- public class HttpConnRunnable implements Runnable, Parcelable {
- public static final int HIGH_LEVEL = 0;
- public static final int NORMAL_LEVEL = 1;
- public static final int LOW_LEVEL = 2;
- private int mPriority = NORMAL_LEVEL;
- private String mUrl = "";
- private HttpConnListener mListener;
- public HttpConnRunnable() {
- super();
- }
- public HttpConnRunnable(int priority) {
- super();
- mPriority = priority;
- }
- @Override
- public void run() {
- Log.i(Thread.currentThread().getName(), "----Start to connect:" + mUrl + ", priority:" + mPriority + "-----");
- try {
- Thread.sleep(10000);
- mListener.onSucceed("Connected to " + mUrl + " succeed!");
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- Log.i(Thread.currentThread().getName(), "----Finish to connect:" + mUrl + ", priority:" + mPriority + "-----");
- }
- public int getPriority() {
- return mPriority;
- }
- public void setPriority(int priority) {
- mPriority = priority;
- }
- public String getURL() {
- return mUrl;
- }
- public void setURL(String url) {
- mUrl = url;
- }
- public void setHttpConnListener(HttpConnListener listener) {
- mListener = listener;
- }
- public static final Parcelable.Creator<HttpConnRunnable> CREATOR = new Creator<HttpConnRunnable>() {
- @Override
- public HttpConnRunnable createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
- HttpConnRunnable data = null;
- Bundle bundle = source.readBundle();
- if(bundle != null) {
- data = new HttpConnRunnable(bundle.getInt("PRIORITY"));
- data.mUrl = bundle.getString("URL");
- }
- return data;
- }
- @Override
- public HttpConnRunnable[] newArray(int size) {
- return new HttpConnRunnable[size];
- }
- };
- @Override
- public int describeContents() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
- Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
- bundle.putInt("PRIORITY", mPriority);
- bundle.putString("URL", mUrl);
- dest.writeBundle(bundle);
- }
- }
- public class HttpConnService extends Service implements HttpConnListener {
- public static final String HTTP_POOL_PARAM_KEYWORD = "HttpPoolParam";
- private final int HIGH_POOL_SIZE = 1;
- private final int NORMAL_POOL_SIZE = 3;
- private final int LOW_POOL_SIZE = 2;
- private ThreadPoolExecutor mHighPool;
- private ThreadPoolExecutor mNormalPool;
- private ThreadPoolExecutor mLowPool;
- @Override
- public void onCreate() {
- mHighPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(HIGH_POOL_SIZE);
- mNormalPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NORMAL_POOL_SIZE);
- mLowPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(LOW_POOL_SIZE);
- super.onCreate();
- }
- @Override
- public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
- Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
- HttpConnRunnable httpConnRunnable = bundle.getParcelable(HTTP_POOL_PARAM_KEYWORD);
- if (httpConnRunnable != null) {
- httpConnRunnable.setHttpConnListener(HttpConnService.this);
- int level = httpConnRunnable.getPriority();
- switch (level) {
- case HttpConnRunnable.HIGH_LEVEL:
- if (mHighPool.getActiveCount() == HIGH_POOL_SIZE && mLowPool.getActiveCount() < LOW_POOL_SIZE) {
- mLowPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- }
- else if (mHighPool.getActiveCount() == HIGH_POOL_SIZE && mNormalPool.getActiveCount() < NORMAL_POOL_SIZE) {
- mNormalPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- }
- else {
- mHighPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- }
- break;
- case HttpConnRunnable.NORMAL_LEVEL:
- if (mNormalPool.getActiveCount() == NORMAL_POOL_SIZE && mLowPool.getActiveCount() < LOW_POOL_SIZE) {
- mLowPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- }
- else {
- mNormalPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- }
- break;
- case HttpConnRunnable.LOW_LEVEL:
- mLowPool.execute(httpConnRunnable);
- break;
- }
- }
- return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
- }
- @Override
- public void onDestroy() {
- mHighPool.shutdownNow();
- mNormalPool.shutdownNow();
- mLowPool.shutdownNow();
- mNormalPool = null;
- mLowPool = null;
- super.onDestroy();
- }
- @Override
- public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public void onSucceed(String result) {
- Intent intent = new Intent();
- intent.setAction("com.ezstudio.connpool.HttpConnReceiver");
- intent.putExtra("RESULT", result);
- sendBroadcast(intent);
- }
- @Override
- public void onFailed() {
- }
- }
- public class HttpConnReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
- private HttpConnListener mListener;
- public void setHttpConnListener (HttpConnListener listener) {
- mListener = listener;
- }
- @Override
- public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- String action = intent.getAction();
- if (action.equals("com.ezstudio.connpool.HttpConnReceiver")) {
- String result = intent.getStringExtra("RESULT");
- mListener.onSucceed(result);
- }
- }
- }
05-03 16:42:20.225: I/HighPollingThread(2318): ----HighQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:20.225: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:20.233: I/LowPollingThread(2318): ----LowQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:20.233: I/HighPollingThread(2318): ----HighQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:20.233: I/pool-1-thread-1(2318): ----Start to connect:www.0.com, priority:0-----
05-03 16:42:22.374: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:22.374: I/pool-2-thread-1(2318): ----Start to connect:www.1.com, priority:1-----
05-03 16:42:22.780: I/LowPollingThread(2318): ----LowQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:22.780: I/pool-3-thread-1(2318): ----Start to connect:www.2.com, priority:2-----
05-03 16:42:23.428: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:23.428: I/pool-2-thread-2(2318): ----Start to connect:www.3.com, priority:1-----
05-03 16:42:23.835: I/HighPollingThread(2318): ----HighQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:23.835: I/pool-3-thread-2(2318): ----Start to connect:www.4.com, priority:0-----
05-03 16:42:24.171: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:24.171: I/pool-2-thread-3(2318): ----Start to connect:www.5.com, priority:1-----
05-03 16:42:24.507: I/LowPollingThread(2318): ----LowQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:24.764: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:25.030: I/HighPollingThread(2318): ----HighQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:25.335: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:25.647: I/LowPollingThread(2318): ----LowQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:25.936: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:26.163: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:26.389: I/NormalPollingThread(2318): ----NormalQuqeue is empty-----
05-03 16:42:26.694: I/LowPollingThread(2318): ----LowQuqeue is empty-----