep(1) logging.debug('setting ready') ready.set() [t.join() for t in threads]这个线程使用threading模块的一个Event完成同步。writer()函数连接数据库,并完成数据库修改,不过在事件触发前并不提交。reader()函数连接数据库,然后等待查询数据库,直到出现同步事件。
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python sqlite3_isolation_levels.py DEFERRED 2015-03-10 09:17:37,043 (Reader 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:17:37,044 (Reader 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:17:37,045 (Writer 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:17:38,034 (MainThread) setting ready 2015-03-10 09:17:38,034 (Writer 2 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:17:38,035 (Reader 2 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:17:38,035 (Reader 1 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:17:38,036 (Reader 1 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:17:38,036 (Reader 2 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:17:38,037 (Reader 1 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:17:38,037 (Reader 2 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:17:39,140 (Writer 2 ) CHANGES COMMITTED 2015-03-10 09:17:39,179 (Writer 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:17:39,180 (Writer 1 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:17:40,283 (Writer 1 ) CHANGES COMMITTED
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python sqlite3_isolation_levels.py IMMEDIATE 2015-03-10 09:42:24,475 (Reader 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:42:24,476 (Reader 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:42:24,477 (Writer 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:42:25,478 (MainThread) setting ready 2015-03-10 09:42:25,479 (Writer 1 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:42:25,479 (Reader 1 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:42:25,479 (Reader 2 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:42:25,481 (Reader 2 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:42:25,481 (Reader 1 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:42:25,482 (Reader 2 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:42:25,482 (Reader 1 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:42:26,570 (Writer 1 ) CHANGES COMMITTED 2015-03-10 09:42:26,612 (Writer 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:42:26,613 (Writer 2 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:42:27,713 (Writer 2 ) CHANGES COMMITTED
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python sqlite3_isolation_levels.py EXCLUSIVE 2015-03-10 09:48:37,776 (Reader 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:48:37,777 (Reader 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:48:37,779 (Writer 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:48:38,778 (MainThread) setting ready 2015-03-10 09:48:38,779 (Reader 2 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:48:38,779 (Reader 1 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:48:38,779 (Writer 1 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:48:39,880 (Writer 1 ) CHANGES COMMITTED 2015-03-10 09:48:40,010 (Writer 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:48:40,010 (Writer 2 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:48:41,098 (Writer 2 ) CHANGES COMMITTED 2015-03-10 09:48:41,112 (Reader 1 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:48:41,112 (Reader 1 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:48:41,141 (Reader 2 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:48:41,142 (Reader 2 ) results fetched由于第一个书写器已经开始修改,所以阅读器和第二个书写器会阻塞,直到第一个书写器提交。sleep()调用在书写器线程中引入一个人为的延迟,以强调其他连接已阻塞这个事实。
import logging import sqlite3 import sys import threading import time logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s (%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s', ) db_filename = 'todo.db' isolation_level = None def writer(): my_name = threading.currentThread().name with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('update task set priority = priority + 1') logging.debug('waiting to synchronize') ready.wait() #synchronize threads logging.debug('PAUSING') time.sleep(1) logging.debug('CHANGES COMMITTED') return def reader(): my_name = threading.currentThread().name with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() logging.debug('waiting to synchronize') ready.wait() #synchronize threads logging.debug('wait over') cursor.execute('select * from