jquery hover ie bug-如果次级菜单不加background的话失效

 I declare a div without content but with a defined width and height in order to show some info. I have no problems with the hover effect in mozilla or opera but in IE8, the info appears and instantly appears and disappears and there is no time to read it i also add a 
or a   but this doesn't work. It works if i apply a background to the div. Is this a bug??


--查了一个下午才找出原因,就是比如说一个一级导航菜单用ul li构造,其中li下面含有二级菜单,li用position:relative,下面的二级菜单为div包含的内容,并用position:absolutely进行定位,但是如果二级菜单的div不设定css中的background的话鼠标离开一级菜单进入二级菜单则二级菜单仍然消失,仿佛jquery的hover函数中并没有解决ie的bug,解决此问题的方法是加background:#fff;




