AMD显卡催化剂13.3 Beta 3对Linux用户可用

仅在一周之前AMD发布了Catalyst 13.3 Beta 2驱动,而现在它成功发布Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3。

Linux下的AMD显卡催化剂13.3 Beta 3上周五发布。一个可喜的变化是,这个测试版本的更新伴随着公共变化日志。

这个Catalyst 13.3 Linux Beta更新的变化包括对《英雄萨姆 3》、《军团要塞2》等Valve引擎游戏的修复,和对其他各种各样的系统相关的bug/crash的修复。这次Linux下的AMD Catalyst的更新同时引进对Linux 3.7和Linux 3.8内核的支持。

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英文原文: AMD Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3 Available For Linux Users
It was just one week ago that AMD released the Catalyst 13.3 Beta 2 driver while now it has been succeeded by Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3. 

The AMD Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3 for Linux driver was released on Friday. For a pleasant change of events, this beta update is accompanied by a public change-log. 

Changes for this Catalyst 13.3 Linux Beta update include fixes for Valve Source Engine games like Serious Sam 3, Team Fortress 2, and other various system-related bug/crash fixes. This AMD Catalyst Linux driver update also introduces support for the Linux 3.7 and Linux 3.8 kernels.

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