
KDE Ships First 4.7 Beta
posted by Thom Holwerda on Thu 26th May 2011 21:27 UTC, submitted by poundsmack
发表于:2011年5月27日 北京时间05:27

"KDE has released a first beta of the upcoming 4.7 release of the Plasma Desktop and Netbook workspaces, the KDE Applications and the KDE Frameworks, which is planned for July 27, 2011. With API, dependency and feature freezes in place, the KDE team's focus is now on fixing bugs and further polishing new and old functionality."
“KDE发布了 即将来临的Plasma Desktop 和上网本工作空间、KDE应用程序以及KDE框架的4.7发行版首个Beta版本。它们计划是在2011年7月27日正式发布。API,依赖,以及特性都已经固定在位,KDE开发者当前的工作集中于修复漏洞和进一步优化新旧功能。”

英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/24793/KDE_Ships_First_4_7_Beta
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=61632&forum=72
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