CCNP的self study有个很好的设计,就是实验环境比较统一。
2、分布式环境。分布在两台电脑上,硬件环境为P4 3.0 HT,1GRAM。IP地址为192.168.0.201;。
4、dy实体。推荐采用0.2.8RC2,现在dynagen发布的是RC1的版本,在测试的过程中发现长期闲置环境会造成handle crash的问题,所以推荐使用最新的dy版本。目前没发现有其他问题。
autostart = False # Should all devices be automatically started? true or false,defaults to true. Can be overridden on a per device basis
debug = 0 # Debug output level. Higher numbers produce increasing levels of verbosity. 0 means none (the default). 1 is the same as the -d command line switch
#model = 7200 # Set the default router model for all routers in this lab. Current options are 2610, 2611, 2620, 2621, 2610XM, 2620XM, 2621XM, 2650XM, 2651XM, 2691, 3620, 3640, 3660, 3725, 3745, or 7200
ghostios = true # Enable or disable IOS ghosting globally for this lab. Can be overridden at the device defaults sections, or the device sections. Defaults to False.
ghostsize = 128 # Manually tweak the amount of virtual ram allocated by the ghost image(s). Use of this option should never be necessary, because the ghost size is now automatically calculated.
sparsemem = False # Enable or disable sparse memory support globally for this lab
#idlemax = 1500 # Advanced manipulation of idlepc. Applies to all devices in this network.
#idlesleep = 30 # Advanced manipulation of idlepc. Applies to all devices in this network.
#oldidle = false # Setting this to true allows you to use pre-0.2.7-RC2 idlepc values. This disables direct jumps between JIT blocks (new to 0.2.7 RC2)
port = 7200
udp = 10000
workingdir = d:\Dynagen\workingdir\
image = ../IOS/c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12.bin # Full path to 3600 IOS image file. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
ram = 128 # Amount of Virtual RAM to allocate to each router instance.
rom = 4 # Size of ROM
nvram = 128 # Size of NVRAM
disk0 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk0
disk1 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk1
#iomem = 5 # Percentage of router RAM to allocate for iomem. Only applies to 3600 class routers.
cnfg = None # Configuration file to import. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
confreg = 0x2102 # Set the configuration register
#clock = 2 # Clock divisor (should no longer be used as of dynamips 0.2.5 RC1)
mmap = True # Set to false to use real memory rather than a disk file for router vitural memory. Conserves RAM at the expense of performance. Defaults to True
idlepc = 0x60a81540 # Set the Idle PC value
exec_area = 64 # Set the exec area size
#configuration = ... # Base 64 encoded IOS configuration.
[[router r1]]
model = 3745
console = 2001
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
S1/1 = r2 S1/1
F0/0 = r3 F0/0
F0/1 = NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{DBEF0266-9DEF-4087-BDF5-7333989C73AB}
[[router r2]]
model = 3745
console = 2002
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
[[router r3]]
model = 3745
console = 2003
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
[[router r4]]
model = 3745
console = 2004
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
S1/0 = r3 S1/0
F0/0 = r2 F0/0
[[router r5]]
model = 3745
console = 2005
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
S1/1 = r6 S1/1
F0/0 = r7 F0/0
[[router r6]]
model = 3745
console = 2006
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
port = 7200
udp = 10000
workingdir = d:\Dynagen\workingdir\
image = ../IOS/c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-12.bin # Full path to 3600 IOS image file. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
ram = 128 # Amount of Virtual RAM to allocate to each router instance.
rom = 4 # Size of ROM
nvram = 128 # Size of NVRAM
disk0 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk0
disk1 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk1
#iomem = 5 # Percentage of router RAM to allocate for iomem. Only applies to 3600 class routers.
cnfg = None # Configuration file to import. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
confreg = 0x2102 # Set the configuration register
#clock = 2 # Clock divisor (should no longer be used as of dynamips 0.2.5 RC1)
mmap = True # Set to false to use real memory rather than a disk file for router vitural memory. Conserves RAM at the expense of performance. Defaults to True
idlepc = 0x60a81540 # Set the Idle PC value
exec_area = 64 # Set the exec area size
#configuration = ... # Base 64 encoded IOS configuration.
image = ../IOS/unzip-c3640-js-mz.124-10.bin # Full path to 3600 IOS image file. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
ram = 128 # Amount of Virtual RAM to allocate to each router instance.
rom = 4 # Size of ROM
nvram = 128 # Size of NVRAM
disk0 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk0
disk1 = 64 # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk1
iomem = 5 # Percentage of router RAM to allocate for iomem. Only applies to 3600 class routers.
cnfg = None # Configuration file to import. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
confreg = 0x2102 # Set the configuration register
clock = 2 # Clock divisor (should no longer be used as of dynamips 0.2.5 RC1)
mmap = true # Set to false to use real memory rather than a disk file for router vitural memory. Conserves RAM at the expense of performance. Defaults to True
idlepc = 0x604eafc4 # Set the Idle PC value
exec_area = 64 # Set the exec area size
#configuration = .... # Base 64 encoded IOS configuration.
[[router r7]]
model = 3745
console = 2007
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
[[router r8]]
model = 3745
console = 2008
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
S1/0 = r7 S1/0
F0/0 = r6 F0/0
[[router bbr2]]
model = 3745
console = 2009
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
[[router bbr1]]
model = 3745
console = 2010
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-1FE-TX
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
[[router fr]]
model = 3745
console = 2011
slot0 = GT96100-FE
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-4T
slot3 = NM-1FE-TX
S1/0 = r1 S1/0
S1/1 = r2 S1/0
S1/2 = r5 S1/0
S1/3 = r6 S1/0
S2/0 = bbr2 S1/0
S2/1 = bbr1 S1/0
[[router sw]]
model = 3640
console = 3001
slot0 = NM-16ESW
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F0/0 = fr F0/0
F0/1 = bbr2 F0/0
F0/2 = bbr1 F0/0
F0/3 = NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{DBEF0266-9DEF-4087-BDF5-7333989C73AB}