
* Returns a string that is formatted according to the justification type and the
 * specified width.  If the width is less than the length of the string, returns
 * a string of stars (*) whose length equals the width.
 * @param     leftRight the type of justification ('l', 'c', or 'r').
 * @param    str the string to be formatted.
 * @param    width the number of columns in which the string is placed.
 * Examples:
 * <pre>
 *   String right = Format.justify('l', "Hi", 4);
 *   String left = Format.justify('c', "Hi", 4);
 *   String center = Format.justify('r', "Hi", 4);
 *   String noChange = Format.justify('r', "Hi", 2);
 *   String tooFew = Format.justify('r', "Hi", 1);
 *   left now refers to      "Hi  "
 *   center now refers to    " Hi "
 *   right now refers to     "  Hi"
 *   noChange now refers to  "Hi"
 *   tooFew now refers to    "**"
 * </pre>
