CCIE 实验考试付费方法


考试CCIE 实验,如何付费?看下面的过程:

尊敬的CCIE 实验室考试考生:


因银行业务处理速度与思科公司财务部工作安排,考生的汇款约需5-10个工作日到帐,因此我们建议您提前至少100天付款以确保思科公司在您考试前90天收到您的全额考试费,您的考试不被系统自动取消。并请务必在付费后立即在开出case将付费单据复印件连同考生姓名,实验室考试日期扫描并附在case中,以担保你的考试座位预定。(自2010年7月14日开始,以前的传真号010 85155971停用,请勿传真)

(如您所注册的考试已在90天之内,您需要在成功注册考试后的5个工作日内付款,否则您的考试将被取消。因银行业务处理速度与思科公司财务部工作安排,考生的汇款约需5-10个工作日到帐,因此请务必在付费后立即在开出case将付费单据复印件连同考生姓名,实验室考试日期扫描并附在case中,以担保你的考试座位预定。)(自2010年7月14日开始,以前的传真号010 85155971停用,请勿传真)


BJ CCIE Lab Location & Payment Guide 北京CCIE 实验室考试考场地址及付款信息

考场地址:中国北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号, 北京银泰中心银泰写字楼C座7-12层, 邮政编码: 100022
Lab Location: 7-12/F Building C,Yintai Office Tower,Beijing Yintai Centre, No. 2 Jianguomenwai Ave, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China Postal Code: 100022

  • Please wire transferRMB9,576.00 (USD$1,400.00) per candidate per lab attemptto the banks with the instruction below. Each candidate/sender is responsible for ANY fees associated with the wire transfer transaction.
    (每人每次实验室考试费用为RMB9,576.00或USD$1,400.00, 请额外另付银行手续费用)

  • Please include the following notes in your payment application to ensure the payment is credit to the right candidate's name:

    Candidate’s Name, Candidate’s ID and Lab Date (考生姓名, 考生ID及实验室考试日期)

  • Full payment must be received at least 90 days prior to the lab date. Exams for which payment is not received by the due date will be automatically dropped from the schedule. (考生的考试费用应在其实验室考试前90天汇至思科公司帐户. 如思科公司未在考生实验室考试前90天收到其全额考试费用,考生的考试将被自动取消)

  • The following bank account info applies to BJ CCIE Lab ONLY, please refer to the link below for HK CCIE Lab payment instructions (以下银行帐号信息只适用于北京CCIE实验室考试付费,香港CCIE实验室付费办法请参见)
  1. For P.R.China CCIE candidates, please pay in RMB to the following account:(此项信息适用于中国大陆考生电汇, 现金及支票付款方式)

    Bank:ICBC Beijing Fu Wai Branch
    开户行地址:北京复外大街中化大厦 A2
    Address:A2 SinoChem Building, Fu Wai Street, Beijing, P.R.China
    Acct No(帐号):02000 485090 2420 5984
    Beneficiary:Cisco Systems (China) Networking Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

    Note:cash or cheque is not physically accepted by the Accounting Department of Cisco Systems.

    1. Should you wish to pay by cash(现金银行送款), please deposit it into the RMB account of Cisco Systems stated above directly. Please ask for 3-layer-payment-form over the counter. (用现金付款的考生请付款时选用三联现金付款单据.)(请注意:如果需要开出公司抬头的发票,请直接以公司名义付款或在付款备注处写明:发票抬头:XXXX公司,否则,发票抬头将以付款人姓名为准,开出后将无法更改。)
    2. For those who wish to pay by cheque(支票或信汇等票据), please remit the cheque from payer’s bank to the account of Cisco China directly.

  2. For Non-P.R.China CCIE candidates, please pay in US$:(此项信息仅适用于外籍考生电汇美元付款方式)

    Bank:JPMorgan Chase Bank Beijing Branch
    Account #:38-70-00003-7
      25/F, South Tower, Beijing Kerry Centre
      1 Guang Hua Road, Chao Yang District
      Beijing 100020, P.R.China
    Beneficiary:Cisco Systems (China) Networking Technology Co., Ltd.

  3. Payment Confirmation & Invoice(付费确认与发票索取)

    • 付费后请务必在开出case将付费单据复印件连同考生姓名,实验室考试日期扫描并附在case中,以担保你的考试座位预定。(自2010年7月14日开始,以前的传真号010 85155971停用,请勿传真)
    • 因银行业务处理速度与思科公司财务部工作安排,考生的汇款约需5-10个工作日到帐(届时考生将收到付费确认EMAIL),考生应据此安排自己的付费时间以确保思科公司在考生考试前90天收到其全额考试费用。
    • 考试费发票将于考生考试当天由考官交于考生。如考生需提前得到发票,或因故没有从考官处得到发票,请直接与思科公司北京财务部联系。



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