


SMM rootkit软件中包含键盘记录和通信软件,可以借此窃取受害者的敏感信息,该软件是由肖恩・埃伯拉顿(Shawn Embleton)开发的。埃伯拉顿经营着一家名为“Clear Hat Consulting”的公司。

预计上述概念验证软件将于今年8月在拉斯维加斯的黑帽子安全大会(Black Hat)上首次展出。rootkit是今天被广泛采用的一种恶意工具,它可以掩盖自身运行留下的踪迹,从而逃避安全软件的侦察。Rootkits从 2005年底开始大范围流行,当时索尼BMG音乐公司采用了Rootkits技术来隐藏版权保护软件,此事被揭发之后,索尼BMG公司被迫召回了数百万张 “问题”音乐光盘。

近年来,研究人员一直在寻找可在操作系统之外运行rootkits的方式,这样能够大大增加安全软件搜寻的难题。比如,两年前安全研究人员约纳・鲁克斯卡开发了一款名为“蓝色药丸”的rootkit软件,该软件采用了AMD芯片级的虚拟技术,能够将自身隐藏。鲁克斯卡本人承认,该技术最终完全可以开发出 “100%无法侦查的恶意软件”。

“Rootkits越来越向硬件深处渗透,”斯帕克斯表示,三年前他也编写了一款名为“Shadow Walker”的rootkit软件。“随着进入操作系统的深度增加,所具有的权限和影响力也越大,安全软件也越不容易发现。”

“蓝色药丸”采用的是最新的虚拟技术,该技术已被微处理器采用,而SMM rootkit采用的是一项出现时间较长、更为普及的技术。事实上SMM技术可追溯到英特尔386处理器,当时主要是被硬件厂商作为通过软件来修正产品 BUG的一种方式。该技术还被用于管理电脑的电源管理,比如适时调整为休眠状态。

安全咨询公司 NGS Software的研究主管约翰・希斯曼表示,大多情况下,运行于内存锁定区域的SMM rootkit软件较“蓝色药丸”更难于发现,“SMM rootkit拥有更多分支,可以逃避防病毒软件的搜索。”


由于与操作系统脱离,使得SMM rootkit更加隐蔽,不过这也意味着黑客必须要针对被攻击的操作系统编写明白的驱动代码。


在2008-05-12,ayaREI < [email protected]> 写道:
Hash: SHA1
arnew 写道:
| 这是原文
| =======================================================
| Security researchers have developed a new type of malicious rootkit
| software that hides itself in an obscure part of a computer's
| microprocessor, hidden from current antivirus products.
| Called a System Management Mode (SMM) rootkit, the software runs in a
| protected part of a computer's memory that can be locked and rendered
| invisible to the operating system, but which can give attackers a
| picture of what's happening in a computer's memory.
| The SMM rootkit comes with keylogging and communications software and
| could be used to steal sensitive information from a victim's computer.
| It was built by Shawn Embleton and Sherri Sparks, who run an Oviedo,
| Florida, security company called Clear Hat Consulting.
| The proof-of-concept software will be demonstrated publicly for the
| first time at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas this
| August.
| The rootkits used by cyber crooks today are sneaky programs designed
| to cover up their tracks while they run in order to avoid detection.
| Rootkits hit the mainstream in late 2005 when Sony BMG Music used
| rootkit techniques to hide its copy protection software. The music
| company was ultimately forced to recall millions of CDs amid the
| ensuing scandal.
| In recent years, however, researchers have been looking at ways to run
| rootkits outside of the operating system, where they are much harder
| to detect. For example, two years ago researcher Joanna Rutkowska
| introduced a rootkit called Blue Pill, which used AMD's chip-level
| virtualization technology to hide itself. She said the technology
| could eventually be used to create "100 percent undetectable malware."
| "Rootkits are going more and more toward the hardware," said Sparks,
| who wrote another rootkit three years ago called Shadow Walker. "The
| deeper into the system you go, the more power you have and the harder
| it is to detect you."
| Blue Pill took advantage of new virtualization technologies that are
| now being added to microprocessors, but the SMM rootkit uses a feature
| that has been around for much longer and can be found in many more
| machines. SMM dates back to Intel's 386 processors, where it was added
| as a way to help hardware vendors fix bugs in their products using
| software. The technology is also used to help manage the computer's
| power management, taking it into sleep mode, for example.
| In many ways, an SMM rootkit, running in a locked part of memory,
| would be more difficult to detect than Blue Pill, said John Heasman,
| director of research with NGS Software, a security consulting firm.
| "An SMM rootkit has major ramifications for things like [antivirus
| software products]," he said. "They will be blind to it."
| Researchers have suspected for several years that malicious software
| could be written to run in SMM. In 2006, researcher Loic Duflot
| demonstrated how SMM malware would work. "Duflot wrote a small SMM
| handler that compromised the security model of the OS," Embleton said.
| "We took the idea further by writing a more complex SMM handler that
| incorporated rootkit-like techniques."
| In addition to a debugger, Sparks and Embleton had to write driver
| code in hard-to-use assembly language to make their rootkit work.
| "Debugging it was the hardest thing," Sparks said.
| Being divorced from the operating system makes the SMM rootkit
| stealthy, but it also means that hackers have to write this driver
| code expressly for the system they are attacking.
| "I don't see it as a widespread threat, because it's very hardware-
| dependent," Sparks said. "You would see this in a targeted attack."
| But will it be 100 percent undetectable? Sparks says no. "I'm not
| saying it's undetectable, but I do think it would be difficult to
| detect." She and Embleton will talk more about detection techniques
| during their Black Hat session, she said.
| Brand new rootkits don't come along every day, Heasman said. "It will
| be one of the most interesting, if not the most interesting, at Black
| Hat this year," he said.
| |
其实文中所述的SMM rootkit只不过是BIOS rootkit的一种变形。实际操作起来感