task') logging.debug('SELECT EXECUTED') results = cursor.fetchall() logging.debug('results fetched') return if __name__ == '__main__': ready = threading.Event() threads = [ threading.Thread(name='Reader 1', target = reader), threading.Thread(name='Reader 2', target = reader), threading.Thread(name='Writer 1', target = writer), threading.Thread(name='Writer 2', target = writer), ] [t.start() for t in threads] time.sleep(1) logging.debug('setting ready') ready.set() [t.join() for t in threads]解释器显式如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python sqlite3_autocommit.py 2015-03-10 09:55:07,945 (Reader 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:55:07,945 (Reader 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:55:08,036 (Writer 1 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:55:08,145 (Writer 2 ) waiting to synchronize 2015-03-10 09:55:08,947 (MainThread) setting ready 2015-03-10 09:55:08,948 (Writer 2 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:55:08,948 (Writer 1 ) PAUSING 2015-03-10 09:55:08,948 (Reader 1 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:55:08,949 (Reader 2 ) wait over 2015-03-10 09:55:08,951 (Reader 1 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:55:08,951 (Reader 2 ) SELECT EXECUTED 2015-03-10 09:55:08,951 (Reader 1 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:55:08,952 (Reader 2 ) results fetched 2015-03-10 09:55:09,950 (Writer 2 ) CHANGES COMMITTED 2015-03-10 09:55:09,951 (Writer 1 ) CHANGES COMMITTED备注:对这一小节不是很理解,后期需要阅读APUE,UNP这类的书籍。
import sqlite3 schema_filename = 'todo_schema.sql' with sqlite3.connect(':memory:') as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row print 'Create schema' with open(schema_filename, 'rt') as f: schema = f.read() conn.executescript(schema) print 'Inserting initial data' SQL = """insert into project (name, description, deadline) values ('pymotw', 'Python Module of the Week', '2010-11-01')""" conn.execute(SQL) data = [ ('write about select', 'done', '2010-10-03', 'pymotw'), ('write about random', 'waiting', '2010-10-10', 'pymotw'), ('write about sqlite3', 'active', '2010-10-17', 'pymotw'), ] SQL = """insert into task (details, status, deadline, project) values (?,?,?,?)""" conn.executemany(SQL, data) print 'Dumping:' for text in conn.iterdump(): print textiterdump()也适用于保存到文件的数据库,不过对于未保存的数据库最为有用。
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python sqlite3_iterdump.py Create schema Inserting initial data Dumping: BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE project ( name text primary key, description text, deadline date ); INSERT INTO "project" VALUES('pymotw','Python Module of the Week','2010-11-01'); DELETE FROM "sqlite_sequence"; INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('task',3); CREATE TABLE task ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, priority integer default 1, details text, status text, deadline date, completed_on date, project text not null references project(name) ); INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(1,1,'write about select','done','2010-10-03',NULL,'pymotw'); INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(2,1,'write about random','waiting','2010-10-10',NULL,'pymotw'); INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(3,1,'write about sqlite3','active','2010-10-17',NULL,'pymotw'); COMMIT;
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' def encrypt(s): print 'Encrypting %r' % s return s.encode('rot-13') def decrypt(s): print 'Decrypting %r' % s return s.encode('rot-13') with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: conn.create_function('encrypt', 1, encrypt) conn.create_function('decrypt', 1, decrypt) cursor = conn.cursor() print 'Original vlaues:' query = 'select id, details from task' cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row print '\nEncrypting...' query = 'update task set details = encrypt(details)' cursor.execute(query) print '\nRaw encrypted values:' query = 'select id, details from task' cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row print '\nDecrypting in query...' query = 'select id, decrypt(details) from task' cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Original vlaues: (1, u'write about select') (2, u'write about random') (3, u'write about sqlite3') (4, u'finish reviewing markup') (5, u'revise chapter intros') (6, u'subtitle') Encrypting... Encrypting u'write about select' Encrypting u'write about random' Encrypting u'write about sqlite3' Encrypting u'finish reviewing markup' Encrypting u'revise chapter intros' Encrypting u'subtitle' Raw encrypted values: (1, u'jevgr nobhg fryrpg') (2, u'jevgr nobhg enaqbz') (3, u'jevgr nobhg fdyvgr3') (4, u'svavfu erivrjvat znexhc') (5, u'erivfr puncgre vagebf') (6, u'fhogvgyr') Decrypting in query... Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg fryrpg' Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg enaqbz' Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg fdyvgr3' Decrypting u'svavfu erivrjvat znexhc' Decrypting u'erivfr puncgre vagebf' Decrypting u'fhogvgyr' (1, u'write about select') (2, u'write about random') (3, u'write about sqlite3') (4, u'finish reviewing markup') (5, u'revise chapter intros') (6, u'subtitle')
import sqlite3 import collections db_filename = 'todo.db' class Mode(object): def __init__(self): self.counter = collections.Counter() def step(self, value): print 'step(%r)' % value self.counter[value] += 1 def finalize(self): result, count = self.counter.most_common(1)[0] print 'finalize() -> %r (%d times)' % (result, count) return result with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: conn.create_aggregate('mode', 1, Mode) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""select mode(deadline) from task where project='pymotw'""") row = cursor.fetchone() print 'mode(deadline) is:', row[0]聚集器类用Connection的create_aggregate()方法注册。参数包括函数名,step()方法所取的参数个数,以及要使用的类。
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py step(u'2010-10-03') step(u'2010-10-03') step(u'2010-10-03') step(u'2010-10-02') step(u'2010-10-03') step(u'2010-10-03') finalize() -> u'2010-10-03' (5 times) mode(deadline) is: 2010-10-03 leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ sqlite3 'todo.db' 'select * from task' 1|11|jevgr nobhg fryrpg|done|2010-10-03||pymotw 2|11|jevgr nobhg enaqbz|waiting|2010-10-03||pymotw 3|11|jevgr nobhg fdyvgr3|active|2010-10-03||pymotw 4|12|svavfu erivrjvat znexhc|active|2010-10-02||pymotw 5|12|erivfr puncgre vagebf|active|2010-10-03||pymotw 6|11|fhogvgyr|active|2010-10-03||pymotw
比对是一个比较函数,在SQL查询的order by部分使用。
import sqlite3 try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle db_filename = 'todo.db' def adapter_func(obj): return pickle.dumps(obj) def converter_func(data): return pickle.loads(data) class MyObj(object): def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = arg def __str__(self): return 'MyObj(%r)' % self.arg def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.arg, other.arg) sqlite3.register_adapter(MyObj, adapter_func) sqlite3.register_converter("MyObj", converter_func) def collation_func(a, b): a_obj = converter_func(a) b_obj = converter_func(b) print 'collation_func(%s, %s)' % (a_obj, b_obj) return cmp(a_obj, b_obj) with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, ) as conn: #Define the collation conn.create_collation('unpickle', collation_func) #clear the table and insert new values conn.execute('delete from obj') conn.executemany('insert into obj (data) values (?)', [(MyObj(x),) for x in xrange(5, 0, -1)], ) print 'Querying:' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""select id, data from obj order by data collate unpickle""") for obj_id, obj in cursor.fetchall(): print obj_id, obj解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Querying: collation_func(MyObj(2), MyObj(1)) collation_func(MyObj(4), MyObj(3)) collation_func(MyObj(3), MyObj(1)) collation_func(MyObj(3), MyObj(2)) collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(1)) collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(2)) collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(3)) collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(4)) 7 MyObj(1) 6 MyObj(2) 5 MyObj(3) 4 MyObj(4) 3 MyObj(5)
import sqlite3 import sys import threading import time db_filename = 'todo.db' isolation_level = None def reader(conn): my_name = threading.currentThread().name print 'Starting thread' try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select * from task') results = cursor.fetchall() print 'results fetched' except Exception, err: print 'ERROR:', err return if __name__ == '__main__': with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level, ) as conn: t = threading.Thread(name='Reader 1', target=reader, args=(conn,), ) t.start() t.join()如果试图在线程之间共享一个连接,这会导致一个异常:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Starting thread ERROR: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 140642553907008 and this is thread id 140642521552640
