DJANGO Fastcgi配置

The FastCGIExternalServer directive tells Apache how to find your FastCGI server. As the FastCGIExternalServer docs explain, you can specify either a socket or a host . Here are examples of both:


# Connect to FastCGI via a socket / named pipe.
FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -socket /home/user/mysite.sock

# Connect to FastCGI via a TCP host/port.
FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -host

 The second step is telling Apache to use FastCGI for URLs that match a certain pattern. To do this, use the mod_rewrite module and rewrite URLs to mysite.fcgi

In this example, we tell Apache to use FastCGI to handle any request that doesn't represent a file on the filesystem and doesn't start with /media/ . This is probably the most common case, if you're using Django's admin site:


  DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
  Alias /media /home/user/python/django/contrib/admin/media
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^/(media.*)$ /$1 [QSA,L,PT]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
