joomla Solution for error: JTableMenu: :_getNode


Recently I upgraded my joomla 1.5 to joomla 1.6 with jupgrade.
Initially everything went very well. All contacts, articles,… were perfectly transferred. The menus were also transferred, because they were in a different order as the original, I decide to remove the existing menu and create a new one.

Now, when I tried to create a new menu item, I got the following error:
Save failed with the following error: JTableMenu: :_getNode Failed –

After a long search on internet I couldn’t find a solution. It seems that it’s a familiar problem for people that upgraded their joomla from 1.5 to 1.6.

Some people say that recreating the whole site in joomla 1.6 is the only solution. Since my site contains many articles, contacts,… , I couldn’t accept this solution. So I went looking for a better solution by myself.

After upgrading to 1.6, it’s possible to add menu items to any menu. When items are removed from the transferred menu, it’s no longer possible to add new items. So I’ll get the error as described above.

After removing a menu item, I noticed that a record has disappeard in the table ‘j16_menu’ (record with id = ‘1’). This record is essential for the functioning of the menus.

To solve this problem please enter the following two steps.
1. Add the missing record to the database
Log in to phpmyadmin and execute the following statement
INSERT INTO `DATABASE_NAME`.`j16_menu` (`id` ,`menutype` ,`title` ,`alias` ,`note` ,`path` ,`link` ,`type` ,`published` ,`parent_id` ,`level` ,`component_id` ,`ordering` ,`checked_out` ,`checked_out_time` ,`browserNav` ,`access` ,`img` ,`template_style_id` ,`params` ,`lft` ,`rgt` ,`home` ,`language` ,`client_id` ) VALUES ( '1', '', 'Menu_Item_Root', 'root', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0', '0', '', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '*', '0')

2. Rebuilding menus
Go to the administrator panel of joomla.
Menus --> MenuManager
Select all menus
Click on the button ‘Rebuild’
(By doing step two, the field ‘rgt’ in the just added record (step one) will get the appropriate value.)

I’ve tested this solution several times and each time with a perfectly functioning result.

Hopefully this will help many people. I’ve noticed that many joomla users over the whole world having this problem and still have no solution found.

Kind regards,