import sqlite3 db_filename = 'todo.db' def authorizer_func(action, table, column, sql_location, ignore): print '\nauthorizer_func(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % \ (action, table, column, sql_location, ignore) response = sqlite3.SOLITE_OK if action == sqlite3.SQLITE_SELECT: print 'requesting permission to run a select statement' response = sqlite3.SQLITE_OK elif action == sqlite3.SQLITE_READ: print 'requesting access to column %s.%s from %s' % \ (table, column, sql_location) if column == 'details': print 'ignoring details column' response = sqlite3.SQLITE_IGNORE elif column == 'priority': print 'preventing access to priority column' response = sqlite3.SQLITE_DENY return response with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row conn.set_authorizer(authorizer_func) print 'Using SQLITE_IGNORE to mask a column vlaue:' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" select id, details from task where project='pymotw' """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row['id'], row['details'] print '\nUsing SQLITE_DENY to deny access to a column:' cursor.execute(""" select id, priority from task where project='pymotw' """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print row['id'], row['details']但是,运行除错!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <opml version="1.0"> <head> <title>My Podcasts</title> <p>this is a paragraph 1</p> <p>this is a paragraph 2</p> </head> <body> <outline text="Fiction"> <p1>this is a outline 1</p1> </outline> <outline text="Python"> <outline text="text1" xmlUrl="http://www.google.com" /> <outline text="text2" xmlUrl="http://www.baidu.com" /> </outline> </body> </opml>要解析这个文档,需要向parse()传递一个打开的文件句柄:
from xml.etree import ElementTree with open('podcasts.opml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) print tree
from xml.etree import ElementTree import pprint with open('podcasts.opml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for node in tree.iter(): print node.tag解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py opml head title p p body outline p1 outline outline outline如果只要打印具体的属性名,可以使用attrib属性:
from xml.etree import ElementTree import pprint with open('podcasts.opml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for node in tree.iter('outline'): name = node.attrib.get('text') url = node.attrib.get('xmlUrl') if name and url: print '%s' % name print '%s' % url else: print name解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Fiction Python text1 http://www.google.com text2 http://www.baidu.com
from xml.etree import ElementTree import pprint with open('podcasts.opml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for node in tree.findall('.//outline/outline'): url = node.attrib.get('xmlUrl') print url解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py http://www.google.com http://www.baidu.com
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <top> <child>Regular text.</child> <child_with_tail>Regular text.</child_with_tail>"Tail" text. <with_attributes name="value" foo="bar" /> <entity_expansion attribute="This & That"> That & This </entity_expansion> </top>而测试代码如下:
from xml.etree import ElementTree with open('data.xml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) node = tree.find('./with_attributes') print node.tag for name, value in sorted(node.attrib.items()): print ' %-4s = "%s"' % (name, value)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py with_attributes foo = "bar" name = "value"还可以得到节点的文本内容,以及结束标记后面的tail文本。
from xml.etree import ElementTree with open('data.xml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) for path in ['./child', './child_with_tail']: node = tree.find(path) print node.tag print ' child node text:', node.text print ' and tail text:', node.tail解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py child child node text: Regular text. and tail text: child_with_tail child node text: Regular text. and tail text: "Tail" text.返回值之前,文档中嵌入的XML实体引用会转换为适当的字符。
from xml.etree import ElementTree with open('data.xml', 'rt') as f: tree = ElementTree.parse(f) node = tree.find('entity_expansion') print node.tag print ' in attribute:', node.attrib['attribute'] print ' in text:', node.text.strip()解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py entity_expansion in attribute: This & That in text: That & This
