
卡巴斯基正 致力于开发其服务于高度专业性任务的版主安全操作系统 。“我们正致力于开发一个安全操作系统,用以保护工业/基础设施中所使用的关键信息系统(工控系统)。互联网上已经有了不少关于该项目的传闻,因此我想也是时候揭开咱秘密项目的帘幕(哪怕只是一点点),让大家了解(一点)事情进展如何。”更多信息,请见 这里


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        Kaspersky Labs preps its own operating system
posted by Thom Holwerda         on Wed 17th Oct 2012 23:48 UTC, submitted by poundsmack
Kaspersky is working on its own secure operating system for highly specialised tasks. "We're developing a secure operating system for protecting key information systems (industrial control systems) used in industry/infrastructure. Quite a few rumors about this project have appeared already on the Internet, so I guess it's time to lift the curtain (a little) on our secretproject and let you know (a bit) about what's really going on." More here.
