免费OpenStack私有云-Rackspace Private Cloud(01) 简介


    Rackspace刚刚推出了免费的OpenStack私有云软件,基于Ubuntu 12.04 LTS主机操作系统和KVM管理程序,只需下载一个ISO就能安装OpenStack私有云,并且可以得到Rackspace 24x7的支持服务,但是仅限20个KVM节点,并且目前不支持OpenStack的高可用性和虚拟网络功能。
    那么我就一边下载,一边翻译一下 Rackspace 官方知识中心的文档。这应该是第一次正儿八经的翻译官方资料,这个么,,,真的不是件容易的事情。好多概念还是似懂非懂的,希望得到高人指教。

关于Rackspace 私有云软件
最后更新于 2012-08-15

什么是Rackspace 私有云软件
    Rackspace 私有云软件是一个可下载的ISO软件包,你可以用它轻松的安装OpenStack控制器和计算节点。 安装完成后,你将拥有一个具有Rackspace公司的OpenStack专家推荐配置的、可投入使用的OpenStack云。

Rackspace 私有云配备
    Rackspace 私有云软件1.0(代号Alamo) 支持OpenStack Essex发行版,包括 计算(Nova)、镜像服务(Glance)、仪表板控制台(Horizon)和身份识别(Keystone)。而对象存储(Swift)、虚拟网络服务(Quantum)在这一版本中没有提供。




  • 主机系统(Host OS ):Ubuntu 12.04
  • 虚拟机管理程序(Hypervisor): KVM
  • Nova controler和API,Glance,Horizon,Keysone,rabbitmq和MYSQL。
  • Nova-compute,nova-network和KVM。
  • Opscode Chef server 和 Rackspace OpenStack cookbooks 自动化管理、部署系统。(参考www.opscode.com)

  • 支持的OpenStack特性:
  •     Rackspace支持同其他OpenStack组件的集成,以及诸如 floating IP 地址管理,安全组,可用性区域和 python-novaclient 命令行客户端等功能,还包括下列特性:
  • 单网卡和双网卡配置
  • NFS和ISCSI存储系统作为虚拟机后端存储库
  • VNC Proxy
  • KVM虚拟机管理程序(Hypervisor)
  • 用Nova Multi Scheduler取代了Filter Scheduler
  • Keystone集中用户验证
  • Glance 集中镜像服务
  • Horizon 仪表板控制台
  • Linux和Windows虚拟机,只要能切换到KVM并且启动即可
  • 每台设备单独运行的元数据服务器
  • 通过OpenStack API管理云。


  • Nova 高可用性
  • Nova 对象存储
  • Nova卷
  • Swift对象存储
  • 为虚拟机提供基于卷的NFS和ISCSI文件存储系统
  • 集群文件系统解决方案
  • XEN及其他虚拟机管理程序
  • 集中式元数据服务器
  • 软件定义的网络系统(Quantum)
  • 已支持特性和已安装组件中未列出的其他OpenStack项目、扩展或配置。

Rackspace 私有云软件处于进化中,我们将不断的发展并增强这个产品。

Rackspace 私有云支持
    Rackspace 私有云主要作为“自己动手”的软件包来提供,是完全免费的。你可以通过此网址(https://privatecloudforums.rackspace.com)访问Rackspace 私有云支持论坛(本人的帐号:Panblack),这是一个Rackspace提供的用户论坛。该论坛对所有Rackspace 私有云用户开放,由Rackspace员工和OpenStack专家管理并维护。

    Rackspace提供24x7支持服务。如果有兴趣购买Rackspace 私有云升级支持服务,或者计划安装20个以上的节点,请电邮 [email protected]




About Rackspace Private Cloud Software
    Article ID: 1926
    Last updated on August 15, 2012
What is Rackspace Private Cloud Software?

Rackspace Private Cloud Software is a downloadable ISO package that allows you to easily install OpenStack controller and compute nodes. When the installation process is complete, you will have a working OpenStack cloud configured according to the recommendations of Rackspace OpenStack specialists.

The Rackspace Private Cloud Configuration

Rackspace Private Cloud Software v 1.0 (Alamo) supports the Essex release of OpenStack, and includes Compute (Nova), Image Service (Glance), Dashboard (Horizon), and Identity (Keystone).

Object Storage (Swift) and Virtual Network Service (Quantum) are not supported at this time.
Installed Components
The following components are installed by the Rackspace Private Cloud Software:

  •     Host OS — Ubuntu 12.04
  •     Hypervisor — KVM
  •     Nova controller components and APIs, Glance, Horizon, Keystone, rabbitmq, and MySQL.
  •     nova-compute, nova-network, and KVM.
  •     Opscode Chef server and Rackspace OpenStack cookbooks.

Supported OpenStack Features
Rackspace supports integration with the other components of OpenStack, as well as features such as floating IP address management, security groups, availability zones, and the python-novaclient command line client. The following features are also supported:

  •     Single and dual NIC configurations
  •     NFS and ISCSI file storage as backing stores for VM storage
  •     VNC Proxy
  •     KVM hypervisor
  •     Nova Multi Scheduler instead of Filter Scheduler
  •     Keystone integrated authentication
  •     Glance integrated image service
  •     Horizon dashboard
  •     Linux and Windows guests to the extent to which they accept handoff from KVM and boot
  •     Single metadata server running on each device
  •     Cloud management through OpenStack APIs

Unsupported OpenStack Features
The following features are not supported:

  •     Nova high availability
  •     Nova object store
  •     Nova volumes
  •     Swift object storage
  •     NFS and ISCSI file storage via volumes for guest VMs
  •     Clustered file system solutions
  •     xpvnc
  •     Xen and other hypervisors
  •     Centralized metadata servers
  •     Software Defined Networking (Quantum)
  •     Any other OpenStack project, extension or configuration not explicitly listed in the supported features or installed components sections

Rackspace Private Cloud Software is an evolving product and we will continue to develop and enhance it.

Rackspace Private Cloud Support
Rackspace Private Cloud is offered primarily as a "do it yourself" package, free of charge. You can also access the Rackspace Private Cloud Support Forum, a Rackspace-provided user forum, at the following URL:
The forum is open to all Rackspace Private Cloud users and is moderated and maintained by Rackspace personnel and OpenStack specialists.
Rackspace offers 24x7 support for Rackspace Private Cloud Software. If you are interested in purchasing Rackspace Private Cloud Escalation Support, or you plan to install on more than 20 nodes, please email us at [email protected].

