Struts 2 Annotations 学习


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The Convention plug-in is the one which does everything in the background. The Convention plug-in does the following things.

  • By default the Convention plug-in looks for the action classes inside the following packages strut, struts2, action or actions. Here our package name is com.vaannila.action. Any package that matches these names will be considered as the root package for the Convention plug-in.
  • The action class should either implement com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action interface or the name of the action class should end with Action. Here we extend our WelcomeUser class from com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport which inturn implements com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action.
  • The Convention plug-in uses the action class name to map the action URL. Here our action class name is WelcomeUser and the URL is welcome-user. The plug-in converts the camel case class name to dashes to get the request URL.
  • Now the Convention plug-in knows which Action class to call for a particular request. The next step is to find which result to forward based on the return value of the execute method. By default the Convention plug-in will look for result pages in WEB-INF/content directory.
  • Now the Convention plug-in knows where to look for results, but it doesn't know which file to display inside the content directory. The Convention plug-in finds this with the help of the result code returned by the Action class. If "success" is returned then the Convention plug-in will look for a file name welcome-user-success.jsp or welcome-user.jsp . It need not be a jsp file it can be even a velocity or freemaker files. If the result value is "input" it will look for a file name welcome-user-input.jsp or welcome-user-input.vm or welcome-user-input.ftl.
  • For more Struts 2 annotations example refer here ( Struts 2 Annotations - Part 2 ).

You can download the Struts 2 annotation example by clicking the download link below.

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