[译]2013-10-25 NSObject: the Class and the Protocol

原文链接: https://mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2013-10-25-nsobject-the-class-and-the-protocol.html

Reader Tomas Bouda asks: what's the deal with the NSObject protocol? There are two NSObjects in Cocoa, a class and a protocol. Why both? What purpose do they serve? In today's article, I'll explore the answer to this question.
读者Tomas Bouda问我:“NSObject协议应该怎么理解呢?在Cocoa中有两处NSObject,一处是NSObject类,另一处是NSObject协议。为啥会有两个呢?他们到底有什么作用?”。在今天的文章里,我将会探讨这个问题。


First, let's look at  how these two entities with the same name can coexist. Classes and protocols in Objective-C inhabit entirely separate namespaces. You can have a class and a protocol, which are unrelated at the language level, with the same name. That's the case with NSObject.

If you look at the language, there are no places where you can use either a class name or a protocol name. Class names can be used as the target of message sends, in @interface declarations, and as type names. Protocols can be used in some of the same places, but always in a different way. There's no ambiguity in having one of each with the same name.
纵观Objective-C这个语言,用的不是类名,就是协议名。类名(Class names)可以用作消息发送的目标对象,用在@interface声明的时候,用作类型名称。协议(Protocols)也可以用在跟类名相同的地方,但是使用的方式跟类不一样。在语言层面,相同名字的类和协议不会造成任何歧义。

Root Classes

NSObject the class is a root class. A root class is a class at the very top of the hierarchy, meaning that it has no superclass. In Objective-C, unlike some languages like Java, there can be more than one root class.

Java has a single root class, java.lang.Object, which every other class directly or indirectly inherits from. Because of this, Java code can count on any object it encounters implementing the basic methods in java.lang.Object.

Cocoa has multiple root classes. In addition to NSObject there's also NSProxy and some other assorted root classes. This is part of the reason for the NSObject protocol. The NSObject protocol defines a set of basic methods that all root classes are expected to implement. This way, code can count on those methods being there.

The NSObject class conforms to the NSObject protocol, which means that the NSObject class implements these basic methods:

@interface NSObject <NSObject>

NSProxy also conforms to the NSObject protocol:

@interface NSProxy <NSObject>

The NSObject protocol contains methods like hash, isEqual:, description, etc. The fact that NSProxy conforms to NSObject means that you can still count on instances of NSProxy implementing these basic NSObject methods.

An Aside About Proxies

While we're at it, just why is there an NSProxy root class?

There are some cases where it's useful to have a class that doesn't implement very many methods. As the name suggests, proxy objects are a common case where this is useful. The NSObject class implements a lot of stuff beyond the NSObject protocol, such as key-value coding, that you don't necessarily want.

When building a proxy object, the goal is generally to leave most methods unimplemented so that they can be forwarded in bulk using a method like forwardInvocation:. Subclassing NSObject would pull in a lot of baggage that would interfere. NSProxy helps to avoid this by giving you a simpler superclass that doesn't have so much extra stuff in it.
一般使用代理对象都是为了保证大多数的方法不被实现,而是让像 forwardInvocation: 这样的方法去调用那些没有实现的方法。相对NSProxy对象,NSObject子类对象总是要实现一些用不到的东西,反而感觉妨碍了正常使用。NSProxy类通过提供一个简单的父类,去掉多余的部分,来防止了NSObject类的这种情况。

     1、《Objective-C编程之道 iOS设计模式解析》第22章 代理
     2、 [iOS]使用NSProxy实现代理模式
     3、 [iOS]使用NSProxy实现消息转发机制,模拟多重继承 


The fact that the NSObject protocol is useful for root classes isn't all that interesting for most Objective-C programming, since we don't use other root classes very often. However, it becomes really handy when making your own protocols. Say you have a protocol like this:

@protocol MyProtocol - (void)foo; @end

And now you have a pointer to an object that conforms to it:

id<MyProtocol> obj;

You can tell this object to foo:

[obj foo];

However, you cannot ask the object for its description:

[obj description]; // no such method in the protocol

And you can't check it for equality:

[obj isEqual: obj2]; // no such method in the protocol

In general you can't ask it to do any of the stuff that a normal object can do. Sometimes this doesn't matter, but sometimes you actually want to be able to do this stuff.
一般来说,你不能要求 obj 做平常的对象可以做的事情。有时这是无所谓的,但是有时你确实需要让 obj 做平常的对象可以做的那些事。

This is where the NSObject protocol Comes in. Protocols can inherit from other protocols. You can make MyProtocol inherit from the NSObject protocol:

@protocol MyProtocol <NSObject> - (void)foo; @end

This says that not only do objects that conform to MyProtocol respond to -foo, but they also respond to all those common messages in the NSObjectprotocol. Since every object in your app typically inherits from the NSObject class and it conforms to the NSObject protocol, this doesn't impose any additional requirements on people implementing MyProtocol, while allowing you use these common methods on instances.


The fact that there are two different NSObjects  is an odd corner of the frameworks, but it makes sense when you get down to it. An NSObject  protocol allows multiple root classes to all have the same basic methods, and also makes it easy to declare a protocol which also includes basic functionality expected of any object. The NSObject  class conforms to the NSObject  protocol, bringing everything together.
