在Solaris 下使用Os Watcher 监控Oracle


在Solaris 下使用Os Watcher


系统环境:Solaris 10

 DB环境: Oracle 10g
[oracle@sun soft]$ls
bind-9.7.4-P1                         named.root.txt                        samba-3.4.2-sol10-sparc-local.gz
bind-9.7.4p1.tar                      openldap-2.4.24-sol10-sparc-local.gz sasl-2.1.21-sol10-sparc-local.gz
expat-2.0.1-sol10-sparc-local.gz      openssl-1.0.0d-sol10-sparc-local.gz   sun
gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.gz        oswbb                                 sun.tar
libgcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.gz     oswbb4.0.tar                          top-3.6.1.tar
libiconv-1.11.tar.gz                  raw.txt                               x86
libiconv-1.13.1-sol10-sparc-local.gz rlwrap-0.30.tar                       zlib-1.2.5-sol10-sparc-local.gz
[oracle@sun soft]$tar xvf oswbb4.0.tar
[oracle@sun oswbb]$vi OSWatcher.sh
typeset -i cpu_count=1                       //设置cpu的个数为1
[oracle@sun oswbb]$./startOSWbb.sh  
(可以在后面跟连个参数 :$1 :采样的间隔时间(s);$2:存储数据的保留时间(hour),如不指定默认的为30,48)
[oracle@sun oswbb]$
Info...You did not enter a value for snapshotInterval.
Info...Using default value = 30
Info...You did not enter a value for archiveInterval.
Info...Using default value = 48
Testing for discovery of OS Utilities...
VMSTAT found on your system.
IOSTAT found on your system.
MPSTAT found on your system.
NETSTAT found on your system.
TOP found on your system.
Maunal override of CPU COUNT in effect
Discovery completed.
Starting OSWatcher Black Box v4.0   on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 05:54:05 PM CST
With SnapshotInterval = 30
With ArchiveInterval = 48
OSWatcher Black Box - Written by Carl Davis, Center of Expertise, Oracle Corporation
For questions on install/usage please go to MOS (Note:301137.1)
If you need further assistance or have comments or enhancement
requests you can email me [email protected]
Starting Data Collection...
oswbb heartbeat:Tuesday, April 24, 2012 05:54:10 PM CST
----------测试java (一般安装oracle数据库后,会安装java环境)
[oracle@sun ~]$java -version
java version "1.6.0_21"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 17.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)
[oracle@sun ~]$
[oracle@sun oswbb]$java -jar oswbba.jar -i /export/home/oracle/soft/oswbb/archive
Starting OSW Black Box Analyzer V4.0
OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c) 2012 by Oracle Corporation
Parsing Data. Please Wait...
Parsing file sun_iostat_12.04.24.1700.dat ...
Invalid data found on line 551
Invalid data found on line 640
Invalid data found on line 707
Invalid data found on line 774
Parsing file sun_vmstat_12.04.24.1700.dat ...
Parsing file sun_top_12.04.24.1700.dat ...
Parsing Completed.
Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs
Enter 6 to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter 7 to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter 8 to Generate All Disk Gif Files
Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter T to Specify Different Time Scale
Enter D to Return to Default Time Scale
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs
Enter P to Generate A Profile
Enter A to Analyze Data
Enter Q to Quit Program
Please Select an Option:



[oracle@sun oswbb]$./stopOSWbb.sh
