
  • 原文出处:
  • 原文作者:Dustin Dobervich
  • 授权许可:创作共用协议
  • 翻译人员:StarBear
  • 校对人员:FireHare
  • 适用版本:Symfony 2
  • 文章状态:已校对

In Part I we created a fresh bleeding edge symfony2 project and briefly went over the directory structure of the project. Now we are going to configure our doctrine2 ORM database connection and create our data model. We are going to use doctrine2′s doc-block annotations to transform our plain old PHP objects into managed entities. If you are coming from a symfony1 background like me then the more you work with symfony2 and doctrine2 the more you will realize how much of the “magic” has been removed. Things don’t really “just work” anymore, at least not yet. This means that you will most likely have to write more code, but this new approach will allow you to have much more flexibility. I’m sure in the coming months, more tools will be available to bring back some of the magic, but it is best to actually understand what is happening behind the curtain.

So, lets get to some code. First we are going to configure our doctrine connection so we can connect to our database. In symfony2, there are three different formats for configuration: YAML, PHP and XML. I am going to use YAML for my configuration, routing, etc. You can use whichever one you prefer (refer to the symfony2 project page docs for details). To set the type of configuration you are using, you have to edit the AppKernel.php file in your app folder. YAML is the default format.

  1. // in AppKernel.php...  
  3. public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)  
  4. {  
  5.     // use YAML for configuration  
  6.     // comment to use another configuration format  
  7.     $loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml');  
  9.     // uncomment to use XML for configuration  
  10.     //$loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.xml');  
  12.     // uncomment to use PHP for configuration  
  13.     //$loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.php');  
  14. }  

Now that we have our configuration format setup, we need to configure our doctrine connection so that we can connect to the application’s database. In the app/config folder open up the config.yml (.php or .xml depending on your format). By default the doctrine section of the config is commented out. Lets uncomment it and add our database connection info, credentials and setup some defaults.


  1. ## Doctrine Configuration 
  2. doctrine: 
  3.     dbal: 
  4.         driver:   %database_driver% 
  5.         host:     %database_host% 
  6.         dbname:   %database_name% 
  7.         user:     %database_user% 
  8.         password: %database_password% 
  10.     orm: 
  11.         auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug% 
  12.         auto_mapping: true 

All we have done here is tell doctrine how to connect to our database using values from our parameters.ini file. We have specified that we are using mysql (obviously change this if you are using something else), that the database name is blogdb and supplied the necessary credentials to login. We have also specified the default connection and the default entity manager. We will talk about entity managers in more detail later, but basically an entity manager is what you use to persist objects to the database and retrieve them from the database. One other thing to note is the mappings setting in the orm section. Under this section we tell doctrine what bundles to look for entities in.

Now that our doctrine connection is setup, we can move on to writing our entity objects. We are going to do things the doctrine2 way and turn plain old PHP objects into entities using annotations. Basically, we will be adding annotations to doc-block comments on our object fields. If this sounds confusing to you right now, don’t worry it is very simple as you will see shortly.

It’s almost time to start writing code, but first lets discuss our database schema. Our blog application will be very simple. We will have posts, users, categories and tags. A User will create a Post. A Post will have one Category and can optionally have many Tags. The following diagrams lays out our schema.

As I mentioned before, this is a very oversimplified blog setup. Even though this is a simple schema, it will allow us to use many of the different types of annotations available in doctrine2. As you can see from the above diagram, User has a one-to-many relationship with Post, Category has a one-to-many relationship with Post and Post has a many-to-many relationship with Tag. Now its finally time to write some code. Fire up your favorite IDE and lets get going.

The first thing we need to do is to navigate to the src/Company/BlogBundle folder. Here we can already see the Controller, Resources and Tests folders have been created as well as the BlogBundle.php class file which defines our bundle. The folder names should be self-explanatory so we will skip a long explanation of them right now and come back to that later. Placing your entity classes in the Entity namespace of your bundle is the standard convention for symfony2 bundles. So lets do that now and create a new folder named Entity in this directory. Now we can create our first entity. Create a file named User.php. Here are the most interesting parts of the code for the User class:

