
“ 一个服务未来的智能城市的操作系统将 进入英国伦敦市。Living Plan IT 开发出了这样一个城市操作系统,用以提供一个连结服务与市民的平台。与包括日立、菲利浦、格林威治理事会等在内的合作者一起,它将把格林威治半岛作为该操 作系统上新技术的试验台。该操作系统致力于连结水、交通、能源等关键服务。” UrbanOS在我的脑海中萦回。如果有人能大体介绍一下它是如何工作的、其关键点在哪就好了。


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London to test 'smart city' operating system
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 8th May 2012 23:42 UTC, submitted by M.Onty
" An operating system designed to power the smart cities of the future will be put through its paces in London. Living Plan IT has developed its Urban OS to provide a platform to connect services and citizens. With partners including Hitachi, Phillips and Greenwich council, it aims to use the Greenwich peninsula as a testbed for new technologies running on the system. The OS aims to connect key services such as water, transport, and energy." UrbanOS goes way over my head - it'd be great if someone could summarise how it works and what its key aspects are.   