hello world i love this world and i love python too测试代码:
import csv import sys with open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: print row解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py testdata.csv ['hello world'] ['i love this world'] ['and i love python too']
import csv import sys with open(sys.argv[1], 'wt') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(('Title 1', 'Title 2', 'Title 3')) for i in range(3): writer.writerow((i + 1, chr(ord('a') + i), '08/%02d/07' % (i + 1), )) print open(sys.argv[1], 'rt').read()解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py testout.csv Title 1,Title 2,Title 3 1,a,08/01/07 2,b,08/02/07 3,c,08/03/07引号
QUOTE_NONNUMERIC: 对所有非整数或浮点数的字段加引号。
writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py testout.csv "Title 1","Title 2","Title 3" 1,"a","08/01/07" 2,"b","08/02/07" 3,"c","08/03/07"
>>> import csv >>> csv.list_dialects() ['excel-tab', 'excel']
"Title 1"|"Title 2"|"Title 3" 1|"first line\nsecond line"|08/18/07我们将注册一个新方言,将竖线("|")作为分隔符:
import csv csv.register_dialect('pipes', delimiter='/') with open('testdata.pipes', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='pipes') for row in reader: print row解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py ['Title 1|"Title 2"|"Title 3"'] ['1|"first line\\nsecond line"|08', '18', '07']
属性 |
默认值 |
含义 |
delimiter |
, |
字段分隔符(一个字符) |
doublequote |
True |
这个标志控制quotechar实例是否成对 |
escapechar |
None |
这个字符用来指示一个转义序列 |
lineterminator |
\r\n |
书写器使用这个字符串结束一行 |
quotechar |
" |
这个字符串用来包围包含特殊值的字段(一个字符) |
quoting |
控制前面介绍的引号行为 |
skipinitialspace |
False |
忽略字段定界符后面的空白符 |
import csv import sys csv.register_dialect('escaped', escapechar='\\', doublequote=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, ) csv.register_dialect('singlequote', quotechar="'", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, ) quoting_modes = dict((getattr(csv, n), n) for n in dir(csv) if n.startswith('QUOTE_')) for name in sorted(csv.list_dialects()): print 'Dialect: "%s"\n' % name dialect = csv.get_dialect(name) print 'delimiter = %-6r skipinitialspace = %r' % (dialect.delimiter, dialect.skipinitialspace) print 'doublequote = %-6r quoting = %s' % (dialect.doublequote, quoting_modes[dialect.quoting]) print 'quotechar = %-6r lineterminator = %r' % (dialect.quotechar, dialect.lineterminator) print 'escapechar = %-6r' % dialect.escapechar print writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect=dialect) writer.writerow( ('coll', 1, '10/01/2010', 'special chars: "\' %s to parse' % dialect.delimiter) ) print解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py Dialect: "escaped" delimiter = ',' skipinitialspace = 0 doublequote = 0 quoting = QUOTE_NONE quotechar = '"' lineterminator = '\r\n' escapechar = '\\' coll,1,10/01/2010,special chars: \"' \, to parse Dialect: "excel" delimiter = ',' skipinitialspace = 0 doublequote = 1 quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL quotechar = '"' lineterminator = '\r\n' escapechar = None coll,1,10/01/2010,"special chars: ""' , to parse" Dialect: "excel-tab" delimiter = '\t' skipinitialspace = 0 doublequote = 1 quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL quotechar = '"' lineterminator = '\r\n' escapechar = None coll 1 10/01/2010 "special chars: ""' to parse" Dialect: "singlequote" delimiter = ',' skipinitialspace = 0 doublequote = 1 quoting = QUOTE_ALL quotechar = "'" lineterminator = '\r\n' escapechar = None 'coll','1','10/01/2010','special chars: "'' , to parse'
import csv import sys with open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: print row解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py testdata.csv {'hello world': 'i love this world'} {'hello world': 'and i love python too'} leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ cat testdata.csv hello world i love this world and i love python too必须为DictWriter提供一个字段名列表,使它知道如何在输出中确定列的顺序:
import csv import sys with open(sys.argv[1], 'wt') as f: fieldnames = ('Title 1', 'Title 2', 'Title 3') headers = dict((n, n) for n in fieldnames) writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writerow(headers) for i in range(3): writer.writerow({'Title 1': i + 1, 'Title 2': chr(ord('a') + i), 'Title 3': '08/%02d/07' % (i + 1), }) print open(sys.argv[1], 'rt').read()解释器显示如下:
leichaojian@leichaojian-ThinkPad-T430:~$ python test.py testout.csv Title 1,Title 2,Title 3 1,a,08/01/07 2,b,08/02/07 3,c,08/03/07