  1. namespace Company\BlogBundle\Entity; 
  3. use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; 
  4. use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; 
  6. /**
  7.   * @ORM\Entity
  8.   * @ORM\Table(name="user")
  9.   */ 
  10. class User 
  11.     /**
  12.       * @ORM\Id
  13.       * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
  14.       * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
  15.       *
  16.       * @var integer $id
  17.       */ 
  18.     protected $id
  20.     /**
  21.       * @orm:Column(type="string", length="255", name="first_name")
  22.       *
  23.       * @var string $firstName
  24.       */ 
  25.     protected $firstName
  27.     /**
  28.       * @ORM\Column(type="string", length="255", name="last_name")
  29.       *
  30.       * @var string $lastName
  31.       */ 
  32.     protected $lastName
  34.     /**
  35.       * @ORM\Column(type="string", length="255")
  36.       *
  37.       * @var string $email
  38.       */ 
  39.     protected $email
  41.     /**
  42.       * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", name="created_at")
  43.       *
  44.       * @var DateTime $createdAt
  45.       */ 
  46.     protected $createdAt
  48.     /**
  49.       * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Post", mappedBy="user")
  50.       * @ORM\OrderBy({"createdAt" = "DESC"})
  51.       *
  52.       * @var ArrayCollection $posts
  53.       */ 
  54.     protected $posts
  56.     //... 
  58.     /**
  59.       * Constructs a new instance of User
  60.       */ 
  61.     public function __construct() 
  62.     { 
  63.         $this->posts = new ArrayCollection(); 
  64.         $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); 
  65.     } 
  67.     //... 

Lets go over this class slowly and cover all of the annotations used. First thing we do is declare the namespace of our entity. Next we are going to declare to the parser that we are using the ArrayCollection class provided by doctrine. You will see why we are using this class in just a bit. Now we can declare our class, all of its fields and annotate them. First look at the annotation on the User class declaration. Here we have two annotations; Entity and Table. The Entity annotation tells doctrine that this is an entity class. The Table annotation lets us set options for the table that doctrine will create for the entity. Easy so far right? Lets move on to the id member variable. Here we see three new annotations; Id, Column and GeneratedValue. The Id annotation tells doctrine that this field will be a identifier/primary key for the table representing the entity. The Column annotation is much like the Table annotation except it allows us to set options on the column instead of the table. For the id field we have set the type of the column to integer. You can view all of the different types here. The GeneratedValue annotation tells doctrine to automatically generate the value for this identifier. The strategy parameter of this annotation tells doctrine how to generate the value. You can read the doctrine documentation for more information on that. The annotations for the other fields should be easy to understand now except for the posts field, which details an association annotation.
让我们慢慢过一遍这个类,然后看一下所用到的注释(annotations)。首先是声明我们实体的命名空间。然后声明我们将Dctrine提供的ArrayCollection类作解析器。稍后您将会明白我们为什么使用这个类。现在我们声明了我们的类,所有的字段和注释。首先我们关注一下User类声明中的注释(annotation)。这里有两个注释(annotations):Entity和Table。Entity注释告诉Doctrine这是一个实体类。Table 注释让我们为Doctrine将要创建的表设置选项。到目前为止,容易吗?让我们看看id成员变量。这儿,我们看到三个新的注释(annotation):Id、Column和GeneratedValue。Id注释(annotation)告诉Doctrine,该字段是实体表中的一个标标识/主健。Column注释(annotation)与Table注释(annotation)类似,只是它允许我们为字段而非表设置选项。Id字段里我们设置字段类型为整型。您可以在这里查到所有的类型。GeneratedValue注释(annotation)告诉Doctrine自动生成该字段的值。该注释的Strategy这个参数告诉Doctrine如何生成值。更多详情您可以查阅doctrine的文档。现在除了posts字段,其他字段的注释(annotations)应该容易理解,它有一个关联注释 。

To understand the annotation used on the posts field of the User class we need to take a quick look at the Post entity object code. Here is the relevant code that needs explanation from the Post class:

  1. namespace Company\BlogBundle\Entity; 
  3. use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; 
  5. /**
  6.   * @ORM\Entity
  7.   * @ORM\Table(name="post")
  8.   * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
  9.   */ 
  10. class Post 
  11.     /**
  12.       * @ORM\Id
  13.       * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
  14.       * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
  15.       *
  16.       * @var integer $id
  17.       */ 
  18.     protected $id
  20.     /**
  21.       * @ORM\Column(type="string", length="255")
  22.       *
  23.       * @var string $title
  24.       */ 
  25.     protected $title
  27.     /**
  28.       * @ORM\Column(type="string", length="255")
  29.       *
  30.       * @var string $slug
  31.       */ 
  32.     protected $slug
  34.     /**
  35.       * @ORM\Column(type="text")
  36.       *
  37.       * @var string $content
  38.       */ 
  39.     protected $content
  41.     /**
  42.       * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", name="created_at")
  43.       *
  44.       * @var DateTime $createdAt
  45.       */ 
  46.     protected $createdAt
  48.     /**
  49.       * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", name="updated_at", nullable="true")
  50.       *
  51.       * @var DateTime $updatedAt
  52.       */ 
  53.     protected $updatedAt
  55.     /**
  56.       * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category")
  57.       * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="category_id", referencedColumnName="id")
  58.       *
  59.       * @var Category $category
  60.       */ 
  61.     protected $category
  63.     /**
  64.       * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="posts")
  65.       * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")
  66.       *
  67.       * @var User $user
  68.       */ 
  69.     protected $user
  71.     /**
  72.       * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Tag")
  73.       * @ORM\JoinTable(name="post_tag",
  74.       *     joinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="post_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
  75.       *     inverseJoinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="tag_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
  76.       * )
  77.       *
  78.       * @var ArrayCollection $tags
  79.       */ 
  80.     protected $tags
  82.     //... 
  84.     /**
  85.       * Constructs a new instance of Post. 
  86.       */ 
  87.     public function __construct() 
  88.     { 
  89.         $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); 
  90.         $this->tags = new ArrayCollection(); 
  91.     } 
  93.     /**
  94.       * Invoked before the entity is updated.
  95.       *
  96.       * @ORM\PreUpdate
  97.       */ 
  98.     public function preUpdate() 
  99.     { 
  100.         $this->updatedAt = new \DateTime(); 
  101.     } 

