Google Adds App Store for Analytics

Today, Google is giving users even more tools for finding and understanding their website’s visitor stats. The company has just announced they’re opening a full [url]App Gallery[/url]( for Google Analytics.

Currently, the gallery holds 32 applications, with more on the way. Developers can submit their apps online, of course.

Apps are available in 12 categories, including business intelligence, campaign management, content, data collection, e-commerce, email marketing, mobile marketing, phone tracking, reporting tools, SEO, site auditing, and widgets and gadgets.

So far, we’ve seen a few interesting applications, such as Analytics Visualizations, which combines valuable data with easily grasped visuals, and the Analyticator for Wordpress, which integrates Google Analytics (Google Analytics) with any site built on WordPress (WordPress).

Coming soon, we’ll also see a new set of Google Analytics reports for AdWords. Here’s a video sneak peek of those features:
