
华硕公司几年前因为引入EeePC上网本而撼动了笔记本市场。随着华硕宣布从2013年开始停止生产上网本,Guardian UK的科技主编Charles Arthur宣布上网本时代已经终结。对于我们这些仍然热爱上网本的人来说真是个坏消息!Time Mag的Harry McCracken认为它们还会回来。任何花时间擦掉平板电脑触摸屏上污点的人们都可能同意这个观点。


英文原文: 'The netbook era has come to an end'
posted by the_randymon on Wed 2nd Jan 2013 22:01 UTC
Asus is the company that shook up the laptop market a couple of years ago with their introduction of the EeePC netbook. And with their announcement that they will no longer be producing netbooks in 2013, Charles Arthur over at the Guardian UK has declared that the netbook era has now come to an end. Sad news for those of us who still love our netbooks! Harry McCracken over at Time Mag thinks they'll be back. Anybody who spends time wiping the smears off their tablet's touchscreen might agree.
