今天在看brophp框架的时候,顺手把mysql中的联合查询复习了一下。(以前我就会最简单的“select * from .....”),其他的与其说不屑练习倒不如说不敢用。我现在就是把以前的那些“盲点”扫除一下。
- create table bro_cats(
- id int(11) not null auto_increment,
- name varchar(128) not null default '',
- desn varchar(128) not null default '',
- primary key()
- );
- create table bro_articles(
- id int not null auto_increment,
- cid int not null,
- name varchar(128) not null,
- content test not null,
- primary key(id)
- );
- INSERT INTO bro_cats(name, desn) values(‘php’,’php demo’);
- INSERT INTO bro_cats(name, desn) values(‘jsp’,’jsp demo’);
- INSERT INTO bro_cats(name, desn) values(‘asp’,’asp demo’);
- INSERT INTO bro_articles(cid, name, content) //php 类中 cid=1
- values(1,’this article of php1’, ‘php content1’);
- INSERT INTO bro_articles(cid, name, content) //php 类中 cid=1
- values(1,’this article of php2’, ‘php content2’);
- INSERT INTO bro_articles(cid, name, content) //jsp 类中 cid=2
- values(2,’this article of jsp’, ‘jsp content’);
- INSERT INTO bro_articles(cid, name, content) //asp 类中 cid=3
- values(3,’this article of asp1’, ‘asp content1’);
- INSERT INTO bro_articles(cid, name, content) //asp 类中 cid=3
- values(3,’this article of asp2’, ‘asp content2’);
- 左联接:left join
- select bro_cats.name as catsname,bro_cats.desn as description,bro_articles.name as articlesname,bro_articles.content as articlecontent from bro_cats left join bro_articles on bro_cats.id = bro_articles.cid;
- 右联接:right join
- select bro_cats.name as catsname,bro_cats.desn as description,bro_articles.name as articlesname,bro_articles.content as articlecontent from bro_cats right join bro_articles on bro_cats.id = bro_articles.cid;
- 联接:join
- select bro_cats.name as catsname,bro_cats.desn as description,bro_articles.name as articlesname,bro_articles.content as articlecontent from bro_cats join bro_articles on bro_cats.id = bro_articles.cid;