As you can see most of the annotations for the Post class are similar to that of the User class. If you take a look at the annotations for the user field you will see that we have used a ManyToOne annotation. This tells doctrine that Posts has a many-to-one relationship with User. The targetEntity attribute points to the entity to which the association is with, in our case User. The inversedBy attribute tells doctrine that the User object has a property named posts which represents the relationship in the inverse direction. This makes the association bi-directional. If you look at the posts field annotation in the User entity class it should now make sense. It simply says that we have a one-to-many relationship with the Post entity. This is spelled out using the targetEntity and the mappedBy attributes. The mappedBy attribute simply designates the field in the entity that is the owner of the relationship. If you look at the category field of the Post entity, you will see a very similar association mapping as the user field except that it is a unidirectional mapping. As an exercise you can change it into a bidirectional mapping if you wish.
正如您所看到的,Post类中的大部分注释与User类中的相似。如果您注意到user字段的注释,您将发现我们使用了ManyToOne注释。它告诉Doctrine,Posts类与User类有着多对一的关系。targetEntity属性指出与哪个实体关联,在这里是User。inverseBy属性告诉doctrine,User对象有一个名为posts的属性,表示的是反向关系。这形成了双向关联。如果你在User实体类中看到posts字段,那么现在您将明白是什么意思了。简单来说该类与Post实体有着一对多的关系。它是由targetEntity和 mappedBy属性组成。mappedBy属性指定拥有这个关系的实体中的字段。如果你注意到Post实体中的category字段,你会发现一个与user字段中非常相似的关联映射,除了它是一个单向映射。如果您希望,您可以做将它转变为双向映射的练习。

Next, take a look at the annotations for the tags field in the Post object. These annotations define a unidirectional many-to-many relationship. This annotation is fairly straightforward. One of the cool things about doctrine2 annotations is that we don’t need to create join tables for our many-to-many relationships by hand. We can just specify them with a JoinTable annotation and doctrine will take care of the rest for us.

You may have also noticed the HasLifecycleCallbacks annotation on the Post class. Lifecycle callbacks are basically functions that will be called during the lifecycle of a managed entity object. For a full list of the callbacks see this page. In the Post class we are using the PreUpdate callback to update the updatedAt field.
也许您还注意到了Post类中的HasLifecycleCallbacks注释。生命周期回调函数是在受管实体对象生命周期中调用的基础函数。在这里可以看到所有的回调函数列表。在Post类中,我们使用PreUpdate回调函数更新updateAt 字段。

The last thing you may have noticed in these entity classes is the constructor. In the constructor of the classes we have set our createdAt date. This is because doctrine will never directly invoke the constructor of the entity. This means that it is safe to set the createdAt field there. Also in the constructor, we have set the fields which are collections to the doctrine ArrayCollection class. The type of the many-valued fields must implement the doctrine Collection interface, which ArrayCollection does. This is a doctrine requirement and you can read more about it here.
最后您也许还注意到了这些实体类的构造函数。在类的构造函数中我们设置了createAt的日期。这是因为Doctrine从不直接执行实体的构造函数。这意味着在这里设置createdAt字段是安全的。同时在构造函数里, 我们已经设置了Doctrine的ArrayCollection类集合的字段。多值类型的字段必须实现Doctrine的Collection接口,正如ArrayCollection所做的那样。这是doctrine的要求,更多详情请查阅这里。

The full entity classes can be downloaded here. After you have all of your entities set up you can launch a terminal and run the following command from your base project directory to have doctrine create your database tables based on your annotations:

  1. php app/console doctrine:schema:create 

That is it for this part. We have configured our doctrine connection, created and annotated the entity objects, and let doctrine automatically create our database tables based on those annotations. Next time we will start to work with routing, controllers and templates.
