在VISTA中,使用RUNAS命令运行IE7时报错错误“The RUNAS command is not supported”的解决方法

XP 下,直接右键点击 IE 就可以看到 RUN AS ,但是 VISTA 的安全性确实是有所提高,呵呵,右键点击 IE, 只有 RUNAS administrator.
在命令行下使用 RUNAS IE7 会报错
在网上搜了一下,还真有 KB [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922980[/url] 说的就是这个事,官方的说法是要 Switch Users ,但是都 SWITCH USER 了,还要 RUNAS干 吗? 呵呵
后经测试,发现,只有把 RUNAS 里要用到的账户加到本地管理员组里就 OK 啦。
Error ” The RUNAS command is not supported” occurs when use the "runas" command to run Internet Explorer 7 in a different user account in Windows Vista
The official solution is [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922980[/url]
But if we add the different user account to local administrators group, we could run the command successfully.

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