提示Segmentation fault (core dumped)是咋回事呢

下面的一段程序是C PRIMER PLUS中的一段例题,在FREEBSD系统中提示Segmentation fault (core dumped),这是咋回事啊??????
      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #define ROWS 3
      3 #define COLS 4
      4 int sum2d(int rows,int cols,int ar[rows][cols]);
      5 int main (void)
      6 {
      7   int i,j;
      8   int rs=3;
      9   int cs=10;
     10   int junk[ROWS][COLS]={{2,4,6,8},{3,5,7,9},{12,10,8,6}
     12   int morejunk[ROWS-1][COLS+2]={{20,30,40,50,60,70},{5,
     14   int varr[rs][cs];
     15   for (i=0;i<rs;j++)
     16     varr[i][j]=i*j+j;
     17   printf("3*5 array\n");
     18  printf("sum of all elements=%d\n",sum2d(ROWS,COLS,junk
     19  printf ("2*6 array\n");
     20  printf ("sum of all elements=%d\n",sum2d(ROWS-1,COLS+2
     21  printf("3*10 VLA\n");
     22  printf("sum of all elements=%d\n",sum2d(rs,cs,varr));
     23 return 0;
     24 }
     26 int sum2d(int rows,int cols,int ar[rows][cols])
     27 {
     28   int r,c;
     29   int tot=0;
     30   for (r=0;r<rows;r++)
     31     for (c=0;c<cols;c++)
     32       tot+=ar[r][c];
     33  return tot;
     34 }
